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The focus is on enhancing the efficiency of public key cryptography, particularly through the development of novel algorithms for elliptic curve point scalar multiplication utilizing addition subtraction chains. The work proposes a combination of mixed coordinates for elliptic curve points and introduces strategies for securing scalar multiplication. Comparisons are made with existing algorithms to highlight improvements in performance, particularly regarding scalar multiplication processes in elliptic curve cryptosystems. By implementing the proposed methods, the research aims to establish a more effective public key cryptosystem that operates with the efficiency close to that of private key systems.
The most popular public-key cryptography systems nowadays are RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). ECC is a type of public-key cryptosystem which uses the additive group of points on a nonsingular elliptic curve as a cryptographic medium. The basic operation in most elliptic curve cryptosystems is a scalar multiplication. Scalar Multiplication is the costliest operation among all in ECC which takes 80% of key calculation time on Elliptic curve calculation. Hence Scalar multiplication is the most time-consuming operation in ECC protocols. Scalar multiplication (or point multiplication) is the operation of calculating an integer multiple of an element in additive group of elliptic curve. in this paper, we classify and compare proposed scalar multiplication algorithms and compute their executing time.
Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer
Scalar multiplication is the fundamental operation in the elliptic curve cryptosystem. It involves calculating the integer multiple of a specific elliptic curve point. It involves three levels: field, point, and scalar arithmetic. Scalar multiplication will be significantly more efficient overall if the final level is improved. By reducing the hamming weight or the number of operations in the scalar representation, one can raise the level of scalar arithmetic. This paper reviews some of the algorithms and techniques that improve the elliptic curve scalar multiplication in terms of the third level.
In the Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem, the multiplication of points is essential in the successful computation of any operation. Reduction of time complexity for the mathematical operations in Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems with minimum hardware resources, the methods: Addition and Subtraction, Mutual Opposite Form, and Complementary Recoding techniques proposed as fast scalar multiplication schemes. The fast-point multiplication method is always necessary for any mathematical operation on an Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem with a restricted system. This study compares the performance of fast-point multiplication algorithms in terms of computational and execution time to determine the quickest one. For any elliptic curve-related arithmetic operations, point multiplication has a vital role in reducing the idle time of hardware utilization. Rapid point multiplication is essential to minimize enhanced time complexity to determine the most suitable algorithm for mobile devices.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), providing a robust security mechanism with limited energy resources is very challenging because of sensor node's limited resources (computation, bandwidth, memory). Asymmetric-key can fulfill the requirement, but if the number of nodes is large, symmetric-key cryptography is the best natural method because of its scalability. Asymmetric-key cryptography is power-hungry; nevertheless, Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC) are feasible and more flexible for sensor nodes. Scalar multiplication is the most widely used operation on ECC. Various methods for fast scalar multiplication exist, but they are based on the binary/ternary representation of the scalar. In this paper, we present a novel technique to make fast scalar multiplication on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over prime field for lightweight embedded devices like sensor nodes. Our method significantly reduces the computation of scalar multiplication by an equivalent representation of points based on point order in a given interval. Since our technique can act as a support for most existing methods, after an analytical and efficiency analysis, we implement and evaluate its performance in different scenari.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005
As we know, the performance of the elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) deeply depends on the computation of scalar multiplication. Thus, how to speed up the computation of the elliptic curve scalar multiplication is a significant issue. In 1994, Lim and Lee proposed a more flexible precomputation method used in wireless networks environments for speeding up the computation of exponentiation. This method can be also used for speeding up the scalar multiplication of elliptic curves. We call it LLECC method. However, the less storage is equipped with the computing devices, the less efficient it is. For this reason, we propose a more efficient algorithm than LLECCÕs in this paper. First, we modify LLECC method to reduce the storage of precomputed values, and then propose an efficient algorithm based on the nonadjacent form (NAF) representation and multidoubling method. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm can be also used for speeding up the multi-point multiplication of elliptic curves. According to the simulation results, the proposed algorithm can reduce 11% and 21% in the aspect of the computational complexity and storage cost, respectively, in an elliptic curve of size 160-bit over finite fields with characteristic greater than 3, as compared with
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
In the current work we propose a pipelining scheme for implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems (ECC). The scalar multiplication is the dominant operation in ECC. It is computed by a series of point additions and doublings. The pipelining scheme is based on a key observation: to start the subsequent operation one need not wait until the current one exits. The next operation can begin while a part of the current operation is still being processed. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to compute the scalar multiplication in such a pipelined method. Also, the proposed scheme can be made resistant to side-channel attacks (SCA). Our scheme compares favourably to all SCA resistant sequential and parallel methods.
