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Technological developments that occurred in the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, increased the use of technology in almost every aspect of human life and also its importance. The evolution of technology has meant that today anyone can use it at any time: everyone can have access to the Internet for different purposes. This thesis will focus on learning technology in higher education in Albania and specifically will use a survey on the use of technology by students of the Faculty of Economy during their studies. The main purpose of this work is to examine how much support there is and how students use technology in their learning process. The task has three main objectives: • To determine the attitudes and the degree of acceptance of technological change from students of faculty • To determine the extent of use of technologies during their studies, analyzing the types of technology frequently used by. • To determine how e-learning is recognized and how necessary is its usage by students's perspective. The methodology used is a qualitative analysis conducted through the distribution of questionnaires to students of faculty, as the main stakeholders of this research. Finally, from the analysis conducted it is concluded that students prefer technology; the most used technology is the laptop, less used is Instant Messaging and recognition of the concept of e-learning is at the average level, but still seen as a possibility to have a better study. Introduction Technology can be defined as the key word of this early twenty-first century. Technological developments that have occurred in the late twentieth century, where we can mention the invention of the airplane, telephone, computer and internet; and developments of the twenty one century, like:
Springer, 2019
Background. Development based on Information and Communications Technology (ITC) is the future of Albanian economy and society to ensure sustainable development and reduction of poverty. Higher Albanian education has an important role to realize this development. Efforts for harmonizing the pathways of the progress of higher education in Albania have recognized achievements and developments that need to be considered when assessing the qualitative growth of ICT and the contribution of higher education institutions to the formation of the generations that are able not only to use these new ideas but also to influence the spreading of the new ideas, developing and transforming Albanian society. Subject and Methods. In this chapter, we are focused in examination of technology development strategies, the role of government policies to create a collaborative platform of actors, and the changes that have taken places in Albanian higher education in general, and in particular the gender changes and the role of women in social change this past years. To realize this aim, we are relying on quantitative and qualitative methods from foreign and domestic literature, comparing outward and inward trends, the changes that have emerged in Albanian society and in higher education and to present progressive perspectives on E-learning and future technologies in our country. Conclusions. The evolution of Mobile Learning in Higher Education in Albania should take the following direction: the existing Mobile Learning environments participate in future mobile learning as content repositories, but the active part of learning process covered by the personal learning environment, where the students, using their favourite e-services and e-tools, will construct their knowledge in constant collaboration, just a click away from the knowledge, from the services, from a complex social life.
This article analyses the use of information and communication technologies from the students of Elbasan University, which is one of the biggest and the most important universities in Albania. The data was collected through a questionnaire designed specifically for this study during two time periods: the first period was December 2004-June 2005 and the second one was during the year 2010. The analysis makes a comparison of the data for these two periods, which indicates that information and communication technologies are part of the students and their family's life. While some of them, such as mobile phones, are already widely used from the students, others like the Internet are still far. Therefore, this paper suggests that it is necessary to develop several specific policies in order to improve the actual situation. Keywords: information and communication technologies 1. Introduction An information and communication technology (ICT) is advancing very rapidly, and is one of the...
The ever increasing use of ICT in higher education institutions is a part of the social and economic changes affecting all countries and regions. Governments and companies see universities as the engines of these changes, and ICT as a tool for knowledge dissemination anywhere and anytime. A better integration of ICT in the education environment would not only help students and teachers, but would also contribute to the development of international networks of educational institutions. The paper evaluates the use of ICT in the educational process in higher education in Albania and the challenges that these institutions face in the process of integrating ICT into teaching practice in order to develop the whole country. The proposed conclusions and recommendations make a valid topic for further research.Sve zastupljenija primjena ICT u visokoškolskim ustanovama dio je društvenih i gospodarskih promjena koje zahvaćaju sve države i regije. Vlada i tvrtke doživljavaju sveučilišta kao pokr...
The ever increasing use of ICT in higher education institutions is a part of the social and economic changes affecting all countries and regions. Governments and companies see universities as the engines of these changes, and ICT as a tool for knowledge dissemination anywhere and anytime. A better integration of ICT in the education environment would not only help students and teachers, but would also contribute to the development of international networks of educational institutions. The paper evaluates the use of ICT in the educational process in higher education in Albania and the challenges that these institutions face in the process of integrating ICT into teaching practice in order to develop the whole country. The proposed conclusions and recommendations make a valid topic for further research.
