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Today's many applications rely on small devices that can interact with each other through communication network. In this project we are proposing two new methods for authenticating encrypted message that are directed to assemble the requirements of mobile application. In this applications, the integrity and confidentiality of communicated messages are required. To getting benefit of that fact that the messages to be authenticated must also be encrypted, we propose provably methods for safe authentication codes that are more efficient than any message authentication code. The key idea behind the proposed techniques is to exert the security that the encryption algorithm can provide to design more efficient authentication mechanisms, as opposed to using single authentication primitives.
In frequent applications trust on the persistence of compact inventions that can interchange data and produce the communication networks. In a relevant part of such applications, the confidentiality and integrity of the exchanged messages are of particular attention. In this effort, we use two novel procedures for protecting message authentication codes and validating encrypted messages that are required to face the demands of mobile and pervasive computing. By taking the benefits of the reality that the report to be verified must also be encrypted, we use provably securing codes that will be productive than other codes. The secret intention behind our advance techniques is to make use of the security that can be issued by an encryption algorithm to plan additional protecting actions, as against to using other standalone securing primitives.
More than applications rely on the existence of small devices that can exchange information and form communication networks. In a significant portion of such applications, the confidentiality and integrity of the communicated messages are of particular interest. In this work, to propose two novel techniques for authenticating short encrypted messages that are directed to meet the requirements of mobile and pervasive applications. By taking advantage of the fact that the message to be authenticated must also be encrypted, to propose provably secure authentication codes that are more efficient than any message authentication code in the literature. The key idea behind the proposed techniques is to utilize the security that the encryption algorithm can provide to design more efficient authentication mechanisms, as opposed to using standalone authentication primitives.
The growing area of lightweight devices, such as mobile cell phones, PDA … conduct to the rapid growth of mobile networks, they are playing important role in everyone's day. Mobile Networks offer unrestricted mobility and tender important services like M-business, M-Learning, where, such services need to keep security of data as a top concern. The root cause behind the eavesdroppers in these networks is the un-authentication. Designing authentication protocol for mobile networks is a challenging task, because, mobile device's memory, processing power, bandwidths are limited and constrained. Cryptography is the important technique to identify the authenticity in mobile networks. The authentication schemes for this networks use symmetric or asymmetric mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a hybrid authentication protocol that is based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography which is, actually, the suitable technique for mobile devices because of its small key size and high security.
Telecommunication Systems, 2010
In this paper, a new Global System of Mobile Communications (GSM) authentication protocol is proposed to improve some drawbacks of the current GSM authentication protocol for roaming users including: (a) communication overhead between VLR; (b) huge bandwidth consumption between VLR and HLR; (c) storage space overhead in VLR; (d) overloaded in HLR with authentication of mobile stations; and (e) not supporting bilateral authentication. The main contribution of this paper is that it does not only improve the drawbacks listed above but also fits the needs of roaming users. In addition, the proposed protocol does not change the existing architecture of GSM, and the robustness of the proposed protocol is the same as that of the original GSM, which is based on security algorithms A3, A5, and A8.
With the increased popularity of both Internet and mobile computing, several security mechanisms, each using various cryptography functions, have been proposed to ensure that future generation Internets will guarantee both authenticity and data integrity. These functions are usually computationally intensive resulting in large communication delays and energy consumption for the power-limited mobile systems. The functions are also implemented in variety of ways with different resource demands, and may run differently depending on platform. Since communications within the next generation Internet are to be secured, it is important for a mobile system to be suited to the function that provide sufficient communication security while maintaining both power-efficiency and delay requirements. This paper benchmarks mobile systems with cryptographic functions used in message authentication. This paper also introduces a metric, namely apparent processing, that makes benchmarking meaningful for mobile systems with multiple processing cores or utilizing hardware-based cryptography. In addition, this paper discusses some of evaluated functions' computational characteristics observed through benchmarking on selected mobile computing architectures.
Now a day, many applications rely on the existence of small devices that can exchange information and form communication networks. And it is very challenging to provide security for such application. In a significant portion of such applications, the confidentiality and integrity of the communicated messages are of particular interest. In this work, we propose two novel techniques for authenticating short encrypted messages based on Advance Encryption cryptographic System that are directed to meet the requirements of mobile and pervasive applications. The encryption technique have the chance of the data misusing hence we add the password based authentication technique. By using Advance Encryption algorithm we are authenticating the message which is encrypted and we are improving the decryption speed and authentication accuracy to secure the communication the proposed message authentication technique is more efficient than the previous MAC algorithms and the aim of this proposed tech...