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is one of the most famous asymmetric cryptographic schemes which offers the same level of security with much shorter keys than the other widely used asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA). In ECC, the main and most heavily used operation is the scalar multiplication kP, where the scalar value k is a private integer and must be secured. Various methods for fast scalar multiplication are based on the binary/ternary representation of the scalar. In this chapter, we present various methods to make fast scalar multiplication on ECC over prime field for lightweight embedded devices like wireless sensor network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT).
3rd International Workshop on Information, Computation, and Control Systems for Distributed Environments 2021, 2021
In today's world, the problem of information security is becoming critical. One of the most common cryptographic approaches is the elliptic curve cryptosystem. However, in elliptic curve arithmetic, the scalar point multiplication is the most expensive compared to the others. In this paper, we analyze the efficiency of the scalar multiplication on elliptic curves comparing Affine, Projective, Jacobian, Jacobi-Chudnovsky, and Modified Jacobian representations of an elliptic curve. For each coordinate system, we compare Fast exponentiation, Nonadjacent form (NAF), and Window methods. We show that the Window method is the best providing lower execution time on considered coordinate systems.
In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient way to improve the computational complexity of the Elliptic Curve Cryptography [ECC] algorithm. ECC is a public key cryptography system, where the underlying calculations are performed over elliptic curves. The security of ECC is based on solving the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem [EDCLP]. We propose an algorithm to double the computational complexity of the conventional algorithm. The proposed algorithm generates two ECDLP opposed to one problem that was generated by the conventional algorithm being used till now. With the same key size, the proposed algorithm provides more security when compared to public key cryptography systems like RSA and ECC. It can be implemented efficiently in even less time when compared to ECC. The paper discuses the underlying protocol and proves how the enhancement in security and reduction in implementation time is achieved, thereby making it well suited for wireless communication.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009
We present an innovative technique to add elliptic curve points with the form P Q ± , and discuss its application to the generation of precomputed tables for the scalar multiplication. Our analysis shows that the proposed schemes offer, to the best of our knowledge, the lowest costs for precomputing points on both single and multiple scalar multiplication and for various elliptic curve forms, including the highly efficient Jacobi quartics and Edwards curves.
Abstract. The basic operation in elliptic curve cryptosystem is scalar multiplication. It is the computation of integer multiple of a given point on the curve. Computation of scalar multiple is faster by using signed binary representation as compared to binary representation. In this paper ‘Direct Recoding Method ’ a new modified algorithm for computation of signed binary representation is proposed. Our proposed method is efficient when compared to other standard methods such as NAF, MOF and complementary recoding method.
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), 2024
The idea of an addition chain can be applied to scalar multiplication involving huge number operations in elliptic curve cryptosystems. In this article, initially, we study the taxonomy of the addition chain problem to build up an understanding of the problem. We then examine the mathematics behind an optimal addition chain that includes the theoretical boundary for the upper limit and lower limit which laid the foundation for experimentation hereafter. In the following, we examine different addition chain solutions that were used to increase efficiency in scalar multiplication. To avoid any possible confusion, we intentionally separated the discussion into two modules called integer recoding method and chain generator based on the heuristics method. These methods were developed by considering various aspects such as the space within which the operation is executed, the curve that is selected, the formulation to express the original equation, and the choices of operation and arithmetic, all together to improve operational efficiency.
Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT …, 2005
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a efficient and secure point mul-tiplication algorithm, based on double-base chains. This is achieved by taking advantage of the sparseness and the ternary nature of the so-called double-base number system (DBNS). The speed-ups are the re- ...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2018
The purpose of this research is to enhance the cryptographic system called the Elliptic Curve. Elliptic Curve cryptosystem (ECC) is a technique of public-key encryption, which is rooted on the arithmetical construction of elliptic curves over finite fields. Elliptic Curve Cryptographic System necessitates smaller keys compared to non-ECC cryptography to offer equal security. The security of RSA is based on the computational task of considering extensive numbers leading to an increase in encryption computation time, slower connection of the SSL handshake and increase in CPU usage during handshakes. Therefore, there should be a new way of solving this problem, which is ECC encryption. Elliptic curves are effective for digital signatures, key agreement, generators, pseudo-random and other related tasks. The first phase of the project involves understanding the key exchange of Diffie-Hellman and applying the properties of the Elliptic Curves. It is terminated with key facts that the Elliptic Curve Cryptography has a shorter key length, saves bandwidth, which facilitates key generation during the encryption/decryption of data, also the assurance of faster encryption and decryption, and notwithstanding its efficiency and efficacy in small devices.
