Popular Film and Peace Studies


This chapter illustrates theoretical concepts in peace studies through three popular films: The Matrix (Wachowski & Wachowski, 1999), The Truman Show (Niccol, 1998), and Inception (Nolan, 2010). The plot of each film describes the conscientization of the main character, and each film may be used pedagogically to promote conscientization in students. Conscientization is the process of developing critical consciousness from interdisciplinary analysis of social situations to distinguish what is natural or given, and what is cultural or constructed (Freire, 1973). This process is antecedent to developing agency (the will and ability to act) and more specifically to challenging structures of oppression and injustice. Each of the main characters face contradictions in their social situations, leading them to question the operations of power and control. These films are used in an Introduction to Justice and Peace Studies class to help students learn social analysis skills. Pedagogical applications described herein may be useful in a variety of educational settings, in and beyond peace studies.