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For the development and prosperity of any civilization, education and its related institutions are inevitable. However, what kind of education and policies are necessary for perfect civilisation is a crucial and debatable issue. In this debate Muslim scholars argue that 'ulūm Naqaliyyah and 'ulūm 'aqaliyyah and making the reason subservient to the revelation is essential for human development, while the majority opine that only reason and material based knowledge is the real one. Scholarly speaking both are (if not equally) important to quench ones spiritual as well as material thirst. It is important to note that the classification of 'ulūm since classical times was not meant for division rather to know and understand the holistic view of human existence and the things related to it. Said Nursi , the prominent Muslim saint-scholar and theologian from Turkey of the recent past engaged himself to put humanity on the right track by making necessary reforms in the educational policy. Sensing the miserable and hazardous effects of secular education that has divorced almost completely from religion, he discussed his proposed educational policies with the then ruler who was convinced by the proposal.
This paper explores the views of Turkish scholar, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960), on the ideology of secularism and its impact on identity, ethics, and social stability. It mostly covers Nursi’s interpretation of Islam in a twentieth-century secular setting. Based on Nursi’s views, the paper suggests that, in the interests of establishing a secure and balanced world, faith commitments should be allowed to manage diversity and conflict, rather than a secular semi-agnostic approach. The paper also proposes that, to establish a healthy and virtuous society, collective and individual morality and identity should be constructed using religious values and principles. The paper discusses how Nursi advocated reconciling science and religion, establishing harmony between European civilisation and the truths of Islam. As the paper establishes, there was no enmity between any branch of science and faith for Nursi, who saw both as allies in the task of building human civilisation. But he di...
Muaddib : Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman
Recently, many people have made Western education a model for the advancement of civilization. Western curriculum education is, therefore, offered as an alternative system. In the case of Turkey, this adoption of the idea produced the gap between traditional madrasa graduates and the graduate of the secular school, which impacts the emergence of a crisis of civilization. This article tries to offer a solution to this crisis by bringing up the idea of a contemporary Turkish thinker, Said Nursi, in his concept of reformed Islamic education. This concept has three essential elements of education: spiritual, intellectual, and moral, realized by Said Nursi through Medresetuz Zahra. Nursi expresses the integration of these three aspects in his masterpiece, Resale-I Nur. This is qualitative library research using documentary techniques to collect the data. The collected data are analyzed utilizing the descriptive-analytical method.
Since a worldview is developed by a natural process from an everyday life continuity of a society (Alparsalan, 1996), the social situation of a community has a key role in molding its own worldview. Starting from a context of individual setting, the formation and development of a worldview is influenced by the social setting which is to be interpreted using different methods of understanding. The main focus of this paper would be on giving an outline of how Said Nursi contributed to a worldview-bounded education for Muslim world. While analyzing the philosophy and thought of Nursi with special reference to his writings by which the identity of an eminent intellectual figure was and is being established, the paper would be looking into the relation of his educational ideologies with the established worldview which is Islamic in nature. The notion of worldview both from secular and Islamic environment would be analyzed in order for the "worldview-bound education‟ to be clear. The understanding of Nursi's contribution is made by philosophically analyzing and interpreting four cases taken from his own writings. The observations obtained from a systematic analysis of these cases would be underpinning the fact that the educational institutions of Islamic world should give better concern on reading Said Nursi's intellectual contributions to Muslim education system.
Since a worldview is developed by a natural process from an everyday life continuity of a society (Alparsalan, 1996), the social situation of a community has a key role in molding its own worldview. Starting from a context of individual setting, the formation and development of a worldview is influenced by the social setting which is to be interpreted using different methods of understanding. The main focus of this paper would be on giving an outline of how Said Nursi contributed to a worldview-bounded education for Muslim world. While analyzing the philosophy and thought of Nursi with special reference to his writings by which the identity of an eminent intellectual figure was and is being established, the paper would be looking into the relation of his educational ideologies with the established worldview which is Islamic in nature. The notion of worldview both from secular and Islamic environment would be analyzed in order for the "worldview-bound education" to be clear. The understanding of Nursi"s contribution is made by philosophically analyzing and interpreting four cases taken from his own writings. The observations obtained from a systematic analysis of these cases would be underpinning the fact that the educational institutions of Islamic world should give better concern on reading Said Nursi"s intellectual contributions to Muslim education system.
Conciencia, 2022
The approach to Islamic education implemented by Said Nursi is still relevant to be applied in the current condition of Islamic education. This paper explores the works of Said Nursi, especially those summarized in Risalah E Nur. This research focuses on the scope of Islamic education approaches, with the main problem being how Said Nursi applies the approaches of Islamic education in educational institutions, community forums, and Risale-i Nur. This study uses qualitative data in the form of literature and verbal information. It uses analytical descriptive analysis techniques, which analyze and conclude from confirmed opinions, and content analysis, which analyzes the meaning of assumptions, ideas, or statements to gain understanding and conclusion after being identified that the approaches in the application of the educational process carried out by Said Nursi, among others: psychological approach, sociocultural approach, religious approach, historical approach, comparative approach, philosophical approach. The psychological, sociocultural, religious, historical, comparative, and philosophical approaches remain 'oriented towards 'seeking the truth' and 'appreciating differences,' not 'seeking victory' and 'hating differences and claiming the proper self. This method and approach will widen the horizons between teachers, students, teacher-students, and teacher participants in education-community; as a lively educational interaction. Education now really needs such a healthy (climate) situation.
