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2015, Сквозь литературу
11 pages
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Описывается творчество и карьера почти забытого автора, исследователя, педагога и чиновника Ивана Петровича Хрущова (1841-1904)
Жизненный и творческий путь полузабытого писателя, историка русской литературы, педагога, чиновника вт.пол. 19в.
Vladimir Ivanovich Katz, 2023
Всего пять лет назад, в 2017 г. мы посвятили XVIII выпуск межвузовского научного сборника «Античный мир и археология» 80-летию нашего коллеги и учителя, классика и патриарха античной археологии Владимира Ивановича Каца. И теперь приходится писать о том, что его нет с нами. И горько и обидно, так много еще нужно было сделать, согласовать с ним, посоветоваться, тем более, что он до самого конца отличался прекрасной памятью, работоспособностью и разумным отношением к жизни. Just five years ago, in 2017, we dedicated the XVIII issue of the interuniversity scientific collection "The Ancient World and Archaeology" to the 80th anniversary of our colleague and teacher, classic and patriarch of ancient archaeology Vladimir Ivanovich Katz. And now we have to write about the fact that he is not with us. And it's bitter and insulting, there was so much more to do, to coordinate with him, to consult, especially since he was distinguished by an excellent memory, efficiency and a reasonable attitude to life until the very end.
Ключевые слова: мемуарно-публицистические сочинения, автодокументы, социаль-но-политическая деятельность, идеализм, религиозность Abstract: The article draws on the personal fund of Ivan P. Yuvachev, member of the revolutionary organisation Narodnaya Volia, political convict and hard labourer, who eventually became a religious writer and memorialist. His literary heritage – unlike his son's, the absurdist poet Daniil Kharms – has long remained forgotten. Basing on the biographical method, we elucidate the difference of self-expression of a writer in his texts designed for publication and his ego-documents. Our analysis aims at showing that his memoirs and essays uncovered Yuvachev's external biography, while his private texts – his diaries and personal correspondence – are more pertinent to reveal his creed, particularly the idealism that constituted the core of his personality. This raises the question of the writer's preserving the documents which concerned his private life. Our hypothesis is that Yuvachev was deliverately constructing his personal archive, ready to the fact that in future his life and destiny would become known in every detail.
Бакшеев Е.С. (Российский институт культурологии) Смирнов Ю.А ( Институт археологии РАН). ПОГРЕБЕНИЕ // Энциклопедия «ИСТОРИЧЕСКАЯ КУЛЬТУРОЛОГИЯ», ТОМ 4. Москва, Российский институт культурологии, 2006 (в печати).
статья, 2015
Национальные образы мира в художественной культуре: Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвященной 85-летию со дня рождения литературоведа, философа, культуролога Г. Д. Гачева (1929–2008). – Нальчик: Издательство М. и В. Котляровых (ООО «Полиграфсервис и Т»), 2015. – 728 с. – С. 238-245. ПРОЕКТ РГНФ 14-04-14027
Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья, 2024
The article deals with the problem of caesar Constantius Chlorus’ participation in the Great Persecution of Emperor Diocletian. Analyzing the information about caesar’s alleged sympathies to Christianity, the author concludes that all of them are derived from the propaganda of his son Constantine I or conscious falsifications of representatives of Сhurch historiography, who tried to put the father of the first Christian emperor in the best light. Constantius was neither influenced by his “pious wife” Helena, nor did he give his daughter a “Christian” name, he was not an adherent of the cult of Apollo—Sol and even more so a monotheist. Moreover, in conducting the persecution caesar followed the instructions of his senior colleagues and carefully executed the first decree of August Diocletian. At the same time, in several regions under his rule the persecution became bloodier than stipulated.
Kniha vyšla v Moskvě roku 1972 / The book was published in Moscow in 1972.
Гуманитарные науки в Сибири, 2022
Moral encouragement of workers in the form of awarding orders and medals has traditionally been a basic component of Soviet civilization. Along with material incentives and instruments of coercion moral encouragement of labor activity played the role of a powerful incentive in the real model of the Soviet national economy. The most sensitive indicator that refl ected important trends in moral incentives at different stages of the Soviet history was the state reward policy. This article analyzes the role of Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, in reforming the Soviet state award policy in 1953–1964. Based on a wide range of sources, the author reconstructs the Khrushchev’s views and concludes that the Soviet leader’s communist purism was based on the desire to avoid devaluation and profanation of high state awards as a result of mass awarding, and to discipline the Soviet party and state elites. Khrushchev’s purist convictions led to the curtailment of the award campaigns of late Stalinism. By 1954, the practice of mass awarding the Hero of Socialist Labor title for one-time high achievements in agricultural production was virtually frozen. In 1957–1958, awarding for the length of service both in the army and national economy was abolished. This was the implementation of Khrushchev’s insistence that awards should be given only for specifi c high achievements in labor. Besides, since 1959, the number of people awarded with orders and medals of the USSR decreased several times. Khrushchev also attempted to replace the awarding of orders and medals of the USSR with other types of moral rewards (certifi cates of merit, badges, etc.). This policy addressed Khrushchev’s reliance on collective heroism, consciousness of the masses and meant the virtual refusal of “making” individual labor heroes a la Stakhanov.
Zeszyty Wiejskie, 2017
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Wiener Slavistisches Jahrbuch, 2018
Успехи математических наук, 2009
Этнокультурные процессы на северных границах Восточной Римской империи. Симферополь, 2024
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Иконопись старообрядческого горнозаводского Урала первой половины XVIII в.: исследование технологических приемов и художественных материалов / Восьмой Всероссийский конкурс молодых ученых в области искусств и культуры : сборник работ лауреатов [Электронное сетевое издание] — М., 2021.
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Иркутский историко-экономический ежегодник: 2023 / / Irkutsk historical-economic yearbook, 2023 , 2023
Музыкальная академия. № 2(778). С. 168-189, 2022