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1998, Publicacions Matemàtiques
In the paper we construct some stratifications of the space of monic polynomials in real and complex cases. These stratifications depend on properties of roots of the polynomials on some given semialgebraic subset of R or C. We prove differential triviality of these stratifications. In the real case the proof is based on properties of the action of the group of interval exchange transformations on the set of all monic polynomials of some given degree. Finally we compare stratifications corresponding to different semialgebraic subsets.
We study the stratification of the space of monic polynomials with real coefficients according to the number and multiplicities of real zeros. In the first part, for each of these strata we provide a purely combinatorial chain complex calculating (co)homology of its one-point compactification and describe the homotopy type by order complexes of a class of posets of compositions. In the second part, we determine the homotopy type of the one-point compactification of the space of monic polynomials of fixed degree which have only real roots (i.e., hyperbolic polynomials) and at least one root is of multiplicity k. More generally, we describe the homotopy type of the one-point compactification of strata in the boundary of the set of hyperbolic polynomials, that are defined via certain restrictions on root multiplicities, by order complexes of posets of compositions. In general, the methods are combinatorial and the topological problems are mostly reduced to the study of partially ordered sets.
Results in Mathematics, 1998
We study the stratification of the space of monic polynomials with real coefficients according to the number and multiplicities of real zeros. In the first part, for each of these strata we provide a purely combinatorial chain complex calculating (co)homology of its onepoint compactification and describe the homotopy type by order complexes of a class of posets of compositions. In the second part, we determine the homotopy type of the one-point compactification of the space of monic polynomials of fixed degree which have only real roots (i.e., hyperbolic polynomials) and at least one root is of multiplicity k. More generally, we describe the homotopy type of the one-point compactification of strata in the boundary of the set of hyperbolic polynomials, that are defined via certain restrictions on root multiplicities, by order complexes of posets of compositions. In general, the methods are combinatorial and the topological problems are mostly reduced to the study of partially ordered sets.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2005
We prove that a majorization-type relation among the root sets of three polynomials implies that the same relation holds for the root sets of their derivatives. We then use this result to give a unified derivation of the classical results due to Sz.-Nagy, Robinson, Meir and Sharma which relate the span of a polynomial to the spans of its first or higher derivatives. We also show how this relation can be generated by interlacing polynomials. 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Reliable Computing, 2001
The algebraic properties of interval vectors (boxes) are studied. Quasilinear spaces with group structure are studied. Some fundamental algebraic properties are developed, especially in relation to the quasidistributive law, leading to a generalization of the familiar theory of linear spaces. In particular, linear dependence and basis are defined. It is proved that a quasilinear space with group structure is a direct sum of a linear and a symmetric space. A detailed characterization of symmetric quasilinear spaces with group structure is found.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2006
Schur-Szegö composition of two polynomials of degree less or equal than a given positive integer n introduces an interesting semigroup structure on polynomial spaces and is one of the basic tools in the analytic theory of polynomials, see . In the present paper we add several (apparently) new aspects to the previously known properties of this operation. Namely, we show how it interacts with the stratification of polynomials according to the multiplicities of their zeros and present the induced semigroup structure on the set of all ordered partitions of n.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1991
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2012
The aim of this paper is to introduce the space of roots to study the topological properties of the spaces of polynomials. Instead of identifying a monic complex polynomial with the vector of its coefficients, we identify it with the set of its roots. Viète's map gives a homeomorphism between the space of roots and the space of coefficients and it gives an explicit formula to relate both spaces. Using this viewpoint we establish that the space of monic (Schur or Hurwitz) aperiodic polynomials is contractible. Additionally we obtain a Boundary Theorem.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2002
The complexification of a semi-algebraic set S ⊂ R n is the smallest complex algebraic set containing S. Let S be defined by s polynomials of degrees less than d. We prove that the geometric degree of the complexification is less than s n O(d) 2n .
We describe an alternative approach to some results of Vassiliev ([Va1]) on spaces of polynomials, by using the "scanning method" which was used by Segal ([Se2]) in his investigation of spaces of rational functions. We explain how these two approaches are related by the Smale-Hirsch Principle or the h-Principle of Gromov. We obtain several generalizations, which may be of interest in their own right.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 1985
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1991
JP Journal of Geometry and Topology, 2016
This paper is the third in a series that researches the Morse Theory, gradient flows, concavity and complexity on smooth compact manifolds with boundary. Employing the local analytic models from [K2], for traversally generic flows on (n + 1)-manifolds X, we embark on a detailed and somewhat tedious study of universal combinatorics of their tangency patterns with respect to the boundary ∂X. This combinatorics is captured by a universal poset Ω • ′ n] which depends only on the dimension of X. It is intimately linked with the combinatorial patterns of real divisors of real polynomials in one variable of degrees which do not exceed 2(n + 1). Such patterns are elements of another natural poset Ω 2n+2] that describes the ways in which the real roots merge, divide, appear, and disappear under deformations of real polynomials. The space of real degree d polynomials P d is stratified so that its pure strata are cells, labelled by the elements of the poset Ω d]. This cellular structure in P d is interesting on its own right (see Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.2). Moreover, it helps to understand the localized structure of the trajectory spaces T (v) for traversally generic fields v, the main subject of Theorem 5.2 and Theorem 5.3.
In this paper we study the problem of deciding whether two disjoint semialgebraic sets of an algebraic variety over R are separable by a polynomial. For that we isolate a dense subfamily of Spaces of Orderings, named Geometric, which suffice to test separation and that reduce the problem to the study of the behaviour of the semialgebraic sets in their
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 2014
In this paper some classes of local polynomial functions on abelian groups are characterized by the properties of their variety. For this characterization we introduce a numerical quantity depending on the variety of the local polynomial only. Moreover, we show that the known characterization of polynomials among generalized polynomials can be simplified: a generalized polynomial is a polynomial if and only if its variety contains finitely many linearly independent additive functions.
European Journal of Mathematics
Let d be a positive integer. We show a finiteness theorem for semialgebraic $$\mathscr {RL}$$ RL triviality of a Nash family of Nash functions defined on a Nash manifold, generalising Benedetti–Shiota’s finiteness theorem for semialgebraic $$\mathscr {RL}$$ RL equivalence classes appearing in the space of real polynomial functions of degree not exceeding d. We also prove Fukuda’s claim, Theorem 1.3, and its semialgebraic version Theorem 1.4, on the finiteness of the local $${\mathscr {R}}$$ R types appearing in the space of real polynomial functions of degree not exceeding d.
Journal of Symbolic Computation
Let f1,. .. , fs be formal power series (respectively polynomials) in the variable x. We study the semigroup of orders of the formal series in the algebra K f1,. .. , fs ⊆ K x (respectively the semigroup of degrees of polynomials in K[f1,. .. , fs] ⊆ K[x]). We give procedures to compute these semigroups and several applications. We prove in particular that the space curve parametrized by f1,. .. , fs has a flat deformation into a monomial curve. Proof. This follows easily from the definition of order.
manuscripta mathematica, 2009
Communications in Algebra, 2012
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