Accountability is an important issue in public administration, both practically and scientifically. Accountability itself is a control over public organization at organizational level which is intended as the basis to give explanation to the internal or external parties who have interest to asses and evaluate the action that undertaken by the public organization. Public organization accountability can be measured by several dimensions such as: transparency, liability, controllability, responsibility, and responsiveness. The method used in this research is academic literature survey which relevant with accountability. Besides, we also search information and data from government document or several news that provided by mass media both printed and electronic to describe the practice of accountability in public sector organization. The result of this research shows that public sector organization accountability in Indonesia is not optimal yet. Public organization must put accountability as a priority issues because in democratic country such Indonesia, public organization must be accountable over all their action. The dimensions of accountability can be served as basis for public organization to manage their activity which start from input, process, output, outcomes, and how the environment respond to the outcomes.