This ia a conceptual paper which is trying to look at the educational technology is not limited to high technology. However, electronic educational technology, also known as e-learning, has become an important part of today's society, which consists of a wide variety of approaches to digitization, components and methods of delivery. In the literature, researchers used narrative literature review to describe the current states of both art (i.e., practice) and science (i.e., research) in focused areas of inquiry. Researchers collect all the important points of discussion, and synthesis them here with reference to the specific field where this paper is originally based on. The findings show that Computer-based training (CBT) initially delivered content via CD-ROM, and is usually presented linear content, much like reading an online book or manual. Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) use teaching methods that are designed to encourage or require students to engage in learning tasks. CSCL is similar in concept to the term, "collaborative learning network", "e-learning 2.0" and (NCL). INTRODUCTION Educational technology is the effective use of technology tools in learning. As a concept, it involves a wide range of devices, such as media, machines and network equipment, as well as the underlying theoretical perspectives for effective application (Richey, 2008; D. Randy and Terry, 2003).