2013 11th International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS), 2013
ABSTRACT Sensor nodes have limited computing power and memory sizes. Sometimes, they are used in applications that require sending rapidly secure data to a remote control center. Therefore, they require lightweight techniques to accomplish this task. In this paper, we used Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) for data encryption because ECC could create smaller and more efficient cryptographic keys compared to other cryptographic techniques such as RSA. We used specific algorithms to improve scalar multiplication time in spite of energy consumption. Moreover, we proposed a distributed scheme to enhance more the data delivery time from a source node to the base station by involving neighbors in the calculation. The results of experiments on TelosB motes showed considerable improvement of data delivery time.
Among the various arithmetic operations required in implementing public key cryptographic algorithms, the elliptic curve point multiplication has probably received the maximum atten- tion from the research community in the last decade. Many methods for ecient and secure implementation of point multiplication have been proposed. The eciency of these methods mainly depends on the representation one uses for the scalar multiplier. In the current work we propose an ecient algorithm based on the so-called double-base number system. We introduce the new concept of double-base chains which, if manipulated with care, can significantly reduce the complexity of scalar multiplication on elliptic curves. Besides we have adopted some other measures to further reduce the operation count. Our algorithm compares favorably against classical and other similar approaches.
Elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) is being used nowadays more than ever to fulfill the need for public key cryptosystem because of its ability to use shorter keys lengths and computationally more efficient algorithms than anther public key cryptosystems such as Rivest-Shamir- Adleman (RSA), Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) and ElGamal. The most time consuming operation in ECC is elliptic curve scalar multiplication (ECSM). Many research have been carried out to accelerate this operation. The structure of the ECSM involves three mathematical levels: finite field arithmetic, point arithmetic and scalar arithmetic. The purpose of this work is to study different issues that arise in the efficient implementation of ECSM over prime field, specifically targeting the point and scalar arithmetic levels over elliptic curve. At the point arithmetic level, we introduce the 4- dimensional Jacobian coordinates system (4 - DJC), where a point (X; Y;Z; T) with Z 6= 0 and T = Z2, corresponds to aff...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024
The elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) has several applications in Information Security, especially in cryptography with two main activities including encrypting and decrypting. There were several solutions of different research teams which propose various forms of the elliptic curve cryptosystem on cryptographic sector. In the paper, we proposed a solution for applying the elliptic curve on cryptography which is based on these proposals as well as basic idea about the elliptic curve cryptosystem. We also make comparison between our proposal and other listed solution in the same application of the elliptic curve for designing encryption and decryption algorithms. The comparison results are based on parameters such as time consumption (t), RAM consumption (MB), source code size (Bytes), and computational complexity.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014
Elliptic curve scalar multiplication is the operation of successively adding a point along an elliptic curve to itself k times. It is used in elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) as a means of producing a trapdoor function. In this paper, algorithms to compute the elliptic curve scalar multiplication using a special form for integers will introduce, and then two types of signed digit representation will use. The signed digit form of the scalar is calculated by many types of algorithms such as binary , non adjacent form and direct recoding. The results indicate that the proposed methods perform better to compute the scalar multiplication on elliptic curves and it is more efficient than the existing methods.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science, 2014
Since the inception of elliptic curve cryptography by Koblitz [1] and Miller [2] for implementing public-key protocols as the Diffie-Hellman key agreement, elliptic curve cryptography has become one of the most researched area for providing one stop reliable and secure solution in the field of cryptography. The ECC covers all relevant asymmetric cryptographic primitives like digital signature (ECDSA), key exchange and agreement protocols. Point multiplication serves as the basic building block in all ECC primitives and is the computationally most expensive operation and our analysis revolves around this concept. This paper gives an introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography and deals with evaluation of fast scalar multiplication with parallelization of field operation and point addition/multiplication. Elliptic curve cryptography offers best optimized solution with minimum resources like Low memory, High Throughput, low power consumption and minimum key length for the same level of security as compared to its counterpart like RSA, DSA etc. in public key cryptography domain. The work is based on the extensive research work done by Julio Lopez, Ricardo Dahab, Montgomery and other pioneer scientists and academicians in the field of elliptic curve cryptography. Given the importance of Scalar multiplication , we focused ourselves on the Fast Multiplication on Elliptic Curves over finite Binary field GF(2 m) without Pre-computation whose background is set by Julio Lopez et al. in [1], because the finite field operations can be implemented very efficiently in hardware and software.
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