Bediüzzaman Said Nursi desired to fit in the divine and modern knowledge with the resolution to authenticate the facts for assurance. To overcome many obstacles and continued in the teaching of Islam requires education to inspire learning approach across all societies. Development is more effective when it is combined with Character and religious education. Therefore he thrived to release the Islamic world from the dungeons of ignorance and poverty; with vision and progressive action, believed that a greater demand on learning could position a society into a very strong and higher position. He had a great inclusiveness quotient and promoted innovation to be brought into the Islamic Society, by appreciating the good elsewhere. Improved groundwork in science adequately requires extensive work so as to surge up the quality, professionalization, latent skilling and advance learning in people, so that they rise high and value effort to be considerably effective than as it was earlier. Without any Islamic connect learning is assumed to have been only invented, but of no real use.
Andragogi, 2023
Islamic education has an important role in forming individuals who are not only intellectually competent but also have good morals and a deep understanding of religion and apply it in their lives. There are several charismatic scholars who have recently gained popularity with their phenomenal thoughts on the concept of Islamic education, and one of them is Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim. This research aims to describe the concept of Islamic education from Bahauddin Nursalim's perspective and its relevance to modernization. The research method used is descriptivequalitative, with a library research type. Data was obtained through documentary techniques through online searches and using content analysis and hermeneutics. Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim emphasized the concept of Islamic education, which is appropriate to the situation of this modern era, in several of his thoughts, which were grouped into three aspects of education, namely: aqidah, worship, and morals. According to him, the modernization of Islamic religious education must have the principle of integrating the treasures of classical knowledge with the development of modern technology, the center of which is love for Allah Swt.
This work investigates the approach used by Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in the discourse on Islamic morality, and to understand his lively scriptural approach to the moral values in which it makes one's life meaningful and purposeful. This work is aimed to highlight distinctive aspects and features of his approach and methodology used in his Qur'anic exegesis, Rasail al-Nur, which relate to the moral education. It discusses the background, the reason and the purpose behind Imam Bediuzzaman's approach to the issue at hand. It is also important to note down that his writing is not the result of a merely intellectual enterprise, but also the living answers to problems he has personally experienced. The thesis follows library and textual analysis to address the main problematic. Hence, it concludes that it is necessary to situate Imam Bediuzzaman's work within the context of Tauhid (Divine Unity) framework, which constitutes the background of his entire system of thought. Indeed, Imam Bediuzzaman's approach provides a scaffold for a profound understanding and interpretation of the concept of morality and its impact on one's life and social fabric. Abstrak: Karya ini menginvestigasi pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Imam Bediuzzaman Said Nursi dalam wacana moralitas Islam, dan untuk memahami pendekatan kitab sucinya yang cemerlang terhadap nilai-nilai moral yang membuat kehidupan seseorang bermakna dan bermanfaat. Karya ini juga dimaksudkan untuk menyoroti aspek yang khas dan berbeda dari pendekatan dan metodologi yang digunakannya dalam penafsiran al-Quran, Rasā'il al-Nūr, yang dikaitkan dengan pendidikan moral. Di sini akan dibahas tentang latar belakang, alasan dan tujuan dibalik pendekatan Imam Bediuzzaman terhadap isu tersebut. Juga, penting dicatat bahwa tulisannya bukanlah hasil dari keberanian intelektual semata-mata, melainkan jiga jawaban-jawaban langsung terhadap persoalan-persoalan yang dialaminya secara pribadi. Tesis ini mengikuti analisis pustaka dan tekstual yang difokuskan pada problematika utama. Karena itu, penting utuk menempatkan karya Imam Bediuzzaman dalam konteks kerangka Tauhid, yang merupakan latar belakang dari seluruh sistem pemikirannya. Memang, pendekatan Imam Bediuzzaman menyediakan sebuah penopang untuk sebuah pemahaman dan interpretasi yang mendalam terhadap konsep moralitas dan pengaruhnya bagi kehidupan dan sistem sosial.
Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies
The focus of the article is Said Nursi’s contributions in the fields of education, religion and politics. Nursi was a Kurdish theologian, an Islamic scholar and the most popular and influential intellectual of Turkish history. His influence and popularity among people is indicative from the titles he received from the people including “Badiuz-zamaan” (Wonder of the Age) and “Ustaad” (Muallam or teacher). Besides this, Nursi was widely famous among his people for his extravagant memory: his long term memory was able to reproduce certain books even. This reflects upon his unordinary personality as he was able to recite many books from memory. An unusual narrative about him was that when he used to read a page of book, he would learn it by heart the same moment. His vast study, intelligence, powerful memory and oratory skills impressed his contemporaries to a great extent.
Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 2021
Islamic education today is experiencing a lot of shifts. Starting from the emergence of dualism in our educational system and the confusion of the purpose of Islamic Education that exists in modern educational institutions today. This is due to the confusion of the foundation of educational philosophy itself as well as the consequences of westernization and secularization carried out by western educational models that have developed in many Islamic countries. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi is a figure who strongly opposes this westernization education, he believes that education should be based on faith and tauhid, religious sciences and modern sciences should be taught side by side and not separately. This paper aims to analyze Bediuzzaman Said Nursi thought in reforming Islamic Education based on his idea of Medresetus al-Zahra in Turkey and Its relevance to the educational model in Indonesia. This study is qualitative research and kind of library research. The analysis used based on a content analysis framework. The data used are the work of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Risale-i Nur, and the data obtained from papers, journals, and writings related to the research topic. The study found that the idea of establishing Medresetus al-Zahra by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was a comprehensive model of Islamic education. This model can be a solution to the problem of the dualism of Islamic education in the world in general and in Indonesia in particular, and it is relevance to implement this model on Muadala Pesantren in Indonesia.
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International Journal of Islamic Khazanah, 2022
Journal of Islamic Studies
South Asian Journal of Religion and Philosophy (SAJRP), 3(1), 43-55., 2022
Al-Balagh Monthly , 2017
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion, 2018
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2017
Mohammed Umar , 2019
Comparative and International Education