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The process of photosynthesis in microalgae require CO2 and sunlight and nutrients for growth. Cultivation of Scenedesmus sp. in wastewater media aims to meet the need of microalgae will reduce inputs of nutrients and chemicals contained in wastewater into the environment. Scenedesmus sp. cultivation is conducted more than seven days in the media industry waste water without the addition of nutrients. The highest density results obtained at the end of cultivation in the effluent water media valued at 8.033.333 cells / ml with 4.60 grams dry weight. Cultivation of microalgae may also reduce the value of Total Suspended Solids and Dissolved also decreased levels of BOD, COD, Nitrite, Sulfites, Sulfate, Iron, Chromium, Copper, and Zinc. Cultivation of Scenedesmus sp. can be performed on wastewater media without the addition of nutrients.
Isolation and Fatty Acid Analysis of Scenedesmus quadricauda from freshwaterMicroalgae have fast growth rate and fatty acids which potential as bioenergy. In addition, microalgae are also living with binding carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, so as to reduce air pollution. In this study, samples were taken from the freshwater, Sawahan, Padang, West Sumatra. Nile red staining performed on the samples to see the potential of lipid content. Microalgae having lipid content were isolated using the capillary pipette technique then it was identified using a microscope. Isolated microalgae was identified as Scenedesmus quadricauda. Microalgae growth measured by optical density value. It cultivated in different concentrations of NaNO3 to see the effect of the amount of nitrogen on the growth. Scenedesmus quadricauda grew well at a concentration of 0.5 g / L NaNO3. Fatty acid analysis was done by using GC-MS. Scenedesmus quadricauda had several types of fatty acids. The most abundant fatty ac...
Zahara Fadilla. Effect of The Liquid Waste Tofu Concentration on Growth of Microalgae Scenedesmus sp. Minithesis. Departement of Biology. Faculty of Science and Technology. State Islamic University of Jakarta. The liquid waste of tofu is use as a medium of Scenedesmus sp. growth. The research was conducted the effect of the liquid waste to the growth of microalgae Scenedesmus sp. It was a completely random design which has 6 variety concentration 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, Bold Basal Medium (Positive control) and aquades (negative control). It was observed for 13 days. Data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance then continued with Duncan analysis. The result showed differences on the density of cell Scenedesmus sp. The highest cell density is 30% consentration, with 541.666,67 cell/ml wich was achieved at 3 rd day observation and 0% consentration with 930.833,33 cell/ml wich was achieved at 10 th day observation. Key World : Scenedesmus sp. , density of cells, liquid waste of tofu
Scenedesmus is a microalgae as a fish and shrimp larva feed because the high nutrition value, easy to culture and harvest. The aim of these research are to know massal culture of the high density of Scenedesmus and to use for Rotifera feed (natural and concetrate type)The experiment used one m3 of massal culture of Scenedesmus sp. In 0,8,16 and 24 ppt. The result showed that 16 ppt treatment gave the best daily growth of Scenedesmus sp.(6.78 x 106 cell/ml).Analysis of proximate and fatty acids of Scenedesmus sp. In 16 ppt also showed the best contents of protein, fat, EPA and DHA.
Agrika, 2010
Patchouli cuttings growth influenced by growth media and the provision of plant growth regulator. Utilization of coconut water waste as plant growth regulators containing auxin and acytokinin can stimulate the growth of patchouli. This research to know the effect of growth media composition and dosage sprinkling of coconut water waste on the growth of cuttings of patchouli (Pogostemon cablin, Benth.) The results showed no interaction of treatment and doses of watering the growing medium of coconut water waste to the parameter number of shoots, shot length, leaf number, leaf area patchouli cuttings. Treatment of growth media significantly affected the number of shoots at the age of 21 DAT, shoot length age of 21 and 41 DAT, leaf number aged 21 and 51 DAT. The treatment of waste water watering palm dose significantly affected the number of leaves 51 days after planting.
PENGGUNAAN LIMBAH SERBUK GERGAJI SENGON (Albizia falcataria (L.) Fosberg) UNTUK MENGIKAT KADMIUM (Cd) PADA AIR (Studi pada Air di Sumur Monitoring TPA Pakusari) PROPOSAL SKRIPSI Oleh KUKUH SETIAWAN NIM 152110101029 PEMINATAN KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN DAN KESEHATAN KESELAMATAN KERJA PROGRAM STUDI S1 KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT FAKULTAS KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT UNIVERSITAS JEMBER 2019 PENGGUNAAN LIMBAH SERBUK GERGAJI SENGON (Albizia falcataria (L.) Fosberg) UNTUK MENGIKAT KADMIUM (Cd) PADA AIR (Studi pada Air di Sumur Monitoring TPA Pakusari) PROPOSAL SKRIPSI diajukan guna melengkapi tugas akhir dan memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan di Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat (S1) dan mencapai gelar Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat (S.KM) Oleh KUKUH SETIAWAN NIM 152110101029 PEMINATAN KESEHATAN LINGKUNGAN DAN KESEHATAN KESELAMATAN KERJA PROGRAM STUDI S1 KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT FAKULTAS KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT UNIVERSITAS JEMBER 2019 KATA PENGANTAR Dengan mengucap Alhamdulillah bagi Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Atas limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya sehingga proposal skripsi yang berjudul "Penggunaan Limbah Serbuk Gergaji Sengon (Albizia falcataria (L.) Fosberg) untuk Mengikat Kadmium (Cd) pada Air (Studi pada Air di Sumur Monitoring TPA Pakusari)" dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Shalawat dan salam selalu tercurahkan kepada Rasulallah Muhammad Shalallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Peneliti tidak lupa juga menyampaikan terimakasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada Ibu Anita Dewi Moelyaningrum, S.KM., M.Kes, dan Ibu Ellyke, S.KM., M.KL, selaku dosen pembimbing yang telah memberikan saran dan petunjuk dalam pembuatan proposal skripsi ini. Ucapan terimakasih pula peneliti sampaikan kepada yang terhormat :
Scripta Biologica, 2014
Sansevieria is an ornamental plant commonly known as mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, and snake tongue. It has many functions e.g. uses as medicine, its fiber for the textile industry, and as indoor air pollutants absorber. However, the growth of Sansevieria is slow. Therefore the supply of it seeds in large quantities in the short time was difficult. The use of Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) was one solution to accelerate the propagation of Sansevieria leaf cuttings. This study aimed to determine the concentration of IBA and the composition of media to increase the leaf cuttings propagation of Sansevieria cylindrica var. patula. The method was randomized block design with factorials. Factor I was the IBA concentrations comprised of K0 at 0 ppm, K1 at 50 ppm, K2 at 100 ppm, K3 at 150 ppm, and K4 at 200 ppm.
