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61 pages
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T he following description of the stratigraphy of Tell er-Rumeith is based on a variety of sources. First and foremost are the field notebooks, which were kept for all the excavated squares ( , except for the soundings along the eastern slope (NE 8-1 and NE 13-1). The stratum plans are pieced together from top plan drawings contained in the notebooks. Only the plan for Stratum VII/VIIB had been drafted in preliminary form ( ). The section drawings also are adapted from the notebooks. 1 The copious photographs taken in the field were extremely helpful in reconstructing the stratigraphy and appear throughout this chapter. Finally, published preliminary reports (esp. P. Lapp 1975 and N. Lapp 1993) were a valuable reference.
Syria, 2014
-Présentation sommaire des résultats obtenus lors des deux dernières campagnes de fouilles (2009 et 2010) de la mission canadienne sur le site de Tell 'Acharneh, dans la vallée du Ghab en Syrie. Après une succincte description stratigraphique des vestiges architecturaux mis au jour dans les différents niveaux dégagés au cours de ces deux campagnes, suit une analyse typologique de la céramique recueillie dans les niveaux des âges du Bronze et du Fer, ainsi qu'une analyse pétrographique de tessons datés de l'âge du Bronze récent. Mots-clés-Tell 'Acharneh, Vallée de l'Oronte, Âge du Bronze récent, Âge du Fer, Rapport de fouilles, études céramologiques Abstract-Presented here is a summary of the results obtained from the last two seasons of excavations in 2009 and 2010 by the Canadian mission at the site of Tell 'Acharneh in the Ghab Valley, Syria. A succinct, updated stratigraphic description is made of the architectural remains associated with the different levels excavated over the course of the two campaigns, followed by a typological discussion of the pottery collected in the Bronze and Iron Age levels and a petrographic analysis of the Late Bronze Age pottery.
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