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AI-generated Abstract
Proto-Kiranti is an extensive lexical database that compiles roots and cognates from various Kiranti languages. It aims to provide insights into the historical developments, phonetic changes, and semantic shifts within this language family. The database serves as a resource for linguists researching Proto-Kiranti's reconstruction and the evolution of related languages.
ANU Press eBooks, 2021
A -a *adaduq *daru. 'long'. *aku *au. 'I, 1SG'. *ala[q/p] *ala. 'fetch'. *alutən *lutə. 'firebrand'. *ama *ama. 'father'. *anaduq *naru. 'long'. *anak *anak. 'child'. *anu *nuu₂. 'possession'. *añam *ane. 'braid'. *asu *asu. 'dog'. *ata *ata₂. 'we (incl.), 1PL.INCL'. *atas *ata₁. 'above'. B -b *babaq *ɓafa₁. 'valley'. *babuy *bafi. 'pig'. *bahaq *faa. 'current'. *bahi *fee₁. 'woman'. *bahuq *boo₂. 'smell'. *bajaq *faɗa. 'say'. *bakaq *faka₁. 'split'; *faka₂. 'split'; *paha. 'split'. *baki *ɓaʔi. 'grandfather'. *balabaw *lafo. 'rat'. *balik *bali₂. 'turn back around'; *ɓali. 'mix'. *baliw₁ *fali. 'help with'. *baliw₂ *bali₁. 'go back'. *balu *balu₂. 'widow'. *balun *balu₃. 'cover up'; *mbalu. 'cover'. *baluq *balu₁. 'mourn'. *bañən *kesu/fani. 'sneeze'. *baŋkudu *baŋakuɗu. 'Morinda citrifolia'. *baqbaq *ɓafa₂. 'mouth'. *baqəRu *beu₁. 'new'; *feu. 'in-law'. *baqi *ɓei. 'grandmother'. *baRaq *baa. 'lungs'. *baRat *ɓaat. 'across'. *baRəq *mbae. 'swell'. *baRu *bau. 'Hibiscus tiliaceus'. *basəq *fase. 'wash'. **bata *fata. 'female'. *batu *batu. 'stone'. *ba(w)baw *bafo. 'top'. *bayawak *ɓaiafa. 'monitor lizard'. *bayu *mbau₂. 'stab'. *belas *belas. 'machete'. *bəkaq *fekə. 'separate'. *bəkəlaj *ɓela. 'spread out'; *fela₂. 'spread out'. *bəli *beli. 'buy price'. *bəluk *felu. 'bend'; *fenu. 'bend'; *helu. 'bend'. *bəntas *ɓeta. 'cut vegetation'. *bəntəŋ *ɓetə. 'tense'. *bəntuk *ɓetu. 'bent'; *feɗu. 'bent'. *bəŋkuq *ɓeku. 'bend'. *bəqbəq *fefa. 'mouth'. *bəRas *mneas. 'husked rice'. *bəRay *fee₂. 'give'. *bəRəqat *berat. 'heavy'. *bəRŋaw *ka|benu. 'fly'; *mbena. 'fly'. *bəRŋi *beni. 'day after tomorrow, day before yesterday'. *bəRsay *sefe. 'paddle'. *bəRus *beu₂. 'Garuga floribuna'. *bəriq *fei. 'open'. PROTO-ROTE-METO -ENGLISH *dəpa *bətaw *feto. 'sister'. *bətəŋ *betə. 'millet'. *bətuŋ *petun. 'giant bamboo, Dendrocalamus'. *bibiR *ɓife. 'lip'. *bilak *mbila. 'blaze (v.)'. *binəhiq *bini. 'seed'. *bintiq *fiti₂. 'kick'. *biŋaq *ɓina. 'kind shell'. *biqak *ɓia. 'split'. *biRaq *fia. 'taro'. *bisul *ɓisu. 'ulcer'. *bitbit *bibi. 'pinch'; *ɓiti. 'pinch'; *fiti₃. 'carry'. *bitiəs *biti₁. 'calf (of leg)'. *bitik *biti₂. 'jerk up'; *fiti₁. 'jerk'. *bituqən *fanduun. 'star'. *buaq *bua. 'fruit'; *mbuah. 'areca palm nut'. *buay *fue. 'legume'. *bubu *bufu. 'fish trap'. *bubuŋ *fufu₁. 'fontanelle'; *fumbu. 'fontanelle'. *buhat *fua₁. 'carry'. *buhək *ɓuə. 'hair'. *bujəq *fuʤə. 'foam'. *buka *fuka. 'dig'; *huka. 'open'. *bukbuk₁ *ɓuɓu. 'bubble'. *bukbuk₃ *fufu₂. 'weevil'. *bukij *fui₂. 'wild'. *buku *ɓuku. 'node'. *bukuq *mbuku₂. 'bent'. *bulan *bulan. 'moon'. *bula[n/R] *fula. 'white'. *bulat *ɓula. 'open the eyes'. *buliq *fuli. 'cowrie shell'. *buliR *mbule. 'grain head cob'. *bulu *bulu. 'hair'. *buni *funi₁. 'hide'. *buntər *ɓunda. 'fat bellied'. *bunut *mbunut. 