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The present doldrums position and state of decadence, internal differences, external aggression (geographical and ideological), lack of self-confidence and dependence, illiteracy, political instability, economic disaster, lack of knowledge and wisdom, back benchers in science and technology, education, medicine, trade and business, banking system and defensive incapability of Muslim World prompted me to look at our principal sources of inspiration, which are, the Qur’an, Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW), and examples of the “enlightened Caliphs” and see what is Islam’s view about seeking knowledge, technology and inventions in general and mathematics’ education in particular. We will discuss the nature of mathematics and its scientific status. We will highlight the position of mathematics in Islamic classification of knowledge. We will also discuss the current state of mathematics and future suggestions. We have gathered together some of these impressions; these are all tentative, nothin...
The formation of Islamic culture was accompanied by a process of adoption and integration of the classical scientific tradition. Due to a long dispute over the role of mathematics and astronomy, a new category of disciplines emerged that supported the access of Muslim scholars to mathematics in general and to its applied branches in particular. Selected examples from different fields of applied mathematics (ar. hisdb) demonstrate the extant to which mathematics in the Islamic homelands took root, developed and produced new practical disciplines the Islamic Community could benefit from.
In Islam Mathematics is seen as an important tool for life. The Qur'an considers the rules of mathematics to be a pathway to discover God's will. This Paper discusses some of the contributions made in mathematics by some Muslim scholars. These remarkable inputs are due to the fact that mathematics is one of the renowned physical sciences which started right from antiquity. The inputs worth discussing in this paper include those of Al–Khawarizmi, Al–Kashi, Al–Khayyam and Al–Khazin. All have invented some vital concepts used in modern day mathematics.
Science in Context, 1987
Mathematics in Quran "The sun and the moon [move] are calculated" (Quran 55 :5) Mathematics is a fundamental tool and a universal language of all sciences. The scientific approach has led to remarkable progress, with mathematics at its core. In fact, Mathematics can be regarded as one of humanity's most significant discoveries. From Edison's electric bulb
Article history: Received 8 August 2014 Received in revised form 12 September 2014 Accepted 25 September 2014 Available online 2 November 2014
Philosophy of mathematics in the Holy Quran and pious Messenger's narratives , 2024
What is this book about ? «Mathematics is the abstract eye that makes it possible for us to see God's image before seeing him concretely afterlife, to see his spacetime of accepted supplication, the spacetime through which Jesus travels back to us without time machine and to see the spacetime of the Truth-Falsehood duality law represented by Mahdi-Antichrist apparition indispensable as much as Finite-Infinite law» Amine YACOUBI In chapter I, we will introduce the simple reader to the notion of philosophy of mathematics and the different schools about what the objects of mathematics are thought to be and how humans acquire knowledge of them. Does mathematics in the Quran and narratives have the same concept? In chapter II, we will see what is so important in mathematics of the Quran and narratives for philosophers. There are several reasons for the connection between mathematics and philosophy. First, both are among the first intellectual attempts to understand religious phenomena. Second, and more centrally, mathematics in the Quran and narrative is an important case study for the philosopher. Many mathematical issues in the Quran and narratives have to be on the agenda of contemporary philosophy. These include matters of epistemology, ontology, semantics, and logic. We have noted the success of logic when mathematical reasoning becomes the focus. Philosophers are interested in questions of reference: What is it for a lexical item to stand for, or represent, an object? How do we manage to link a name of an arithmetic operation like «multiplication» or «division» to what it is actually in the Quran or narratives? The languages of mathematics provide a focus for these questions. Philosophers are also interested in matters of normativity: What is it for God to have numeric limited two hands and these two hands are infinite ? What do we mean when we say that God is finite-infinite ? Mathematics and mathematical logic provide at least one important and, possibly simple, case. Logic is normative if anything is. In what sense are we required to follow the canons of correct reasoning when doing mathematics? Plato advised his students to start with relatively simple and straightforward cases. Perhaps the normativity of mathematical logic is such a case. A third reason for the connection between mathematics and philosophy lies in epistemology—the study of knowledge. Mathematics is vitally important because of its central role in virtually every scientific effort aimed at understanding the religious phenomenon. The question of whether or not mathematics is itself a knowledge-gathering activity is a substantial philosophical issue. Nevertheless, it is clear that mathematics is a primary tool in our best efforts to understand God. This suggests that philosophy of mathematics is a branch of epistemology, and that mathematics is an important case for general epistemology and metaphysics. What is it about mathematics that makes it necessary for the scientific understanding of the physical and social universe? What is it about the universe—or about us—that allows mathematics a central role in understanding it? Galileo wrote that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics. This insightful, enigmatic metaphor highlights the place of mathematics in the scientific/philosophical enterprise of understanding the world, but it does not even hint at a solution of the problem. In chapter III, we will see how mathematics in the Quran and narratives are most likely to be structures or patterns. In mathematics, patterns are more than a beautiful design (the image of God has a beautiful pattern too), patterns follow a predictable rule and that rule allows us to predict what will come next. Mathematicians say that mathematics is