Identification of Larvae of Intertidal Bivalves


Despite the importance of the planktonic larval stage in intertidal bivalves, our understanding of this stage is not well developed. One of the important limitations in quantification of planktonic larval distributions is the identification of sampled larvae. Identification of larvae is difficult due to the uniform morphology of many larval species. Microscopic identification was mostly used for this purpose in the past. The problem with this technique is that direct identification requires specialist knowledge. Recently, considerable progress has been made in identification of bivalve larvae using immunological techniques or molecular biology. However, not every laboratory doing larval research is equipped for molecular or immunological identification of bivalve larvae and these techniques are time consuming and costly. The recent improvements in imagine analysis technology and the reduction in cost of such equipment make optical techniques for identification of bivalve larvae interesting again. We evaluate bivalve larvae reared in our laboratory (Crassostrea gigas, Cerastoderma edule, Macoma balthica, Mytilus edulis) and literature data of larvae from the 1960s using image analysis techniques. We use this dataset to compile species-specific dimensions (length -width of the larval shell) and shape parameters (contour of the larval shell). The first method yields different slopes when length and width are plotted against each other but regression lines overlap, which makes the technique impractical for field identification. Multidimensional scaling of larval shape within one species shows shape-development of the larvae during ontogeny. Linear discriminant analysis did not produce results when the whole data set was used. But discriminant analysis on larger individuals (length > 150 µm) was relatively successful for species for which sufficient individuals were available. The identity of up to 74 % of the larvae could be predicted correctly.