Social Media and Tacit Knowledge Sharing


—With the advent of social web initiatives, some argued that these new emerging tools might be useful in tacit knowledge sharing through providing interactive and collaborative technologies. However, there is still a poverty of literature to understand how and what might be the contributions of social media in facilitating tacit knowledge sharing. Therefore, this paper is intended to theoretically investigate and map social media concepts and characteristics with tacit knowledge creation and sharing requirements. By conducting a systematic literature review, five major requirements found that need to be present in an environment that involves tacit knowledge sharing. These requirements have been analyzed against social media concepts and characteristics to see how they map together. The results showed that social media have abilities to comply some of the main requirements of tacit knowledge sharing. The relationships have been illustrated in a conceptual framework, suggesting further empirical studies to acknowledge findings of this study.

Key takeaways

  • Next, selected requirements of tacit knowledge sharing have been discussed in relation to the social media characteristics and capabilities.
  • Some authors connected social interactions in social media with tacit knowledge sharing.
  • Hence, there can be expected that social networking sites may enhance tacit knowledge sharing by fostering interpersonal relationships among experts.
  • Developed relationships and networking over social media is positively associated with tacit knowledge sharing.
  • The literature analysis in this study showed that there five major requirements need to be present in an environment that involves tacit knowledge sharing: social interaction, experience sharing, observation, informal relationship/ networking, and mutual trust.