the study of pattern—of patterns and structure in numbers, and patterns and structure in geometry. To see pattern and structure in the world around us and in God is a key mathematical habit of mind and one that children develop from the first days of life. Children are naturally attuned to patterns because it allows them to predict what will come next and make sense of their world. When they see patterns in God, they will be able to predict his states and actions—to count on things happening—and feel more secure and confident in God. In chapter IV, we will see the prime numbers pattern as a counting pattern in its relation to the probability of the best time for supplication acceptance. That will help us predict why and when our supplications are not accepted these days. In chapter V, we’ll see the reasoning and communication pattern of the messages of God (revelation) to predict the possibility of Jesus— peace on him— coming back. In chapter VI, we will examine the Geedon soul particle motion pattern and its similarity to the multiverse motion pattern. The unification of the two motions in one formula z=(±7)i2 will allow us to explore the possibility of time travel to the past and future of humans without a time machine. In chapter VII, we will explain the law of finite-infiniteness that God decided to make it govern the whole symmetrical multiverse, his symmetrical throne and his symmetrical image. The reader will discover for the first time an analysis of how the image’s pattern «symmetry of the shape transformation» of God could be the cause of the throne spacetime expansion pattern and how the throne spacetime expansion pattern could be the cause of the multiverse symmetrical expansion pattern. Probability of causality relation between the finite-infinite symmetrical expansion of the multiverse and the finite-infinite symmetrical expansion of the throne and the finite-infinite transformation of the topological God's image. In chapter VIII, We will detail the topological properties of God's image continually transforming. Since God is not a geometrical shape like our world geometry, then we can't see how his shape is (that he decided to appear under). His shape changes and we can't draw it. We can, though, study it using set theory. We deduce that God decided to have finite numeric attributes as 1 face and NOT 2 faces or 3, but the 1 face has the dynamic property of an infinite transformation according to a function that has the limit of 1. God decided to have 1 face that infinitely approaches 1 without reaching exactly 1. The topological properties of God conduct us to the law of finite-infiniteness that God set for the multiverse and his throne and chose for his image. The transformation pattern of the image of God will help us predict the big crunch of the multiverse when God cancels his establishment on the throne «stand up». In chapter IX, is the end of the book and the world! Before the big crunch occurs, there are signs that have to manifest like the Mahdi apparition, then asymmetrical one-eyed Antichrist-Dajjal apparition and the coming of real messenger Jesus peace upon him to put an end to the dajjal. Numerous studies and books were written about dajjal but no one approached the subject using probability theory like Messenger Muhammad asked us to do to determine its approximate date of apparition and staying. The tribulation is so dangerous that, with help of God, I could determine the inductive probability of his apparition in the year ± 2040 to 69.2%. By doing that I followed the teaching of the messenger how to be probabilistic muslim putting his word «Make an estimate of time/اُقْدُروا لَهُ قَدْرُهُ» into practice. The postface is a trial to predict the future from the event of Antichrist-Dajjal. Where is he now ? What did he do to meet the companion Tamim Al Dari? The block universe theory is able to answer these questions and make the event very rational and predictable. «He is asymmetric and your lord is symmetric» Amine YACOUBI
This paper offers a glimpse of the major contributions made by Arabs to mathematics in middle ages history period. Its purpose is to stimulate interest in an object based on mutual respect and understanding. We give a short list of the most popular Arabic mathematicians and we comment some of their studies for using them in the high school
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2019
This article aims to explore the thoughts regarding Islamic Mathematics according to an Indonesian scholar named KH. Fahmi Basya. At the present, Islamic Mathematics is offered as one of the subjects at Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta since year 2002. This study is qualitative applying content analysis method and interviews. Data obtained from primary sources which three main works produced by this scholar namely Matematika Islam 1, Matematika Islam 2 dan Matematika Islam 3 as well as his other works. In addition, three key informants were interviewed who were KH. Fahmi Basya, his personal manager and one expert in Islamic Mathematics. Fahmi began doing research related to the Holy Qur'an since 1972 and summarized his intellectual discoveries and findings under the discipline of Islamic mathematics in 1982. He has a strong educational background in the field of mathematics as well as deep understanding and love in the Holy Qur'an. So that, he is very concerned and creative in conducting research on the miracles of the Qur'an through mathematical approach. It is found that his writings were full of ideas relating to the phenomenon of numbers in Islam. He also highlighted the significance of learning Islamic mathematics to increase faith and confidence of a Muslim in religion and life. His thoughts regarding Islamic Mathematics are consistent with the principles of the Holy Quran and the teachings of the Prophet. The integration of mathematical concepts with Islamic worldview is essential as a holistic approach to Muslim's life in particular as well as human development and civilizational excellence in general.
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Revista brasileira de história da matemática (RBHM), 2020
West Science Islamic Studies, 2023
Eduma : Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching, 2021
MUDARRISA: Journal of Islamic Education
Jurnal Tatsqif
Archimedes Series 66, 2023
Pedaqoji Universitetinin Xeberleri Humanitar , 2020
Routledge Handbook on the Sciences in Islamicate Societies, 2023
Journal of Statistics and Mathematical Engineering, 2020
Paedagogica Historica, Vol. 42, Nos. 4&5, pp. 629–664., 2006