The development of information technology has reduced the information processing costs and the internet has facilitated the communication. Internet has become an incredible valuable information resource. The goal of this study is to analyze the use of Internet by undergraduate students of University of Tirana in Albania. Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire during the period December 2016-February 2017 from the second-year and third-year enrolled students at Faculty of Economy and Faculty of Natural Sciences of University of Tirana. The results indicate that 28.8% of the students use Internet for academic learning for five or more hours weekly and 84.5% of them use social networks every day. The results of chi-square test of independence indicated significant relations between year of study, Faculty, study program, number of hours spent daily on Internet, computer use skills and the number of hours spent weekly on the Internet for learning. The results of Tobit regression model indicated that gender, program of study, and faculty, where the respondents were attending their studies, influence the number of hours spent weekly on Internet for learning. The results of this study are useful for students, lecturers and administration of University.
IASET, 2021
Background: digital technology plays an important role in higher education institutions. Objective: this study investigate show students and instructors are using digital tools, for what purposes they use digital technology and to what extent digital technologies adopted in higher education. Methodology: structural equation modeling was used; triangulation approaches, data have been collected from the students (n= 168), instructors (n=64) using a survey questionnaires and an in-depth interviews with students, instructors. Data was analyzed using SPSSv26.Result: Based on the data analysis more than 88.09 % of students use digital tools for non-academic purposes(for entertainment),like playing games, online chatting with their friends, watching videos (movies),telegram, face book for personal or social use. However digital tools have a great impact on student academic achievement especially for students who score in GPA are greater than 3.5. Conclusion: higher education students have access to digital tools like the internet, desktop computers (1:6), laptops (4.16 %) and mobile devices (97.61 %). But 88.09 % of learners use educational technology for enjoyment purposes. The digital competency of instructors and students are very low. (74.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
The growth of the Internet in the world provides many opportunities to many people around the world in many different ways. When students are considered, the use of the Internet is mainly for social and entertainment purposes. However, it is very obvious that the Internet provides not only social connection and entertainment, but also academic and scientific information as well. Additionally, the Internet can be used as a tool to learn the latest news all around the world as well as getting any kind of information that serves different purposes such as learning more information about a hobby or health. Therefore, it can be said that the Internet is the source of spreading information quickly to a large audience and of going beyond the limitation of time and space. In the light of the above information, it is vitally important to encourage students to use this invaluable source to get any kind of information they need in their academic studies. For the reasons mentioned above, the aim of this study is look at the students' use of Internet in their academic studies. The participants are around 150 English Preparatory School students in Eastern Mediterranean University. These students have come from different countries in order to study at various departments in the university. The study is carried out in the Spring Semester of the Academic Year 2010-2011.
The paper presents the results of research on the acceptance and use of ICT and advanced web technology among teachers in higher education process of Economics and Management in Croatia. Acceptance and use of ICT and advanced web technology is estimated by number and type of digitized materials created by teachers as well as through individual use of different types and frequency of ICT and advanced web technology. Acceptance and use of ICT are assumed to be results of lessons learned in previous use of technologies, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness of technology and some external variables. The model used to evaluate the acceptance of the technology is modified Technology Acceptance Model. While original TAM model represents a two-phase experiment where the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention to use investigated in the first phase and the actual use in the second phase, in our model we assumed that the actual use of technology results from previou...
European Journal of Social Science Education and Research
The consequences of epidemic Covid-19 forced the education sector around the world to face online learning among these two last years. Many countries in the world had to face this new and very difficult challenge. Unfortunately, the education system of Albania was one of those that had to overcome the difficulties and continue the academic year for all its levels. The main purpose of our study was to analyze the impression of Sports University of Tirana’s students about some aspects of online learning. In this study, we used a closed questionnaire, distributed through the Microsoft Teams application and the descriptive analysis to interpret the collected data.Participants in this study belong to the”Sports University of Tirana”, Professional Master in Pre-University Education Teacher. Results were collected by 218 students (N = 218) of which 61% of them were male and 39% female. According to the age of the student, there was a frequency of 29% of 21-22 years old, 50% of 23-24 years ...
Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
The aim of the study was to investigate access and use of computers and internet by students during their studies. The results are based on a survey conducted in 2009-2012 on groups of 320 to 405 students (each year) from two universities in eastern Poland. It was concluded that during the period under study access of students to computers and internet was at a relatively high level. In most of the years considered, there were statically significant differences in computer ownership and internet access between students from rural and urban areas. It was revealed that in students' opinion the application of ICT by lecturers in the courses' delivery did not change significantly since 2009. INTRODUCTION Computer and online use has increased significantly in the recent years and today it is a major component in modern society. University students all over the world use information communication technology in their studies. It is due not only to the advances in computer technolog...
Technology has profound effects on learning and to analyze the familiarity of students at Erzincan University, a survey was carried out in 2011. Erzincan city is located in East of Turkey and have a new university. Changes and improvements have mutual relationships. In order to determine the usage technology in the Erzincan University, around 1000 students were surveyed and 834 of them have answered the surveys. This sample is about 10% of all students at the university. The city is less developed and they are mainly from East of Turkey. Their technology usage rate and consumption behaviors are proportional to their family’s economical power and partly family’s education level. Students are mainly in contact with their surrounding and their surrounding environment uses the technology not as high as possible when compared with western cities of Turkey. Internet usage is 45% in Turkey and it is increasing. The survey results are compared with TURKSTAT-TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) statistics to see the technological behavior of Erzincan University students compared to Turkey’s average parameters. It is found that students’ average internet usage per week is very low when compared with developed countries standards. Key Words: Technology Usage, TUIK, Erzincan University
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2015
Today’s society is undergoing great transformations in every sector. One of the most important transformations of the social life is the making of technology and internet available to masses. The technology and internet have also visibly transformed the education sector. The society is facing continuous challenges related to the competition, globalisation and the demand from the job market for qualified employees. These challenges go by side by side with the transformation of the education sector, where a great deal is being invested on the use of ICT, mass education, and the introduction of new methods and tools of teaching. The use of ICT and e-Learning is an important challenge faced by Albanian universities in the mission to improve the quality of teaching, students’ results, and mass education, and achieve the necessary standards. Priorities like equal access to education and lifelong learning would be only slogans without the use of ICT and e-Learning. Polls and interviews wer...
In the technology-dense environment of the “Millennial generation”, the use of ICT for educational purposes is ineviTable. Students use multiple devices for communicating with peers and professors, for interaction with institutions, retrieve content, propose topics, and inquire for information at a pace and in a volume, that can be overwhelming without the intervention of ICT. Computer assisted teaching and learning already have a history both in practice, and in research. However, new technologies and convergent devices make way for a new philosophy on educational processes. The present study considers the perceptions of students at Politehnica University regarding the shared educational resources, both on a vertical communication stream (professor-tostudent) and horizontally (student-to-student). The study explores common practices of students who need to evaluate, decide and create or not a virtual learning community, since they are enrolled and expected to attend classes in the ...
Nowadays, the growing use of ICT in all economical and social domains has had a great impact on educational institutions. Development of countries within our region is bound up with the use of new technologies in the teaching process at all levels, especially in higher education. Integrating ICT in education, not only helps students and teachers to share knowledge, but also affects the process of development and integration of Higher Educational Institutions in international educational networks. ICT in teaching and learning renders pedagogical methodologies more effective. This paper presents the authors' reflections on learning and teaching through ICT in the Albanian and Croatian HEI-s, as examples of case studies.
Российский психологический журнал
The purpose of this study was to examine attitudes of students towards the use of ICT during their studies. The survey included 285 students from Girne American University, Turkey. The sample consists of the students from first to fourth grade. The scale consists of 45 claims and is intended for determining students’ attitudes towards the use of ICT during their studies. Questionnaires were utilized to gather information on the attitudes of students towards the use of ICT during their studies. Information was broke down using SPSS statistical package (IBM SPS Statistics Version 20) and with Monte Carlo program for the parallel examination. The study established that students towards the utilization of ICT made the significant commitment to the students' academic performance. It is advanced that the discoveries of this study will be valuable to students to acquire knowledge into the ICT variables that influence students' scholastic execution and consequently enhance their aca...
