
This experiment is conducting two tests in which are the ferromagnetic hysteresis and the magnetic induction. The ferromagnetic hysteresis will study the hysteresis loop characteristic for different iron core. While the magnetic induction test will study on the factors that affect the magnetic induction.

Key takeaways

  • This tendency to "remember their magnetic history" is called hysteresis.
  • If an alternating magnetic field is applied to the material, its magnetization will trace out a loop called a hysteresis loop.
  • Electric voltage is produced with electric field strength, magnetic flux density and area The thickness of the hysteresis loop represents the amount of energy used or loss due to reversal of the field.
  • For the long-term storage of data, it is desirable to have a material with a wide hysteresis loop, and therefore a large coercive field, as this makes it more difficult for the said material to lose its magnetisation state.
  • This experiment can be concluded as the area under the graph of hysteresis loop may indicate the characteristics of an iron core in which describes the field needed to reverse the direction of the magnetization.