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The paper discusses the recent tests of India's indigenous Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system, focusing on the performance parameters of the interceptor missile against the attacker Prithvi missile. Despite some advances, several limitations in the current tests are highlighted, particularly regarding the ability of the BMD system to engage higher velocity targets with a smaller radar cross-section. The document points out the inadequacies of the Prithvi missile as a test target and emphasizes the need for further testing under more realistic conditions to validate the BMD capabilities against long-range missile threats.
Defense & Security Analysis, 2002
As a result, it is clear that the tests to date and the upcoming test are mainly focused on the "endgame" of the full intercept process-on whether the kill vehicle can successfully home on a target that it can readily identify (or has been identified for it).
The second successful te st launch of the Agni V has further proved the effectiveness and the reliability of the missile and the technological capability of DRDO. DRDO's ballistic missile project stands out among other complex weapons development programme. The
International Journal of Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering, 2013
A Mid-course guidance algorithm has been developed for an exo-atmospheric interceptor to neutralize an incoming high speed ballistic Target. The guidance scheme positions the interceptor ahead of the target so that the velocity vectors of the target and interceptors are in the same direction. As the interceptors used in ballistic missile defence have a lower velocity than the incoming target, the target approaches the interceptor. The guidance scheme reduces the closing velocity compared to a head on approach thereby increasing the homing time for a given terminal sensor detection range. The guidance law is validated through numerical simulation.
Science & Global Security, 1999
Ballistic targets can be more difficult to hit than aircraft targets. If the intercept takes place out of the atmosphere and if no maneuvering is taking place, the ballistic target motion can be fairly predictable since the only force acting on the target is that of gravity. In all cases an exoatmospheric interceptor will need fuel to maneuver in order to hit the target. The long engagement times will require guidance and control strategies which conserve fuel and minimize the acceleration levels for a successful intercept. If the intercept takes place within the atmosphere, the ballistic target is not as predictable because asymmetries within the target structure may cause it to spiral. In addition, the targets' high speed means that very large decelerations will take place and appear as a maneuver to the pursuing endoatmospheric interceptor. In this case advanced guidance and control strategies are required to insure that the target can be hit even when the missile is out maneuvered. This tutorial will attempt to highlight the major guidance and control challenges facing ballistic missile defense.
International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2006
Aimable kinetic energy rod (KER) warheads are one of the most efficient types of kill enhancement concepts for missile interceptors that exist today. This is because these devices contain minimal explosive, allowing most of its warhead weight to be designed as lethal penetrators. These projectiles are deployed at low velocity and rely on the relative velocity for the penetration power. Static rod deployment testing was performed to investigate the spatial distribution of the spray pattern as well as its deployment velocity. Raytheon's test program deployed over 900 hexagon and cruciform rods in order to understand the physics of their deployment. In conjunction with deployment tests, novel penetrator studies were conducted that determined that novel projectiles are better penetrators when compared with traditional cylindrical rods. A new endgame simulation was developed that predicts damage from closely spaced tumbling rods. This new simulation predicts the synergistic effects from any collateral damage against submunition and bomblet payloads. This new endgame model will allow for an analyst to optimize the rod mass, size, cross-section and L/D ratio against ballistic missile payloads.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2007
Theoretical bounds for estimating the ballistic coefficient of a ballistic object during the re-entry phase have been addressed. One essential characteristic of the vehicle trajectory is its deceleration when it reaches dense atmospheric layers. The intensity of the phenomenon is proportional to a scalar, called the ballistic coefficient. This leads to an highly nonlinear time-varying dynamic. To understand the dimensioning parameters for estimating the ballistic coefficient, accurate approximations of the Fisher information matrix are developed. The main result is a closed-form expression of a lower bound for the variance of the ballistic coefficient estimate.