The use of ICT within higher education has grown rapidly over the last decades. The universities across the world are embracing new technologies hoping that they will improve the teaching and learning with these actions. However, the situation regarding the use of ICT within Croatian educational process still varies. Within this paper we will present some of the results of the Croatian national survey at higher education level regarding ICT and e-learning application in educational process. The primary focus of this paper is the situation regarding ICT and e-learning usage at the higher education institutions in Croatia and attitudes of management and teachers towards ICT and elearning from the perspectives of vice-deans for academic affairs.
Developments in information and communication technologies have raised the issue of how a kind of intergenerational digital divide can take place between "digital natives" and "digital immigrants". This can in turn have important consequences for the organization of educative systems. In this paper we present the result of a research performed during the course of 2008 to study how university students in Italy make use of digital technologies. The methodology was based on a mix of quantitative and qualitative approaches. A survey research was done, on a sample of 1186 students of the University of Milan-Bicocca, based on a questionnaire administrated through the Intranet of the University. A series of focus groups and in depth interviews with students, parents, and new media experts was furthermore performed. The results are consistent with the presence of a strong intergenerational divide. The implications of the results for the future organization of educative systems are discussed in the paper.
Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology Culture and Education, 2012
Contemporary Economics, 2009
Nowadays e-Learning has been identified to be the future of learning worldwide since the very powerful platform of the Internet has accelerated the speed of communication. Adoption of e-learning has become the latest trend across universities all over the world. Albania is part of a global shift from material resources to knowledge and intellectual resources as the basis for economic growth. Educators across Albania are aware that students must have an education that enables the students to participate successfully in and contribute to the knowledge economy. E-Learning readiness is an initial part of e-Learning development. In order to benefit from e-learning, higher education institutions in Albania should conduct considerable up-front analysis to assess their readiness. In this paper we are trying to examine the status of e-Learning readiness in Albania, analyzing and discussing several components and criteria based on literature. 5 * MBA, Ma the ma tics, Sta ti stics and Ap plied In for ma tics De part ment, Fa cul ty of Eco no my, Ti ra na Uni ver si ty, Al ba nia. ** Prof. dr, Ma the ma tics, Sta ti stics and Ap plied In for ma tics De part ment, Fa cul ty of Eco no my, Ti rana Uni ver si ty, Al ba nia. facilitated e-learning environments (Khan, 2005). E-learning represents an innovative shift in the field of learning, providing rapid access to specific knowledge and information, and offers online instruction that can be delivered anytime and anywhere through a wide range of electronic learning solutions such as a web-based courseware and online discussion groups. It can be viewed as making learning materials such as presentation slides available on the web. Nowadays e-learning has become an accepted educational paradigm across universities worldwide (OECD, 2005). There are many definitions given to e-learning. E-Learning refers to the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance and/or support learning in tertiary education. But this covers a wide range of systems, from students using e-mail and accessing course work online while following a course on campus, to programs offered entirely online. This implies that e-Learning refers to both wholly online provision and campus-based or other distance-based provision supplemented with ICT in some way. The supplementary model would encompass activities ranging from the most basic use of ICT (e.g. use of PCs for word processing of assignments) through to more advanced adoption (e.g. specialist disciplinary software, handheld devices, learning management systems, adaptive hypermedia, artificial intelligence devices, simulations, etc.), with a presiding interest in more advanced applications. E-Learning has been identified to be the future of learning worldwide since the very powerful platform of the Internet has accelerated the speed of communication. E-Learning offers remarkable advantages to the economy (Strother, 2002) when gathering large groups of students. Based on meta-analysis research, academic achievement of online students equalized traditional instruction (Cavanaugh, 2007). E-Learning is not only the student preferred mode of learning but also the preference of teachers (Strother, 2002). In American institutes, e-Learning has become a "critical" component of the long-term planning strategies (Allen and Seaman, 2006). According to John Chambers (Rosenberg, 2001), "the biggest