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2017
The Mathematical Message Authentication Code (MMAC) is a well-known method to provide integrity of message. This works aims to proof that the MMAC is more reliable than exciting/slandered algorithms. The comparison will take place based on describing the analysis result of the aspects of: fast, complexity, and security with other algorithms. These algorithms are: CMAC-AES (Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code-Advanced Encryption Standard), MAC-Triple-DES (Message Authentication Code-Triple-Data Encryption Standard) and CMAC-DES (Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code-Data Encryption Standard) MACs algorithm. While we give HMAC-SHA-128 (Secure Hash Algorithm) HMAC algorithm more comparable attention for it's important. The dataset is a text which written in English language. There are three dataset have a different size: the first one is "The Irish Penny Journal" book, while the second dataset is "Notes of hospital life" book, and third dataset is "The Life of Robert" book. The result of the comparison shows without any doubt that the MMAC algorithm is faster, more secure and less complexity.
Proceedings ITCC 2003. International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2003
Security is a major concern in mobile commerce where information is send over the air. Authentication is possibly the most important property since achieving privacy and integrity may have no sense without the guaranty of the receiver identity. Cryptographic strong authentication protocols are known but the hard problem is to protect secret information, like shared or private keys, used in these protocols. Regarding the problem of smart cards availability (devices and readers) we propose a mobile architecture using more deployed technologies like cellular phones or PDAs and wireless personal area networks (WPAN) like Bluetooth. The mobile device (cellular phones or PDAs) acts as a smart card storing private information and performing cryptographic operations while WPAN replace smart card readers. The risk of insecure wireless networks inclusion is studied and solved using suitable authentication protocols.
Explosive growth in the number of mobile communication devices necessitates the need for more secure and energy-efficient schemes. They also pose additional constraints like limited battery-life and computational power, which add new dimensions to the conventional secure communication problem. In such a scenario, the need for newer paradigms and schemes cannot be overestimated. This paper discusses one such approach, in the form of a secure & mobile-platform-conducive architecture design, which is a thoughtful application of existing algorithms like RSA and the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The core of this architecture lies in the fact that RSA public key operations are computationally much less intensive than the corresponding private key operations, while it is the other way around in ECC. Tests have been conducted to verify the claims. Results have shown that this architecture works better than the other architectures which can be employed in mobile communications.
The ABI Research believes that the number of mobile cloud computing users is expected to grow from 42.8 million (1.1% of total mobile users) in 2008 to 998 million (19% of total mobile users) in 2014. The security risks have become a hurdle in the rapid adaptability of the mobile cloud computing technology. Significant efforts have been devoted in research organizations and academia to securing the mobile cloud computing technology. In this paper we proposed a lightweight authentication protocol for mobile cloud environment. Our proposed protocol has many advantages such as: supporting user anonymity, local authentication and also resistance against related attacks such as replay attack, stolen verifier attack, modification attack, server spoofing attack and so on.
Mobile handheld device is a popular device that provides secure, private, authentic, and accurate communication and exchange of confidential information. In this paper we propose a technique to solve the authenticity problem in mobile communication. This technique is mainly based on the usage of the Fingerprint to identify both the speaker and the sender. This technique is simple, requires less calculation than other public/private key techniques, assures more authenticity than digital signature, and eliminates the need for a third party. Moreover, when applied to mobile phones, this technique resists any forge imposed by another party.
Abstrac:-This paper describes a new method for authenticating and encrypting messages. Our method employs any encryption algorithm as underlying block cipher. Proposed algorithm uses two key values, first key for the underlying encryption algorithm, and the second key for the new mode. The proven security describes the attacker inability to forge the new Encryption-Authentication algorithm, in terms of his (presumed) inability to break the underlying random S-box, the second key, and the underlying encryption function. New key that will be used with next message M is:
The ABI Research believes that the number of mobile cloud computing users is expected to grow from 42.8 million (1.1% of total mobile users) in 2008 to 998 million (19% of total mobile users) in 2014. The security risks have become a hurdle in the rapid adaptability of the mobile cloud computing technology. Significant efforts have been devoted in research organizations and academia to securing the mobile cloud computing technology. In this paper we proposed a lightweight authentication protocol for mobile cloud environment. Our proposed protocol has many advantages such as: supporting user anonymity, local authentication and also resistance against related attacks such as replay attack, stolen verifier attack, modification attack, server spoofing attack and so on.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2014
Mobility of users and information is an important feature of IT systems that must be considered during design of sensitive information protection mechanisms. This paper describes an architecture of MobInfoSec system for sharing documents with sensitive information using fine-grained access rules described by general access structures. However, the proper usage of general access structures requires trusted components and strong authentication protocols. They allow to establish secure communication channels between different system components. In the paper we propose a conference protocol based on Boyd's ideas with key transport and key establishment mechanisms. We show that the protocol achieves three goals: (a) the key and participants' mutual authentication, (b) the common secure communication channel, and (c) the personal secure communication channels between the protocol initializer and other protocol participants.
