For the development and prosperity of any civilization, education and its related institutions are inevitable. However, what kind of education and policies are necessary for perfect civilisation is a crucial and debatable issue. In this debate Muslim scholars argue that 'ulūm Naqaliyyah and 'ulūm 'aqaliyyah and making the reason subservient to the revelation is essential for human development, while the majority opine that only reason and material based knowledge is the real one. Scholarly speaking both are (if not equally) important to quench ones spiritual as well as material thirst. It is important to note that the classification of 'ulūm since classical times was not meant for division rather to know and understand the holistic view of human existence and the things related to it. Said Nursi , the prominent Muslim saint-scholar and theologian from Turkey of the recent past engaged himself to put humanity on the right track by making necessary reforms in the educational policy. Sensing the miserable and hazardous effects of secular education that has divorced almost completely from religion, he discussed his proposed educational policies with the then ruler who was convinced by the proposal.