growth in the Internet, and the area that will prove to be one of the biggest agents of change, will be in elearning." The demand for a well-educated workforce has driven many countries to rethink their education systems. An education system has to be suited to the demands of the technological age so that a competitive edge can be maintained. Such demand for a technology savvy workforce is reflected in Alvin Toffler's declaration (Rosenberg, 2001), that "the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those, who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." An ancient proverb says: "if we don't change our direction, we'll end up exactly where we are headed" (Rosenberg 2001). This indicates that learning institutions will have to constantly change and adapt in their environments if they are not to lag behind. The promises of e-learning for institutions of tertiary education are manifold, but too often they fail to take effect. The reason is a not sufficient readiness to take up e-learning in the faculties and absorb the innovation effects coming along with it. E-learning is a good opportunity for faculties but they needs to be well prepared because it takes often high investment costs and well designed strategies. That is why it is important for an institution to know if it is e-ready. In this paper we suggest e-learning readiness as a key factor influencing the uptake of e-learning in universities. E-readiness is already well WSPÓŁCZESNA E K O N O M I A Nr 1/2009(9) 1. E-Learning readiness. Literature review Government, Industry, Education, and Society are identified as the key components in the first level of e-Learning readiness. In the second level, the readiness are estimated based on the connectivity, the capability-a country's ability to deliver and consume e-Learning, literacy rates, and trends in training and education-content and culture (Borotis, Poulymenkou). Rosenberg focused on the concept of sustainability and proposed the components of business readiness, changing nature of learning and e-Learning, value of instruction and infor mation, role of change management, reinvention of training organizations to support e-Learning efforts, e-Learning industry, and personal commitment (Rosenberg, 2000). Chapnick posed the components of psychological, sociological, environmental, human resource, financial, technology, equipment, and content readiness (Chapnik, 2000). The overall e-learning readiness is defined by seven key components. Business Readiness refers to the link of organizational business priorities and characteristics, to e-Learning efforts. Organizations operate in a highly competitive environment where strategy, environment, and smoothness of internal problems affect primarily their viability and profitability. Technology Readiness focuses primarily on the technical infrastructure. Content Readiness studies issues concerning e-Learning content material such as interactivity, reusability, interoperability, etc. Training Process Readiness refers to the ability of organizations to organize, analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate a concrete train ing program. Culture Readiness determines organizations' perceptions and cultural parameters concerning e-Learning adoption and use. Human Resources Readiness refers to the availability and setup of the human-support system. In this component some parameters such as receptivity and the prerequisites of humans to learn successfully in the new environment are defined. Financial Readiness refers to the budget allocation and investment for establishing a robust e-Learning setup (Borotis, Poulymenkou). According the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) e-Learning readiness means more than connectivity. The best-connected countries in the world, led by Singapore and South Korea, are not necessarily the top e-learners. Other building blocks-including a strong education system and a wealth of online content-are also necessary, as is a willingness to adapt to new ways of learning. Since 2000, the Economist Intelligence Unit has published an annual e-readiness ranking of the world's 60 largest economies ( The ranking provides a benchmark for governments seeking to make their economies amenable to Internet and high-tech investment, and companies aiming to direct their investments to the most receptive countries. In 2003, in response to important new trends in Internet usage, EIU published a complementary ranking: e-learning readiness in the same 60 countries. E-learning readiness indicates a country's ability to produce, use and expand Internet-based learning-both informal and formal, at work, at school, in government and throughout society. It has arranged the criteria in the ranking in four main areas: Nr 1/2009(9) WSPÓŁCZESNA EKONOMIA Refleksje o wdrażaniu koncepcji e-learningu w systemie edukacyjnym Albanii Streszczenie Od mo men tu roz wo ju ko mu ni ka cji in ter ne to wej kon cep cja e-le ar ni gu jest trak to wana ja ko przy szło ścio wy sys tem edu ka cyj ny. Rów nież uczel nie na ca łym świe cie wpro wadza ją plat for my na uki na od le głość po przez wy ko rzy sta nie In ter ne tu. Po dob nie w Al ba-Nr 1/2009(9) WSPÓŁCZESNA EKONOMIA
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