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Tanah dan air merupakan dua sumber daya alam yang sangat penting sebagai penyokong kehidupan makhluk hidup di dunia terutama manusia. Kedua sumber alam tersebut sangat mudah mengalami kerusakan atau degradasi. Berbagai aktivitas manusia penyebab rusaknya sumber daya tersebut seperti aktivitas pertanian, rumah tangga, maupun industry berperan besar dalam penurunan kualitas serta fungsi tanah dan air.
The fertile of a soil depends on the thing that called soil decomposer. The soil decomposer are the creatures that decompose the rotten things such as rotten foods, woods, leafs etc. Worms and bacteria are the primer soil decomposer. To measure the soil quality, we have to know that worms are just live in some condition. Worms can be found in acid, humid and a little wet condition. First, we choosed and decided some places where we wanted to analyze around our campus , at canopy sites and at open area sites. After that, we measured the first physical factors, light intensity. Then, we dug a hole in fifthy to fifthy centimeters and fifthy centimeters depth, then we were measured the second physical factors, soil temperature and humidity. Then, we flushed that holes with liquid soap to attract the worms to appear to surface. Whether in canopy nor in open area, we didn't find any worms or the other soil decomposer. We conclude that the soil around our campus didn't have the soil decomposers or maybe they hide in deeper soil as we found that the soil were dried.
Penyebab, akibat, dan dampak dari pencemaran tanah
Bilamana suatu lapisan tanah mengalami tambahan beban di atasnya, maka air pori akan mengalir dari lapisan tersebut dan isinya (volume) akan menjadi lebih kecil, yaitu akan terjadi konsolidasi. Pada umumnya konsolidasi ini akan berlangsung dalam satu jurusan saja, yaitu jurusan vertikal, karena lapisan yang kena tambahan beban itu tidak dapat bergerak dalam jurusan horizontal (ditahan oleh tanah di sekelilingnya). Keadaan-keadaan demikian dapat dilihat pada Gambar K. 1.
Bahan ajar ini ditulis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengajaran pada mata kuliah Kesuburan Tanah dan Pemupukan (AGT-320) yang sumber pustakanya banyak ditulis dalam bahasa asing dan jumlahnya terbatas. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada urutan tatap muka di kelas sehingga mahasiswa dapat mempelajari materi perkuliahan sebelum materi tersebut disampaikan. Dengan demikian, diharapkan akan terjadi interaksi yang baik antara pengajar dan mahasiswa. Materi yang ditulis merupakan kompilasi dan/atau rangkuman dari bahan pustaka yang digunakan pada kegiatan perkuliahan dan hasil penelitian penulis selama 10 tahun terakhir.
Jurnal Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan, 2020
The establishment of Sawangan district, Depok municipality as an urban service sub-centres (SPK) has encouraged urbanization to the zoning. The population increase and the demand for land for the conversion is a consequence. Land-use change has become an environmental issue in the SPK Sawangan, specifically soil degradation. The objectives of this study were to assess the condition of soil degradation based on the criteria for evaluating the parameters of soil physical properties in the SPK Sawangan. Observation method on the soil physical properties were carried out at five sample plots. The assessment technique referred to standard assessment criteria for controlling soil degradation for biomass production. The results showed that the parameters that affect soil degradation are acidity (T1,T3, T5), soil bulk density (T4), permeability: fast (T2,T3) and slow (T4). Overall conclusions, soil degradation at the SPK Sawangan zoning shows the condition of low damage. The policy implications are that stakeholders need to carry out technical management of land, especially on land that has the limiting parameter value that exceeds or is outside the critical threshold value.
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Jurnal Konstruksi, 2022
Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Mitigasi Bencana, 2019
Menganalisi Penyebab dan Dampak Degradasi Lahan Di Indonesia (Menggunakan Analisis Perbandingan Ruang), 2020
Jurnal Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan, 2013