La tesi affronta lo studio degli interceptor. La principale funzione di questi e la riduzione della resistenza all'avanzamento delle navi veloci. Dispositivi basati su principi simili sono stati applicati in altri contesti (aeronautici, automobilistici, ecc.). Si e ritenuto utile affrontare questo studio per la insufficiente conoscenza della dinamica determinata dall'interferenza interceptor-carena, diversa a causa della presenza dell'interfaccia aria-acqua. Ad oggi, in ambito navale, l'argomento non e mai stato affrontato con procedure sperimentali sistematiche. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato e giustificato la grande efficacia di questi dispositivi se applicati correttamente. La quantita di dati sperimentali ottenuti ha consentito un sostanziale arricchimento della banca dati disponibile in letteratura. In fine, la comprensione del modello fisico ha permesso l’elaborazione di geometrie non convenzionali ed innovative che magnificano le caratteristiche propri...
Constant trim by stern at high speeds is an important element which decreases the performance of the high speed craft. Interceptor is one of the solutions for this issue. The aim of this study is to analyze an interceptor mechanical design and to preview the electronic control options.
Defence Technology, 2019
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, 2017
This paper presents a comprehensive study on the performance analysis of 8 conceptual guidance laws for exoatmospheric interception of ballistic missiles. The problem is to find the effective thrust direction of interceptor for interception of short-to-super range ballistic missiles. The zero-effort miss and the generalized required velocity concept are utilized for interception of moving targets. By comparison of the 8 conceptual guidance laws, the thrust direction is suggested to be in the direction of generalized velocity-to-be-gained, or constant velocity-to-be-gained direction, rather than to be in the direction along zero-effort miss, or that of linear optimal solution for long-to-super range interception. Even for short coasting ranges, the generalized velocity-to-be-gained may be utilized because of reasonable computational burden for required velocity rather than the numerical computation for zero-effort miss or linear optimal solution with the same miss distance error. In addition, the fuel consumption of the suggested direction has less sensitivity due to estimation error in intercept time. The guidance law based on constant velocity-to-be-gained direction and the optimal solution are suitable for satellites launch vehicles and space missions.
Acta Astronautica, 2014
An intercept mission with nuclear explosives is the only practical mitigation option against the most probable impact threat of near-Earth objects (NEOs) with a short warning time (e.g., much less than 10 years). The existing penetrated subsurface nuclear explosion technology limits the intercept velocity to less than approximately 300 m/s. Consequently, an innovative concept of blending a hypervelocity kinetic impactor with a subsurface nuclear explosion has been developed for optimal penetration, fragmentation, and dispersion of the target NEO. A proposed HAIV (hypervelocity asteroid intercept vehicle) consists of a kinetic-impact leader spacecraft and a follower spacecraft carrying nuclear explosives. This paper describes the conceptual development and design of a baseline HAIV system and its flight validation mission architecture for three mission cost classifications (e.g.
IEEE Spectrum, 1997
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 2015
Separating a reentry vehicle into warhead and body is a conventional and efficient means of producing a huge decoy and increasing the kinetic energy of the warhead. This procedure causes the radar to track the body, whose radar cross section is larger, and ignore the warhead which is the most important part of the reentry vehicle. The aerodynamic Coefficients models play an essential part in the simulation and the analysis of the supersonic and hypersonic of the ballistic missiles, especially in the dynamic trajectory planning. This paper builds the aerodynamic coefficients models by the nonlinear least square method based on the separable warhead re-entry vehicle using lebedev aerodynamic calculations. The lift and drag coefficients models can be expressed with the polynomial and the exponential function. So the models fit the aero characteristic well and can be used in practical design and simulation as a reference.
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2018
Surface to air missiles (SAMs) are a powerful weapon in both defensive and offensive tactics. The purpose of the system is to detect and destroy enemy aircraft or missile approaching a defended area. The system must be capable of defending strategic areas against attack from high altitude, high speed enemy target that could cause damage. Missile systems can be categorized into two classes-strategic and tactical. Strategic missiles are designed to travel long distances towards known, stationary targets. Tactical missiles track or intercept shorter range, maneuvering and non-maneuvering targets where its guidance and control technologies turn out to be more critical. Strategic missiles primarily operate in exoatmospheric conditions while tactical missiles most commonly operate in endoatmospheric conditions. The missile type of interest in this study is the tactical missiles designed to intercept a non maneuvering target. Sophisticated missile launcher systems are used to point the missile to the target. Another classification of missiles includes: Surface-to-Surface Missiles (SSM), Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM), Airto-Air Missiles (AAM) and Air-to-Surface Missiles (ASM).The one of interest in this study is the Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs).This system consists of the Search radar, Missile Launch system and the Control Station.
