Meromorphic functions of one complex variable. A survey



This is an appendix to the English translation of the book by A. A. Goldberg and I. V. Ostrovskii, Distribution of values of meromorphic functions, Moscow, Nauka, 1970. An English translation of this book is to be published soon by the AMS. In this appendix we survey the results obtained on the topics of the book after 1970. The literature on meromorphic functions 1 is very large. There is a comprehensive survey [62] that contains everything that was reviewed on the topic in the Soviet "Referativnyi Zhurnal" in 1953-1970, and a later large survey [67]. More recent surveys [30], [80] and [48] are shorter and have narrower scope. Some books on specific topics in the theory of meromorphic functions published after 1970 are [18], [20], [79], [100], [137], [134], [138], [162]. A survey of the fast developing subject of iteration of meromorphic functions is [7].