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2014, Cortex
5 pages
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Cortex, 2003
Nearly 100 years after their publication Hugo Liepmann's ideas are still influential for today's neuropsychology. This influence is, however, restricted to a small, albeit central, portion of his work. Cognizance of their wider biographical and scientific context may help to bring about a deeper understanding of their significance. This paper provides a comprehensive review of Liepmann's life and work. In the first part of this paper I try to give an impression of his life, his personality and his style as a clinician and as a scientific writer. The second part is a review of his ideas on cerebral localization of psychological function, and the third an account of his writings on apraxia. Finally, I briefly consider Liepmann's legacy and argue that the less well known parts of his writings are at least as topical today as are his famous papers on apraxia.
Global Journal of Medical and Clinical , 2020
Starting from the general concept of Apraxia, the present work focuses on the clinical, neurobiological, and functional aspects of the morbid condition, suggesting a multidimensional treatment between rehabilitation exercises for lost skills and psychotherapy.
Aphasiology, 2014
The feeling of acting voluntarily is a fundamental component of human behavior and social life and is usually accompanied by a sense of agency. However, this ability can be impaired in a number of diseases and disorders. An important example is apraxia, a disturbance traditionally defined as a disorder of voluntary skillful movements that often results from frontal-parietal brain damage. The first part of this article focuses on direct evidence of some core symptoms of apraxia, emphasizing those with connections to agency and free will. The loss of agency in apraxia is reflected in the monitoring of internally driven action, in the perception of specifically self-intended movements and in the neural intention to act. The second part presents an outline of the evidences supporting the functional and anatomical link between apraxia and agency. The available structural and functional results converge to reveal that the frontal-parietal network contributes to the sense of agency and its impairment in disorders such as apraxia. The current knowledge on the generation of motor intentions and action monitoring could potentially be applied to develop therapeutic strategies for the clinical rehabilitation of voluntary action.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2013
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Current biology, 2008
Correspondence: [email protected] (M.P.), salvatoremaria. [email protected] (S.M.A.)
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