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan
Seaweed waste has prospects as liquid fertilizer because it contains growth regulator hormon, and a number of macro and micro nutrients. This research aims to utilize seaweed thallus pieces (Eucheuma sp) as a material for making liquid fertilizer for horticultural crops. Stages of the research were: the manufacture of fermentor tank, preparation of raw materials and formulas, fermentation process, testing and applying fertilizer to the plants. Liquid fertilizer formula consists of 90%, 85%, 80%, 75%, and 70% thallus of seaweed (Eucheuma sp) plus EM4 solution and shrimp paste solution. The fermentation process is carried out in a semi-anaerobically for 30 days. The results showed that liquid fertilzer with the best formula was from the fermentation process with 85% thallus seaweed (Eucheuma sp), 10% EM4 solution, and 5% shrimp paste solution. The best formula has contains auxin 150.94, gibberellins 178.55, cytokinin consisted of kinetin 105.98 and zeatin 127.04), pH 7.15, does not contain patogenic bacteria and has a faster plant growth rate than the other treatments. Despite having a high growth regulator hormon content compared to commercial fertilizer however, micro and macro nutrient elements are still low and does not complied with standards
Sainmatika: Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Sungsang Village is located at the mouth of the Musi River making this area dense with settlements and transportation activities, this contributes to damage and results in decreased water quality. This study aims to analyze the concentrations of Pb and Cd in water, sediment and white shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) and examine the level of accumulation of Pb and Cd through the BCF values of Pb and Cd in white shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis) in water and sediment in the waters of Sungsang I Village. Results the study showed that the average concentration of Pb in water in the waters of Sungsang I Village was 0.104 mg/L, exceeding the threshold value in Kep.Minister of State for the Environment No. 51 of 2004. The average Pb content in sediments is 24.892 mg/Kg, still below the quality standards of the Guidelines for the Protection and Management of Aquatic Sediment Quality in Ontario. The average concentration of Pb in jerbung shrimp is 0.809 mg/Kg, this value exceeds the limit set by BPOM...
Lingkungan pengendapan adalah tempat mengendapnya material sedimen beserta kondisi fisik, kimia, dan biologi yang mencirikan terjadinya mekanisme pengendapan tertentu (Gould, 1972). Interpretasi lingkungan pengendapan dapat ditentukan dari struktur sedimen yang terbentuk. Struktur sedimen tersebut digunakan secara meluas dalam memecahkan beberapa macam masalah geologi, karena struktur ini terbentuk pada tempat dan waktu pengendapan, sehingga struktur ini merupakan kriteria yang sangat berguna untuk interpretasi lingkungan pengendapan. Terjadinya struktur-struktur sedimen tersebut disebabkan oleh mekanisme pengendapan dan kondisi serta lingkungan pengendapan tertentu. lingkungan pengendapan tersebut meliputi:
BIOTIK: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Teknologi dan Kependidikan, 2013
Salah satu cara untuk pengendalian nyamuk Aedes aegypti adalah dengan mengetahui tempat perindukannya. Selama ini diketahui bahwa nyamuk A. aegypti hanya dapat berkembangbiak pada air yang relatif jernih, tertampung dalam suatu wadah dan tidak bersentuhan langsung dengan tanah, namun demikian ingin diketahui juga apakah air terpolusi langsung dengan tanah dapat menjadi tempat berkembangbiak bagi nyamuk A. aegypti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media terpolusi tanah terhadap perkembangbiakan nyamuk A. aegypti. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan metode ovitrap. Media air terpolusi tanah dibuat dengan kosentrasi tanah 50 gr/ml, tanah 30 gr/ml dan 10 gr/ml. Parameter yang diamati adalah daya tetas telur, persentase telur menjadi jentik, persentase jentik menjadi pupa dan pupa menjadi nyamuk dewasa. Selain itu dilakukan juga analisa kualitas air pada media air terpolusi tanah meliputi pH, kekeruhan, CO2, amonia, nitrat dan plankton. Hasil penelitian ...
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Journal of Chemical Process Engineering, 2021
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 2019
Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 2012
Jurnal Riset Akuakultur
Jurnal Penelitian Perikanan Indonesia, 2017
Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan, 2014
AGROTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian
Jurnal Kedokteran Hewan - Indonesian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2012
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2021
Bio-Lectura, 2020
Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat LP2M UST Jogja, 2022