Proceedings of 1995 American Control Conference - ACC'95
During re-entry the rolling velocity of the non-separating TBM caused by configurational asymmetries will normally pass through the missile pitch frequency. This may result in a large amplitude circular yaw and a severe spiraling of the vehicles center of mass. The presence of a static aerodynamic induced rolling moment may cause the roll rate to lock-in at the critical frequency in which case the severity of this spiraling motion is greatly increased. Both the amplitude and frequency of spiraling generally increase as the missile descends in altitude. The frequency of the motion is in the range 0.5 to 1 hz which is the range of target weave frequencies most critical for fast-response proportional navigation interceptors. These motions can cause significant miss distance in a conventional proportional navigation guidance system. Reducing the interceptor guidance system time constant is a sure way of reducing the miss in a conventional guidance system. However, radome effects will determine how small the guidance system time constant can be made in the intercept altitude regime of interest. If with the smallest attainable guidance system time constant the miss distances are still too large against the spiraling target, the paper demonstrates the advantages of using a weave guidance law. The paper shows that an alternative approach to improving interceptor performance is by improving the guidance law used to steer the missile. If the target weave frequency can be estimated the paper shows that the compensated weave guidance law substantially improves system performance.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington DC 20503.
Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2006
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) is managing the US Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Boost Phase Intercept (BPI) program. The program's goal is to investigate the potential of UAV-based interceptors to provide a boost-phase defensive tier against theater ballistic missiles. A Technology Assessment and Risk Mitigation Effort is underway to determine the requirements of a UAV BPI system. The Advanced Systems Directorate, Space and Missile Systems Center, Air Force Material Command (AFMC/SMC/ADE) has been selected to lead the interceptor integrated product team (IPT). The interceptor IPT's efforts during its first year have been focused on surfacing attractive interceptor conceptual designs and selecting a preliminary design. This paper presents the requirements and rationale leading to the preliminary interceptor design. The history of the concept of airborne interceptors for boost-phase defense is briefly reviewed, including how a consensus emerged for the current UAV-based approach. Top-level interceptor requirements are then derived and several concepts are proposed for meeting them. The pros and cons of the alternative interceptor concepts are examined, leading to a single concept. A preliminary interceptor design is then presented for this concept. 10-20 Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.
Monterey, CA; Naval Postgraduate School, 2020
This thesis investigates the employment of Hyper Velocity Projectiles (HVPs) as interceptors for the Army's Air and Missile Defense (AMD) enterprise in the 2030-2035 timeline. The research recommends a proposed systems architecture for the incorporation of an HVP Gun System (HVPGS) to an AMD enterprise operating in a contested environment, with emphasis on the operating characteristics of the HVPs and their integration onto the firing platform. The study then develops a realistic operational scenario and models it using the ExtendSim modeling tool. Through the systems engineering process, the study traced the Army's AMD requirements and functions throughout the Requirement and Functional Analysis efforts up to the generation of an alternative concept of operation for the AMD enterprise. The analysis method enables the conduct of a quantitative comparison of HVP characteristics that influence the operational success of the AMD enterprise against an enemy in a missile defense engagement. The objective of this thesis is to design an alternative system architecture and concept of operation for the Army's AMD enterprise to employ HVPGS to better defend key U.S. and allied bases in the Western Pacific. Such a system would capitalize on the versatile and cost-effective HVP interceptors to address a potential salvo attack's ability to overwhelm existing missile defenses as well as improve overall cost exchanges for enhanced operational sustainability in the longer term.
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