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The Outer Ear Transmits sounds to the tympanic membrane. The pinna collects sounds and channels it into the ear canal. The ear canal absorbs little sound but directs it to the drum head at its base. The tympanic membrane separates the ear canal from the middle ear and is the first part of the sound transducing mechanism. Shaped somewhat like a loudspeaker cone. The Middle Ear Is an air files space connected to the back of the nose by a long thin tube called the Eustachian Tube. The middle ear space house three little bones: the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stirrup (stapes), which conduct sound from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. The outer and middle ear are sound conducting mechanism. The Inner Ear • Structure: it is a shaped like snail shell it has two and a half turns and houses the organ of hearing known as the membranous labyrinth surrounded by fluid called the perilymph, this fluid is essentially incompressible. The membranous labyrinth is filled up with perilymph and endolymph, the both separate. • Function: Transduction of vibration in the audible range to a nervous impulse is performed by the inner hair cells; when the basilar membrane is rocked by a travelling wave, ion passages are opened or closed in the body of the cell and the afferent nerve ending which is attached to the hair cell base is stimulated. The cochlea is thus a remarkably efficient frequency analyzer. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF HEARING The Outer and Middle Ears The range of audible sound is approx. 10 octaves from somewhere between 16 and 32 Hz to somewhere between 1600 and 2000 Hz. The pinna catches higher frequency sounds and funnels them into the ear canal. The ear canal act as a resonating tube and actually amplifies sounds between 3000 and 4000 Hz. The ear is very sensitive and responds to sound of very low intensity to do this air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane most be equal. The Eustachian tube provide the means of the pressure equalization.
E.A.R. is Excellent Acoustic Reader and sound waves travel through the outer ear, are modulated by the middle ear and are transmitted to the vestibulocochlear nerve in the inner ear. This nerve transmits information to the temporal lobe of the brain, where it is registered as sound. A sound that travels through the outer ear impacts on the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and causes it to vibrate. The three ossicles transmit this sound to a second window (the oval window) which protects the fluid-filled inner ear. In detail, the pinna of the outer ear helps to focus a sound, which impacts on the tympanic membrane. The malleus rests on the membrane and receives the vibration. This vibration is transmitted along the incus and stapes to the oval window. Two small muscles, the tensor tympani and stapedius, also help modulate noise. The tensor tympani dampens noise and the stapedius decrease the receptivity to highfrequency noise. Vibration of the oval window causes vibration of the endolymph within the ventricles and cochlea. The hollow channels of the inner ear are filled with liquid and contain a sensory epithelium that is studded with hair cells. The microscopic "hairs" of these cells are structural protein filaments that project out into the fluid. The hair cells are mechanoreceptors that release a chemical neurotransmitter when stimulated. Sound waves moving through fluid flows against the receptor cells of the Organ of Corti. The fluid pushes the filaments of individual cells; movement of the filaments causes receptor cells to become open to the potassium-rich endolymph. This causes the cell to depolarize and creates an action potential that is transmitted along the spiral ganglion, which sends information through the auditory portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve to the temporal lobe of the brain. The human ear can generally hear sounds with frequencies between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. Although hearing requires an intact and functioning auditory portion of the central nervous system as well as a working ear, human deafness (extreme insensitivity to sound) most commonly occur because of abnormalities of the inner ear, rather than in the nerves or tracts of the central auditory system. Sound below 20 Hz is considered infrasound, which the ear cannot process. It has been proven that the use of mobile phones increases the risk of acquiring cancer. This is due to the emission of electromagnetic radiation, the electromagnetic radiation makes their way through the ear and cause thermal heating to the most parts of the brain by degradation of DNA strands at that particular region. These radiation waves cause various cancers such as glioma, meningioma and acoustic neuroma.
The hearing system, also called also the auditory system, consists of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, and central auditory nervous system. The overall function of the hearing system is to sense the acoustic environment thus allowing us to detect and perceive sound. The anatomy of this system has been described in Chapter 8, Basic Anatomy of the Hearing System. The current chapter describes the function and physiology of the main parts of the hearing system in the process of converting acoustic events into perceived sound. In order to facilitate perception of sound, the hearing system needs to sense sound energy and to convert the received acoustic signals into the electro-chemical signals that are used by the nervous system. A schematic view of the processing chain from the physical sound wave striking the outer ear to the auditory percept in the brain is shown in Figure 9-1. Figure 9-1. A schematic view of the hearing system. The hearing system shown in Figure 9-1 has two functions: sound processing and hearing protection. Sound processing by the hearing system starts when the sound wave arrives at the head of a person. The head forms a baffle that reflects, absorbs, and diffracts sound prior to its processing by the hearing system. The first two sound processing elements of the hearing system are the outer and middle ears that form together a complex mechanical system that is sensitive to changes in intensity, frequency, and direction of incoming sound. Acoustic waves propagating in the environment are diffracted, absorbed, and reflected by the listener's body, head, and the pinnae and arrive through the ear canal at the tympanic membrane of the middle ear. After the acoustic wave strikes the eardrum, its acoustic energy is converted into mechanical energy and carried across the middle ear. At the junction of the middle ear and the inner ear, the mechanical energy of the stapes is transformed into the motion of the fluids of the inner ear and thence into the vibrations of the basilar membrane. The motion of the basilar membrane affects electro-chemical processes in the organ of Corti and results in generation of electric impulses by the array of the hair cells distributed along this membrane. The electrical impulses generated by the hair cells affect the inputs to the nerve endings of the auditory nerve and are transmitted via a network of nerves to the auditory cortex of the brain where the impulses are converted into meaningful perception. A secondary function of the hearing system is to provide some protection for the organ of Corti and the physical structures of the middle ear from excessive energy inputs and subsequent damage by modulating the 9
The surface of the tympanic membrane defines the amount of acoustic energy received and transferred to the ossicles and was taken as a parameter of analysis in the study of the middle ear impedances. Low sound pressure stimuli creates in the middle ear the need to transfer the entire content of energy incident on the outer surface of the tympanic membrane to the cochlea. For this to happen, the middle ear must maximize the effective pressure on the oval window, in respect of which affects the tympanic membrane. However, it is not convenient to transfer all incident energy in the tympanic membrane to the inner ear when levels of sound pressure are high, since they are harmful to hair cells. In this paper physical model is developed to explain the energy transfer mechanism of the tympanic membrane.
