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Recent years have had many changes and shifts, one of the largest shifts was towards Globalization. Globalization is the process of economies shifting into the global market. It has the concepts of Comparative and absolute advantage to its support. However with the specialization of labor and technological advancements, globalization has been adopted by many countries alike. This adaptation had not been analyzed, but with the recent events that unfold economically, scholars and economists have started to question the traditional beliefs and theories of globalization. Also as to how do globalization affects the world? The question has been sought to be answered by many modern economists such as the likes of Stieglitz and so forth. Many economists still defend globalization, and the contrary raises questions on the developing or the under developed countries, countries like Uganda or Ethiopia have shown growth and developments but it has been of little significance. The other aspect of the critiques on globalization is that it helps not only the elite but imposes a corporate culture that is trying to be universalized. Organizations that are operating on the global scale such as the IMF or World Bank have policies that imposes its own rights in other economies by persuading them to shift to free liberalized economies. However there are arguments supporting globalization as well as to how a global culture reduces violence and paves way for cultural and ethnic tolerance, allows countries to specialize and etc. Moreover as to whether there is no link between corruption and market system or developmental failure, and that the globalization itself does not have flaws but the way it is implanted is flawed. Such is the case of Globalization as it affects socio-political, ethnic and cultural values and much more. All these aspects are taken into detailed consideration and the discussion is formed
4 Key words 4 Description of the research 5 Study hypothesis 5 Study questions 5 Structure of the study paper 5 Theoretical perspective 6 Study Sections 7 Section1: Exploring Globalization 7 Common features in globalization 8 Abstract The period between 1945 -1989 was marked by Cold war system and three worlds emerged, namely; first world (US and allies like Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and later Japan), second world composed of communist states of Eastern Europe and the Soviet and then the third world which are still occupied with the process of development (O"Briens and Williams 2004, p. 115). However after 1989 to present there are noticeable changes and developments taking place and most scholars have named the 1990s as a decade of globalization. O"Briens and Williams (ibid) argue that, economically new parts of the world have opened to capitalist activities. The spread of capitalist activities has been part of globalization process which ties up well with the liberals believe in the possibility of progress (Baylis, J., et al. (2008, p. 110). The authors provide four components in liberalism theory, namely, juridical, equality, democracy and the free market (p. 116). These are the same values embraced by globalization process to a larger extend.
Developing Country Studies, 2013
This paper will discuss the benefits and drawbacks from the point of view that globalization made in the developing countries in the three important fields such as economic and trade processes, education and health systems and culture effects. It is consists of four paragraphs. In paragraph one, the benefits and detriment of globalization in the economic and trade processes field will be discussed. Then, in paragraph two, the impact of globalization on education and health systems in both sides will be shown. In the paragraph three, the positives and negatives of globalization on culture will be illustrated. Finally, paragraph four, will deal with conclusion and offer an opinion.
Globalization is the new buzz word that has [Type here] come to dominate the world at the later part of the last century with the end of cold war period and the disintegration of the former Soviet union and global trends towards the rolling ball. The increase on the markets economy and faith in private capital, structural adjustment and influences of the World Bank and International Organizations in many third world countries. Globalization brought in new opportunities as well as challenges to third world. With the analysis of the concept, present research examine the history, types of globalization and composition of third world. The study focuses on the positive and negative impacts on third world countries brought by globalization. To conduct the research, researcher utilize the descriptive and analytical method of research.
