Topological qubits in graphenelike systems



The fermion-doubling problem can be an obstacle to getting half-a-qubit in two-dimensional fermionic tight-binding models in the form of Majorana zero modes bound to the core of superconducting vortices. We argue that the number of such Majorana zero modes is determined by a Z 2 × Z 2 topological charge for a family of two-dimensional fermionic tight-binding models ranging from noncentrosymmetric materials to graphene. This charge depends on the dimension of the representation (i.e., the number of species of Dirac fermions -where the doubling problem enters) and the parity of the Chern number induced by breaking time-reversal symmetry. We show that in graphene there are as many as 10 order parameters that can be used in groups of 4 to change the topological number from even to odd.