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SPAL, 2023
The human populations that lived in the area around the Emporitan palaeoestuary during the Iron Age have his- torically been marginalized and reduced to supporting roles in history. Archaeological studies have placed too much atten- tion on their crops and methods of food surplus storage as a result of the emphasis placed on their function as providers. A number of archaeological interventions made in large areas of Muntanya Rodona, Vilanera, and Les Corts have produced new evidence that has allowed us to construct a richer and more complex picture of the dynamics that the rural landscapes in the Emporion area experienced during the first millennium BC. The data acquired indicate some first ideas that, while tentative, allow us to move beyond the too simple approach focused on the concepts of chora and territorial hierarchy that have his- torically dominated the perception of the research of these contexts. The long-term transformation processes in this region are also examined in this paper, along with the changes and continuities that impacted the occupation and exploitation tactics used by diverse human groups established in the area.
Mazière (dirs.), Les necròpolis d'incineració entre l'Ebre i el Tíber (segles IX-VI aC): metodologia, pràctiques funeràries i societat, Monografies 14, MAC, Barcelona 2012, ISBN 978-84-393-8921-7 (pàg. 75-90).
Dans la lignée des anciens Travaux du Centre Camille Jullian, la Bibliothèque d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine (BiAMA) regroupe des travaux (monographies, actes de colloques, ouvrages collectifs) en relation avec les programmes scientiiques du Centre Camille Jullian, sur l'histoire et l'archéologie de la Gaule méridionale, de l'Afrique du Nord et du bassin méditerranéen. La BiAMA peut comprendre des sous-séries, comme la collection Études massaliètes (EtMassa).
Les àmfores gregues a Ibèria. Novetats arqueològiques i estat actual de la recerca, 2024
© dels textos i il•lustracions: els seus respectius autors Amb el suport tècnic de l'Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions BIBLIOTECA DE CATALUNYA-DADES CIP Àmfores gregues al territori de les comarques de Girona: Rode i els assentaments indigets de l'entorn d'Emporion
Archaeological and paleo-environmental research on the area surrounding the old Empúries settlement describes the influence of the evolution of the coastline and the former courses of the Rivers Ter and Fluvià on the urban development and trade network of this major colony, and on its subsequent decline. The present article uses stratigraphy and sedimentology techniques, including isotopic dating methods, to analyse coastal and fluvial evolution with the aim of linking the chronology of the main sedimentary events with archaeological models of spatial organisation and territorial use. The application of these methods has enabled the authors to reconstruct the Holocene depositional architecture of the Empúries coastal plain, to define its sedimentary characteristics in space and time, and to contribute to understanding the evolution of the Empúries coastline from the Neolithic until the mediaeval period. The sedimentary evolution model suggests that the present progradant infill stage of the Empúries plain, initiated around 6.500 BP, is the result of the progressive retrogression of the estuarine system inherited from the previous Versilian Transgression stage, going from Empúries and Cinclaus to the area near the posterior Iberian-Roman settlement at Mas Gusó, in Bellcaire. The evolutionary stage of the estuarine system at the time when the first Greek settlers arrived in Empúries suggests that it could have been used both as a sheltered sea port and as a communications route with the hinterland, at least until the beginning of our era.
Annals De L Institut D Estudis Gironins, 1996
Les àmfores gregues a Ibèria. Novetats arqueològiques i estat actual de la recerca, 2024
En una visió de conjunt de les àmfores de filiació grega a la península Ibèrica, la informació procedent d’Empúries és, sens dubte, fonamental, atès el paper rellevant de l’enclavament portuari foceu en les rutes del comerç marítim a l’extrem occidental del Mediterrani. Per tant, es tracta d’un jaciment clau com a port receptor del vi, l’oli i altres possibles productes envasats en aquestes àmfores, per a la posterior redistribució a través del comerç i el propi consum intern dels habitants del nucli grec
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Henri Tréziny (dir.) Grecs et indigènes de la Catalogne à la mer Noire, Bibliothèque d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne et Africaine, 3, 2010
Paleoflora y Paleovegetación de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares: Plioceno-Cuaternario., 2012
Quaderns de la Selva, 2011
Actes del XXIV Congrés Internacional de Ciències Onomàtiques (ICOS). Annex. Secció 12
Cota Zero, 4: 90-92., 1988
Endins: publicació d'espeleologia, 2011
Aplec de treballs, 2009
Madrider Mitteilungen, 63, 2022
Quarhis Quaderns D Arqueologia I Historia De La Ciutat De Barcelona, 2013
Arraona n°36, revista del Museu d'Història de Sabadell, 2016
Tribuna D Arqueologia, 2006
Recerques del Museu d'Alcoi, 2019
Empúries: revista de món clàssic i antiguitat tardana, 2005