From being an economic strategy to being the buzz word of the time, Globalization has grown and emerged in a speed almost as that of a social trend. But as ironic as it may sound, the term is more often than not associated with a diverse array of things making it an extremely contested concept, and essentially so. Academicians perceive globalization in various different ways depicting it as an ideology, a condition, a system of processes, a policy, a market strategy, a predicament and even an age or an era. With such diverse lenses breeds diverse nomenclature and hence, those referring to it as a social condition term it as 'globality', characterized by the existence of global economic, political, cultural and environmental interconnections and flows that make many of the existing territorial boundaries seem futile. Sticking strictly with the etymology of globalization brings forth the idea of it being a set of social processes that are thought to transform the prevailing societal condition into one of globality. Globalization, then, almost explicitly suggests some sort of dynamism best captured by the notion of development or unfolding along discernible patterns. Yet another term is 'Globalism' opted by those who view the concept as that of an ideology of globalization going by the age-old tradition of employing-ism suffix to signify the theories, values and assumptions working behind driving the process. Hence, scholars exploring the dynamics of globalization have rightly come up with characterizing it as a complex, multidimensional and multifaceted concept which, at any cost, cannot be boiled down to a single-simple phenomenon or theme. As Andrew Heywood rightly puts it-"the problem with globalization is that it is not so much an 'it' as a 'them': it is not a single process but a complex of processes, sometimes overlapping and interlocking but also, at times, contradictory and oppositional ones." Perhaps the best way one can try unraveling the complexity, then, is to look at how these scholars have defined globalization in their own ways and consequently work out some attributes that appear persistently even when viewed through varied lenses. "Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa." ~ Anthony Giddens, "The concept of globalization reflects the sense of an immense enlargement of world communication, as well as of the horizon of a world market, both of which seem far more tangible and immediate than in earlier stages of modernity." ~ Fredric Jameson
Globalisation is a term widely used to describe the sharing and exchange of values between countries across borders, these values can either be material or immaterial such as cultures, capital, goods and services. This is commonly because of international trade, advances of transportation, technologies and communication across the world. Globalisation is also seen as the interdependence of individuals, organisations and nations. It is the interaction and integration influenced by international trade and investment, and backed by information technology. Globalisation has greatly influenced the economic interdependence of different countries as well as advancement in communication technologies, and the progress of technology in general.
Globalization is a dominant aspect of the modern world system, and it constitutes one of the most powerful forces in determining the future course of the planet. It has various dimensions: economic, social, political, cultural, security, environmental, and many more. The focus of this paper will be on the concept of "globalization" as applied to the world economy. This concept has different interpretations by different schools of thought. Consequently, there are contrasted reactions vis-à-vis globalization, with some seeing it as a serious menace to the world economic system while others praise it as salvation for the world economy. There are three aims for this paper. First, it will clarify the notion of "globalization". Second, it will evaluate the benefits and the adverse effects stemming from globalization according to surveys and literature reviews. Third, it will consider how the cost and dangers incurred from globalization could be offset through wider international cooperation and the establishment of new global institutions. The question at hand here-hinted from the title of this study-, is that there are both positive and negative facets of globalization. Some of its positive features are thanks to the competition that it stirs up between developed and underdeveloped countries. Some of the negative aspects that could potentially lead to conflicts could be mitigated by global cooperation through relaxed policies in favor of the inferior party, or the enacting of new binding laws and statutory bodies. Thus, while globalization can be a trigger of international discords, it can also contribute to their containment.
Globalization as a process involves the integration of nations, companies, government entities and the interaction of individual to promote international trade. The impact of globalization is evident on political systems, the economic progress, individual well being, culture and environment existing in different nations across the world. Embracing globalization is an idea meant to bring the world together as a global village as far as doing business is concerned. This means that, trade is possible between countries and continents. However, shortfall regarding the idea of a global economy emerges in terms of competition between developed, emerging and developing economies. In this regard, globalization impacts negatively on developing nations while, the developed nations stand to gain. This paper examines globalization, with a focus on whether the idea is a friend or a foe to emerging and developing nations.
SPJMR , 2021
Globalization has become a familiar enough word, the meaning of which has been discussed by others before me during this conference. Let me nonetheless outline briefly what I understand by the term. I shall then go on to consider what has caused it. The bulk of my paper is devoted to discussing what we know, and what we do not know, about its consequences. I will conclude by considering what policy reactions seem to be called for.
The question whether the Globalization is beneficial for the World or harmful, is still unsolved and very controversial. Besides all of its disadvantages, it is an accepted reality that globalization is expanding very rapidly throughout the world. This paper is an attempt to find out what is the true sense of Globalization? How it is affecting the International Trade, FDI, and Economic Developments of overall word? This paper is mainly focusing on measuring how the Globalization is affecting the fastest growing industries of World.
