The neural basis of tool use

2009, Brain

Misuse of tools and objects by patients with left brain damage is generally recognized as a manifestation of apraxia, caused by parietal lobe damage. The use of tools and objects can, however, be subdivided in several components. The purpose of our study was to find out which of these are dependent on parietal lobe function. Thirty-eight patients with left brain damage and aphasia were examined using tests to assess the retrieval of functional knowledge from semantic memory (Functional Associations), mechanical problem solving (Novel Tools) and use of everyday tools and objects (Common Tools). Voxel-wise analysis of magnetic resonance images revealed two regions where lesions had a significant impact on the test results. One extended rostrally from the central region and ventrally through the middle frontal cortex to the dorsal margin of the inferior frontal gyrus. The other reached dorsally and caudally from the supramarginal gyrus, through the inferior, to superior parietal lobe. Whereas the frontal lesions had an adverse influence on all experimental tests as well as on the subtests of the Aachen Aphasia test, parietal lesions impaired Novel and Common Tools, but did not have an adverse effect on the Functional Associates. An association between Functional Associations and temporal lesions became apparent when patients with only a selective deficit in the test were considered, but did not show up in the whole group analysis. The parietal influence was as strong for the selection as for the use of either novel or common tools, although choice of appropriate manual configuration and movements was more important for use than for selection. We conclude that the contribution of the parietal lobe to tool use concerns general principles of tool use rather than knowledge about the prototypical use of common tools and objects, and the comprehension of mechanical interactions of the tool with other tools, recipients or material rather than the selection of grip formation and manual movements.