Estimation of multi-modal histogram's pdf using a mixture model



A general model for estimating the pdf of a gray-level image histogram is reported. The histogram's pdf is approached by a mixture of Gaussian distributions. The originality of this work lies in the determination of the number of components in the mixture, which is considered as a parameter of the model and is determined using a novel algorithm. For this purpose, the model is divided into three parts. First, we use the k-means algorithm to set the initial values for the parameters of each component in the mixture. Our contributions are the determination of an appropriate numberof clusters in the k-means algorithm and a novel algorithm for eliminating false clusters. Finally, the values of the parameters are re ned using the EM algorithm. The model has been validated on both arti cial and real image histograms. Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, no. 7, p. 103-118, July 1999