Osmanlı'da Kamusal Alanın Dinamikleri

This article, aims to find out the dynamics of the public sphere before the emergence of the press in the Ottoman Empire. The main thesis of this article is that eventhough the press was not emerged in the Ottoman Empire, the dynamics of the public sphere, which can be understood by coffeehouses set up in the middle of the sixteenth century and aestetic-affectual expressions produced in these places, were available. However, in the west, the arguments of public sphere are based on euro an centric view and taken for granted that in non-western societes there is no public sphere. In the west, discussions between Habermas and those sharing his views, and those opposings to this view are based on an eurocentric stanpoint. These discussions, whose main pivotals are rationel-critical and aestetic-affectual, aare generated in western, and do not have a comparative perspective on the western and nonwestern societies. This article adopts a non-western view by showing evidence that in the Ottoman Empire there were dynamics of the public sphere even before emerging the press.