… Transmission in the …, 1996
The external and middle ears are important to auditory function as they are the gateway through which sound energy reaches the inner ear. Also, middle-ear disease is the most common cause of hearing loss, and while a wide range of treatments have been developed, many lead to unsatisfactory hearing results. We use measurements of middle-ear structure and function in animals, live human patients and cadaver ears in order to investigate the effects of natural and pathological variations of middle-ear structure on ear performance.
Hearing Research, 2000
Measurements on human cadaver ears are reported that describe sound transmission through the middle ear. Four response variables were measured with acoustic stimulation at the tympanic membrane: stapes velocity, middle-ear cavity sound pressure, acoustic impedance at the tympanic membrane and acoustic impedance of the middle-ear cavity. Measurements of stapes velocity at different locations on the stapes suggest that stapes motion is predominantly `piston-like', for frequencies up to at least 2000 Hz. The measurements are generally consistent with constraints of existing models. The measurements are used (1) to show how the cavity pressure and the impedance at the tympanic membrane are related, (2) to develop a measurement-based middle-ear cavity model, which shows that the middle-ear cavity has only small effects on the motion of the tympanic membrane and stapes in the normal ear, although it may play a more prominent role in pathological ears, and (3) to show that inter-ear variations in the impedance at the tympanic membrane and the stapes velocity are not well correlated.
Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, 2013
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2007
Direct acoustic stimulation of the cochlea by the sound-pressure difference between the oval and round windows (called the "acoustic route") has been thought to contribute to hearing in some pathological conditions, along with the normally dominant "ossicular route." To determine the efficacy of this acoustic route and its constituent mechanisms in human ears, sound pressures were measured at three locations in cadaveric temporal bones [with intact and perforated tympanic membranes (TMs)]: (1) in the external ear canal lateral to the TM, P TM ; (2) in the tympanic cavity lateral to the oval window, P OW ; and (3) near the round window, P RW. Sound transmission via the acoustic route is described by two concatenated processes: (1) coupling of sound pressure from ear canal to middle-ear cavity, H P CAV ≡P CAV /P TM , where P CAV represents the middle-ear cavity pressure, and (2) sound-pressure difference between the windows, H WPD ≡(P OW −P RW)/P CAV. Results show that: H P CAV depends on perforation size but not perforation location; H WPD depends on neither perforation size nor location. The results (1) provide a description of the window pressures based on measurements, (2) refute the common otological view that TM perforation location affects the "relative phase of the pressures at the oval and round windows," and (3) show with an intact ossicular chain that acoustic-route transmission is substantially below ossicular-route transmission except for low frequencies with large perforations. Thus, hearing loss from TM perforations results
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013
The effect of the acoustic cavities on the response of the auditory system has been usually focused on the influence of the external ear canal (EEC). The presence of the middle ear cavity (MEC) has been ignored. Experimental difficulties to obtain information inside this cavity without altering the whole system make difficult its study. In order to explore the influence of this cavity a numerical study is made. This is made by means of a complete Finite Element (FE) model including the Tympanic Membrane, Ossicular Chain and acoustic cavities. Different FE models are used to analyze the influence of each component. By means of different calculations removing these components from the model, their relative effects can be distinguished. At low frequencies (below 2 kHz) the influence of the MEC is negligible. Piston-like motion is dominant. Nevertheless, at higher frequencies a new resonant peak appears at a frequency of 4 kHz. This is due to the presence of the MEC. It combine with the pressure gain due to the ear canal (at a frequency of 3 kHz) increasing the response of the system in terms of Umbo velocity. This effect is observed in different published experimental results.
Hearing Research, 1982
The directionality of the cat's pinna was studied by using the amplitude of the cochlear microphonic (CM) as a quantitative indicator of tympanic sound pressure level (SPL). It was found that tympanic SPL varied with the location of a free field stimulator in anechoic space. For high (tonal) frequencies, there was a circumscribed optimal area for tympanic SPL in the frontal ipsilateral sound field, in confirmation of previous findings with other techniques that the pinna has an acoustical axis. The directionality of the pinna, determined from the solid angle enclosed by the 5 dB isointensity-decrement line with respect to the optimal position, increased with frequency. For low tonal frequencies, no circumscribed optimal area in the frontal sound field could be distinguished, and tympanic SPL fell by only 10-12 dB for displacements of 90 degrees into the contralateral sound field. Excision of the pinna abolished the circumscribed optimal areas for tympanic SPL and revealed the pinna produces up to 28 dB amplification of acoustic signals delivered 'on-axis'.
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The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1996
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2002
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1991
Brain Research Bulletin, 2003
Auditory Pathway, 1988
The Journal of Physiology, 2006
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO, 2015
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2015
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2002
Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications, 2013
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2014
Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 2008