Genericity Conditions for Serial Manipulators

2008, Advances in Robot Kinematics: Analysis and Design


A generic, or more properly 1-generic, serial manipulator is one whose forward kinematic mapping exhibits singularities of given rank in a regular way. In this paper, the product-ofexponentials formulation of a kinematic mapping together with the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula for Lie groups is used to derive an algebraic condition for the regularity.

Key takeaways

  • A simple invariant of a singularity is its rank-the property of 1-genericity requires certain regularity or, more precisely, transversality conditions for the forward kinematic mapping of a serial manipulator which ensure that the locus of singularities of fixed rank must be a submanifold (smooth subset of the joint space) whose dimension is determined by the number k of joints and the rank.
  • In this situation one could encounter transversely singularity strata, Σ s , in the jet bundle up to codimension m + k. The Elementary Transversality Theorem (see for example [4]) asserts that if If Φ ∩ Σ s for all 0 ≤ s ≤ min{m, 6} then the set of parameter values for which the individual kinematic mappings are 1-generic
  • Theorem 3.1 Suppose f is a serial manipulator kinematic mapping given by (2).
  • In [6], the authors observed (Proposition 4.4) that a necessary condition for transversality to Σ 1 follows from Theorem 3.1(a): the vector subspace ∆ 1 spanned by the screws X 1 , .
  • A straightforward condition for testing for manipulator genericity has been presented.