Sign and Economy


One of the themes, which Derrida explores with some regularity throughout his vast and varied corpus, is economy. Economic thought comes to the forefront in Derrida's later works, most notably in his discussions of the gift, the promise, and the messianic. These later works depend so heavily-might we say essentially-upon the project of Voice and Phenomenon that we cannot begin to truly engage them except by understanding the earlier analyses that open them up. Furthermore, these later analyses are helpful in understanding what Derrida was arguing in the early work. We must therefore trace the movement of the thought of economy from its allusions early on in Voice and Phenomenon, through its manifestations in the later works on the messianic, the gift, and the promise. By tracing Derrida's employment of economy throughout his discourse we will hopefully come to an understanding of its essential place within Derrida's thought.