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Letras, 2020
admite diferentes -y aun contradictoriaslecturas. La poca información que tenemos hasta el día de hoy acerca de este autor indígena hace difícil una comprensión de la relación entre su obra y su contexto socioeconómico y político. Este ensayo propone esclarecer esta relación al combinar lo que se sabe de Guaman Poma de otras fuentes y un análisis de lo que el autor revela sobre sí mismo en su texto.
Ethnohistory, 2010
Indigenous American societies pose serious problems for traditional theories of orality, literacy, and writing. This article attempts to deconstruct the orality-literacy dichotomy that has traditionally informed anthropological thought (whether it be of anthropologists, historians, literary critics, or others). Using indigenous American media such as the Andean khipu, Moche fine-line painting, and Mesoamerican iconography as a starting and ending point, it proposes a dialogic model of literacy and subsequently a dialogic model of media that constitutes a revision of the traditional anthropological and historical theory relating to the role of writing/media, its relationship to the development of socioeconomic and political complexity, and its cognitive effects.
CR: The New Centennial Review, 2005
Dimensión antropológica, vol. 76, 2019
Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxóchitl es un cronista del siglo XVII que escribió sobre la historia antigua mesoamericana y de la Conquista de México. Sus obras son fuente importante para...
Colonial Latin American Review, 2002
Any given written work is a marriage of cultural modes of thought and linguistic, literary, and other textual conventions that come together to create an intelligible product in a recognizable form. The representational success of a written text obtains from a culturally logical relationship between formal conventions and conceptual content established over time: culture and its authentic representation develop together dialogically. Systems and conventions of representation are custom made and culture speci c, and any attempt to employ them in the representation of something foreign to the culture that developed them results in the distortion of the represented culture, the system of representation, or both. The conventions that characterize a text may be categorized in two ways: those that the text consciously employs to produce a desired effect relating to the informative content; and those that are imposed or in uenced by cultural practices and modes of thought that shape the production and reception of mental as well as material commodities. We might call the rst type of convention textual and the second paratextual and/or metatextual. Gérard Genette de nes the paratext as a group of heterogeneous practices and discourses that surround and extend the text (Genette 1997, 1-2). The paratext includes titles, prefaces, tables of content, etc. I would argue that the features of a text also derive from what we might call metatextual principles that make the text possible and re ect the cultural modes of thought that produce it. The left to right, top to bottom direction of Western alphabetic script, for example, or the top to bottom, right to left of Chinese writing exemplify conventions founded upon metatextual principles, and contribute, therefore, to unique textual ontologies. Most often, these conventions are taken for granted because they form a part of the system of textual production and reception employed by a given society. The semiotic nature of these conventions lies within the cultural paradigms of which they form part. The signi cance that they hold is not an informative message, but rather a system of cultural logic shared by members of a society and through which the formation of disembodied discourse and the transmission of information are made possible.
The Routledge Hispanic Studies Companion to Colonial Latin America and the Caribbean (1492-1898), 2021
Una bibliografia sobre la Escritura Inca hasta diciembre del 2011.
In "El quipu colonial: estudios y materiales." Eds. Marco Curatola Petrocchi and José Carlos de la Puente Luna, pp. 9-30, 2013
An English version of a book review of mine published in Spanish in the Peruvian journal, Revista Andina (2015).
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Letras. Revista de investigación de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, 2020
Estudios de Historia Novohispana, 2022
en Javier Eduardo Ramírez López (coord.), De Catemahco a Tezcoco: origen y desarrollo de una ciudad indígena, Texcoco, Diócesis de Texcoco, pp. 23-54., 2017 , 2021
Jongsoo Lee and Galen Brokaw, editors, Boulder, Texcoco: Prehispanic and Colonial Perspectives, University of Colorado Press, 2014.
Routledge Companion to Colonial Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel and Santa Arias (Editors), 2020
Estudios de cultura náhuatl, 2017
American Anthropologist
Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies, 2014
Hispanic American Historical Review, 2021