Nowadays, security of SMS is a crucial aspect because it plays an important role in value added services and mobile commerce. Asymmetric algorithm like Diffie-Hellman can be used to encrypt the SMS message in M-commerce or mobile banking system. We use authentication functions to maintain the integrity of data. Password key exchange protocol based on Diffie-Hellman algorithm generates a secret shared key which can be used in message encryption and in MAC function. MAC (message authentication code) or hash functions are used maintain the integrity of message and can be used with the encryption. These functions also act as an error detecting code or checksum. This paper discusses the comparative analysis of both the authentication functions separately for password key exchange protocol by analyzing some of the security issues. The discussion of this paper concludes that MAC functions are more secure than hash function, but having greater complexity and take more to execute. So, it's better to use hash function for maintaining the integrity of message over a network where the transmitted amount of message is very small (SMS). Here, digital signature is generated with RSA to show the functionality of MD5 and SHA1, which prevents SMS from message modification and non-repudiation attack.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005
For enhancing the efficiency and the security in anonymous channel of wireless systems, many protocols were proposed. However, most of them employed asymmetric cryptosystems to protect the identity of the mobile user. As we know, the drawbacks of asymmetric cryptosystem are complex and high computation cost. Therefore, if the wireless system is based on asymmetric cryptosystem, that is not convenience for the mobile device and infrastructure. Not only that, an important problem also exists in the previous protocols. That is when the mobile user copies his anonymous ticket and shares it with friends, the visiting network cannot discriminate the copy of the ticket. That seriously effects the right of the visiting network. In this paper, we shall propose a secure and efficient authentication protocol to withstand the above weakness without employing any asymmetric cryptosystems.
The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering
To meet the security specifications many of existing user authentication schemes require huge computational cost. This Huge computational cost is because many of the authentication methods used exponential operations. But this approach is not suitable for mobile devices. In this paper we propose a low computation cost user authentication scheme for mobile communication. Our scheme uses only one-way hash functions and smart cards and can be implemented efficiently. The proposed scheme addresses the weakness appeared in existing methods and is well suitable for mobile communications.
International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2011
In today's word the authentication is very much required for the purpose of the transfer of the information from one place to another. Now a day's the use of E-mail become very popular because of their fast and easy to use in nature. This new technology has led to the problem of Authentication of the Message. To perform this activity we use the technique called MAC (Message Authentication Code). The message authentication code is the digest that is send along with the message to authenticate the origin of the message from where it is generated. The MAC (Message Authentication Code) is generated by the process of creating the message digest and also adding the encryption to it. However this is not very secure. In this paper we will encrypt the message digest and then again use the previously available cryptographic algorithm and again encrypt the Message. We this the idea of confusion and diffusion make are message more secure.
The growth of mobile cloud computing users is rapid and now many mobile users utilize from mobile cloud computing technology. This technology makes mobile users stronger beyond the mobile computing capabilities. The security risks have become a hurdle in the rapid adaptability of the mobile cloud computing technology. Significant efforts have been devoted in research organizations and academia to securing the mobile cloud computing technology. In this paper we proposed a lightweight and efficient authentication protocol for mobile cloud environment. According to significant advantages of ECC (elliptic curve cryptosystem), it has been adopted through this paper. Our proposed protocol has many advantages such as: supporting user anonymity, identity management and also resistance against related attacks such as replay attack, stolen verifier attack, modification attack, server spoofing attack and so on.
More than applications rely on the existence of small devices that can exchange information and form communication networks. In a significant portion of such applications, the confidentiality and integrity of the communicated messages are of particular interest. In this work, to propose two novel techniques for authenticating short encrypted messages that are directed to meet the requirements of mobile and pervasive applications. By taking advantage of the fact that the message to be authenticated must also be encrypted, to propose provably secure authentication codes that are more efficient than any message authentication code in the literature. The key idea behind the proposed techniques is to utilize the security that the encryption algorithm can provide to design more efficient authentication mechanisms, as opposed to using standalone authentication primitives.
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