Intersections of projective varieties and generic projections

1997, Manuscripta Mathematica


Let X, Y C P~ be closed subvarieties of dimensions n and m respectively. Proving a Bezout theorem for improper intersections Stiickrad and Vogel [SVo] introduced cycles vk "= vk(X, Y) of dimension k on XNY and/~k on the ruled join variety J := J(X, Y) of X and Y which are obtained by a simple algorithm..In this paper we give an interpretation of these cycles in terms of generic projections Pk : pN ~ pn+m-k-l. For this we introduce a relative ramification locus R(Pk, X, Y) of Pk which is of dimension at most k and generalizes the usual ramification cycle in the case X = Y. We prove that this cycle is just Vk for 0 < k < dimXCIY-1. Moreover, the cycles flk+l (for -1 < k < dimXCtY-1) may be interpreted geometrically as the cycle of double points of Pk associated to the closure of the set of all (x : y) in the ruled join J such that (pk(x) : Pk(Y)) is in the diagonal A~,+~_k_: of j(pn+m-k-1, p'n+m-k-1).