Integrability and quantum symmetries

1991, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements


1. Quantum Groups are expected to be the appropriate mathematical framework to describe both the symmetry properties of rational conformal field theories and integrable models [4][5]. The first common feature between integrable models and conformal field theories is of course the appearance of finite dimensional representations of the braid group. For conformal field theories the braid group is represented on the space of conforreal blocks, which is finite dimensional for rational theories . Similarly in the context of integrable models the representation of the braid group is defined by the Yang-Baxter operators of IRF-models in t~e limit of the spectral parameter equal to infinity. In particular the closest relation between both representations of the braid group is obtained for the case of Prigonometric solutions of IRF-models defined on a graph [6] when the graph is builded up using as incidence matrix the one obtained from the fusion algebra by Aij = N~ for k-fixed [7 I.