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Logos & Episteme is an international journal focused on epistemology, originating in 2010 as part of the Knowledge Based Society Project, supported by European funding and the Romanian Government. It is now published through the collaboration of the Romanian Academy's Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research and the European Institute in Iași.
This symposium is the 5-th International Forum for Ph D students and Post Docs, lecturers, researchers, professors, educational scientists, technologists and European projects experts, who can present their contribution on: 2015 - European Year for Development - Millennium Development Goals - poverty eradication and sustainable development - tackling poverty in developing countries - EU development aid - EU enlargement - smart growth - an economy based on knowledge and innovation for Europe 2020 - sustainable growth - a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy for Europe 2020 - inclusive growth - a high employment economy delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion for Europe 2020 - overcoming youth unemployment - modernization of labor markets - entrepreneurship and business environment for innovative SMEs - the future of welfare state - quality of life and social policies - social entrepreneurship, inclusive societies, social innovation - social economy - reforms of the financial system - knowledge partnership: education - business - research - innovation - education and training systems - openness, relevance, improving education outcomes - demographic change, migration and integration - climate change - renewable energy - health and ageing societies - challenges in an enlarged EU - new challenges of globalization A special attention will be paid to early-stage researchers and academic PhD students and Post Docs who are encouraged to express their original ideas in a particular part of the plenary session and to take part in the 2015 International Competition: The best research paper on “Poverty eradication and sustainable development”. (no registration fee for the best research paper on the subject of poverty eradication and sustainable development in the context of 2015 - European Year of Development, and a Winner Certificate) Papers will be published in the 10th Volume of Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research (December 2015) . The Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research is an online peer-reviewed scientific journal with an international Editorial Board, ISSN 2247-6172, indexed in international databases such as REPEC, EBSCO, EconLit, Index Copernicus, NewJour (Georgetown University Library), EconBiz: catalogue ECONIS of the ZBW - Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, WorldCat, Genamics JournalSeek, Electronic Journals Library - Universität Regensburg, ERIH Plus and from May 2014 in evaluation Thomson Reuters. Further info:
Elsevier Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014
The “Costin C. Kiriţescu” National Institute for Economic Research is part of the fundamental research structures of the Romanian Academy and is a preserver of the economic and social research set up almost one century ago. The present objectives of the NIER stem from the mission undertaken at the beginning of the tenth decade of the 20th century. The NIER’s mission is to correlate its own research strategy with the Romanian Academy’s vocation and with European and national strategies and policies in the science and research field.
The paper aims to evaluate the reply offered by philosophers of educational justice Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz to the challenge posed by Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift. According to the latter two authors, the positional character of education undermines the application of sufficientarian principles to the distribution of educational resources. In the Brighouse-Swift view, a good is positional when its crucial characteristic is how much one possesses of it in relation to others. The two philosophers argue that education has this characteristic. Satz and Anderson reply that sufficientarianism can also survive in education, as the current educational structure should be modified. They maintain that the argument for an adequate minimum can diffuse the positionality objection and that by modifying the social structure to allow for other avenues of social mobility one can put less stress on formal education. The paper rejects the two claims and argues against sufficientarianism in...
Sunumda “Küresel eşitsizlikleri nasıl ele almalı?” sorusu, politik ekonomi perspektifinde ele alınarak küresel ekonomik meseleler incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda çok uluslu şirketler, IMF, Dünya Bankası ve prekarya gibi küresel aktörlerin yanı sıra, çevresel tahribat, güvencesizlik, toplumsal ilişkilerin zayıflaması ve gelir dağılımındaki adaletsizlik gibi küresel sorunlar ekonomik, sosyal ve tarihsel çerçevede temellendirilmiştir. Bu yaklaşımın, ana akım iktisatla kıyaslandığında küresel eşitsizliklerin anlaşılması ve çözüm önerilerinin üretilmesi açısından daha gerçekçi bir çerçeve sunduğu düşünülmektedir.
Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015
Every generation of thinkers has been given the responsibility to formulate solutions to the situations our society has crossed. The last quarter of a century of reentry into capitalism is full of lessons for all of those who want to measure their power of understanding and explanation with one of the most complex social phenomena. The entrance into capitalism, as a situation, cannot be analyzed without taking into account the fact that it belongs to a series of social phenomena that have made the modernization of Romania, which started in 1829. Every effort, every change of direction has transformed the fiber of society and the individual, for almost two centuries.
Acest număr special şi-a propus să ofere un spaţiu academic şi profesional pentru a descrie şi analiza critic unul dintre scopurile fundamentale ale asistenţei sociale: capacitarea copiilor, tinerilor şi familiilor. Evaluarea, planificarea şi livrarea intervenţiilor acestor categorii de beneficiari tind să se centreze în mod semnificativ pe problemă. Prin urmare, asistenţii sociali îşi vor explica eşecurile intervenţiilor prin raportarea la clienţi ca "nemo tivaţi", "rezistenţi la schimbare" şi/sau "nepregătiţi" să-şi asume schimbarea. Profe sioniştii tind să facă mai degrabă lucruri pentru clienţi, şi nu împreună cu aceştia, în special în cazul situaţiilor şi/sau clienţilor "problematici".
Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 2012
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Journal of Community Positive Practices, 2020
Postmodern Openings, 2012
Center for European Studies, 2018
Elsevier Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015
SEA: Practical Application of Science, 2013
Revista Calitatea Vieții, 2021
Scuola Democratica, 3/2013, pp. 631-650
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
"Social Inequalities in a time of economic crisis in Greece" Social inequalities in a time of economic crisis in Greece, 2018
Drustvena Istrazivanja Journal For General Social Issues, 2008