On Hittite Dreams



ipamati kistamati pari tumatimis Luwian and Hittite StudieS preSented to J. david HawkinS on tHe occaSion of HiS 70 tH birtHday itaMar SinGer editor eMery and cLaire yaSS pubLicationS in arcHaeoLoGy inStitute of arcHaeoLoGy teL aviv univerSity teL aviv 2010 iv under the auspices of the friends of the institute of archaeology of tel aviv university with the support of the israel Science foundation published by the emery and claire yass publications in archaeology (bequeathed by the yass estate, Sydney, australia) of the institute of archaeology, tel aviv university iSbn 965-266-026-4 © copyright 2010 all rights reserved printed in israel by top print John david Hawkins photograph by takayuki oshima, courtesy of the Middle east cultural centre of Japan.