
Developing software for controlling robotic systems is costly due to the complexity in- herent in these systems. There is a need for tools that permit a reduction in the program- ming effort, aiming at the generation of modular and robust applications, and promoting software reuse. The techniques which are of common use today in other areas are not adequate to deal with the complexity associated with these systems (1). This document presents CoolBOT, a component oriented framework for programming robotic systems, based on a port automata model (2) that fosters controllability and observability of software components. CoolBOT (3) (4) is a C++ component-oriented framework for programming robotic systems that allows designing systems in terms of composition and integration of soft- ware components. Each software component (5) is an independent execution unit which provides a given functionality, hidden behind an external interface specifying clearly which data it needs and which data i...