The purpose of the study was to find out the influence of globalisation on economic development. The researcher therefore reviewed the existing literature on the implication of globalisation on the economic development. Thus the concepts of globalization and development as well as some components of development and the impact of globalisation on the world economy are critically examined. Based on determining implication of globalization on economic development, recommendations on the development of developing economies to keep pace with globalization are highlighted. It is concluded with a quote from a former American president, Bill Clinton "There are risks to globalization, but in the end, there are no alternatives to globalization".
Globalization is a controversial issue in the third world countries. is study tries to determine the factors associated with this controversy and explained the economic impacts of globalization in the third world countries on the basis of some of the scholars' arguments expressed on the subject. In the recent past, there have been the pros and cons of globalization in developing countries. Some argue that globalization is indeed a necessary evil to the third world countries that it can neither be rejected nor fully applied to its national policy. However, many others suggest that globalization should be looked at in all its manifestations and from di erent angles. In order to address this issue, when considered from the economic point of view, the negative economic impacts of globalization should be minimized and exportable capacity of the third world economy in the global market should be increased in a step by step manner.
The concept of globalization and its impact has been the subject of controversial public and academic debate over the last years. This study presents the issue of globalization and its consequences, especially from the point of view of the developing economies. This paper provides the first an account of the three main perspectives on globalization, offered by hyperglobalists – also known as the neoliberal analysis-, global-sceptics – also referred to as the radical analysis and global transformationalists. Apart from analyzing in theory what each of these perspectives presupposes, we try to back them up with statistical data brought forward by supporters of each of these trends in their attempt to justify the claims they are making. In the end, we want to express some concluding thoughts on the matters discussed and to present our own view on which of these three perspectives might be the most valid in the context of our contemporary society.
Journal, 2013
Globalization is one of the most important forces shaping the global economy. Globalization has led to an integrated and interdependent global economy. In this age of globalization, the developing countries, especially Africa, face special risks that globalization and the market reforms that reflect and reinforce their integration into the global economy will exacerbate inequality in trade and income and worsen the problem of unemployment. The theoretical approach adopted in the paper is structural approach on globalization which views globalization as a product of interaction networks inevitable in a world system. The paper reveals that under certain circumstances, globalization can lead to a higher unemployment and an increasing shrewdness in the distribution of income between developed and developing nations. It recommends bridging the digital divide and Africa's promotion of the tenets of good governance, accountability and transparency as envisaged in the NEPAD and AGOA mechanisms as measures to enhance Africa's effective participation in the globalization process.
International Journal of Science and Business, 2019
Nowadays globalization is a debatable topic regarding the economic growth of the developing countries around the world. This paper tries to determine the aspects associated with this argument and explains the effects of globalization in the developing countries in three important and co-related fields i.e. economic and trade processes, education and health systems and culture on the basis of some of the scholars' arguments expressed on the subject. In the recent past, there have been the pros and cons of globalization in developing countries. Some argue that globalization is indeed a curse to the developing countries as it can neither be rejected nor fully be applied to its national policy. However, many others suggest that globalization should be looked at in all its manifestations and from different angles it is a blessing for those countries. In order to address this issue, when considered from the economic perspective, the negative economic impacts of globalization should be minimized and exportable capacity of the developing countries' economy in the global market should be maximized in a gradual manner. In practice the study will give the practitioners and the relevant part the knowledge to improve business in developing countries. IJSB
This paper will discuss the benefits and drawbacks from the point of view that globalization made in the developing countries in the three important fields such as economic and trade processes, education and health systems and culture effects. It is consists of four paragraphs. In paragraph one, the benefits and detriment of globalization in the economic and trade processes field will be discussed. Then, in paragraph two, the impact of globalization on education and health systems in both sides will be shown. In the paragraph three, the positives and negatives of globalization on culture will be illustrated. Finally, paragraph four, will deal with conclusion and offer an opinion.
(Great concepts to prevent the development of underdeveloped countries, and especially the African countries) Globalization, and the AGOA are the dominating economic concepts of our today's world. The World Trade Organization (WTO), has adopted their core values. All countries now have obligation to open their economic borders (which in reality is nothing other than a commercial conquest) to facilitate the flow of the various flows of global exchange (financial flows and flows of goods and services). If some countries (mainly the Western powers) applaud this new world, the other countries, mostly under developed ones, live this situation differently.
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