'coconut husk'. *buŋa *ɓuna. 'flower'. *buqaya *foe₂. 'crocodile'. *buqəni *buni. 'ringworm'. *buqi *fui₁. 'pour'. *buRiq *fui₃. 'wash'. *buRit *ɓuit. 'backside'. *buRnay *mbune. 'Antidesma bunius'. *buRuk *mburuk. 'rotten'. *burun *funu. 'betel-pepper'. *busuR *ɓusu. 'cotton bow'. *butu *futu. 'bundle'; *mbutu₂. 'bundle up'. *buu *buu. 'blow'; *fuu. 'blow'. D -d *dahun *doo. 'leaf'. *daki *daki. 'dirt'. *dakih *ndake₁. 'climb'. *daləm *dalə. 'in'. *damaR *ɗama. 'resin'. *danaw *ɗano. 'lake'. *daŋdaŋ *ɗada. 'warm (v.)'. *dapuR *raho. 'hearth'. *daqan *mba|raa. 'old'. *daqih *dei. 'forehead'. *daRaq *daa. 'blood'. *daRəq *dae. 'ground'. *dəŋəR *rena. 'hear'. *dəpa *reha. 'fathom (n.)'. 432 *dəpdəp ROTE-METO COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY *dəpdəp *deras. 'Erythrina species'. *dikit *ɗiki. 'small'. *dilap *ɗila₂. 'shine'. *diŋdiŋ *dindi. 'wall'. *diŋin *riŋin. 'cold'. *diRi *dii₁. 'stand'. *diRus *diu. 'bathe'. *ditaq *dete. 'blackboard tree: Alstonia scholaris'. *di-wiRi *ɗii₁. 'left (side)'. *dodok *ɗoɗo. 'kill'. *duha *dua. 'two'. *duku *ruku. 'bent'. **dumbi *dupi. 'wall'. *duRi *dui₁. 'bone'. *duyuŋ *dui₂. 'dugong'. Ə -ə *əkit *eki. 'shout out'. *ənəm *nee₁. 'six'. *əpat *haa₂. 'four'. *əsa *esa. 'one'. F -f **fəran *fera₂. 'landslide'. G -g *gatəl *katə. 'itchy'. *gəmgəm *kame. 'knead'; *keʔe. 'knead'; *keme. 'knead'; *kumu₂. 'fist'; *ŋɡumu. 'fist, squeeze'. *gərgər *ŋɡeŋɡo. 'shake'. *gətəl *ŋɡete. 'pinch off'. *giRiŋ *kiri₁. 'bell'. *gumi(s) *ŋɡomi. 'beard'. *guru(q) *ŋɡuru. 'drone'. H -h *habaRat *faat. 'rainy season'. *hadiRi *dii₂. 'post'. *haŋin *anin. 'wind'. *hapəjəs *meras. 'sick'. *hapəjis *heɗis. 'sick'. *hapin *nahe. 'mat'. *hapun *ahu. 'dew'. *hapuy *ahi₂. 'fire'. *haRəzan *eɗa. 'ladder'. *hasaq *saha₁. 'whetstone'. *hawak *ao. 'body'. *həsi *sisi. 'meat'. *hikan *ika. 'fish'. *hikət *ikə. 'snare'. *hipaR *iha. 'sister-in-law'. *huaji *waɗi. 'younger sibling'. *hutək *kutə. 'brains'. PROTO-ROTE-METO -ENGLISH *laqia I -i *ia *ia. 'this'. *ijuŋ *iɗu. 'kiss'. *ikuR *iko. 'tail'. *ina *ina. 'mother'. *inum *inu. 'drink'. *isiʔ *isi. 'contents flesh'. K -k *kabut *habu. 'cloud'. *kaən *ha. 'eat'. **ka-felu *ʔ|fenu. 'candlenut'. *kahiw *kaiu. 'tree'. *kahu *koo₂. 'you (sg.), 2SG'. *kaka *kaka. 'elder sibling'. *kakay *hae|ʔ. 'foot'. *kali *kali. 'dig'. *kalimatək *kerumatu. 'leech'. *kali-wati *kalati. 'worm'. *kambeR *kambe. 'saliva'. *kambu *kambu. 'belly'. *kami *ka(m)i. 'we (excl.), 1PL.EXCL'. *kamiri *kamiri. 'candlenut'. *kampil # kapir. 'basket'. *kamuyu *ke(m)i. 'you (pl.)'. *kanasay *nase. 'Blue-spot mullet'. *kapit *hapi. 'pinch'; *kaɓi. 'pinch'. *kaRat *kaa₁. 'bite'. *kaRus *kao. 'scrape'. **karas *kara. 'chest'. *karut *karu. 'scratch'. *kati *kati. 'call'. *kawanan *kona. 'right'. *ka-wiRi *kii. 'left'. *kawit *kai₂. 'hook'. *keRa *kea. 'turtle'. *kəmiq *mii. 'urine'. *kətuq *ketu. 'cut off'. *kilik *kili. 'tickle'. *kiluq *kilu. 'crooked'. **kilusa *kalusa. 'fingernail'. *kima *kima. 'clam'. *kiskis *sakiki. 'brush teeth'. *kita₁ *kita. 'we (incl.), 1PL.INCL'. *kita₂ *ita. 'see'. **klaRa *klaha. 'coals'. *koti *koti. 'cut'. *kudən *kurə. 'pot'. *kuhkuh *kuku. 'finger'. *kuluR *kunu₁. 'breadfruit'. **kumu *kumu₁. 'wild pigeon'. *kunij *kuni. 'turmeric'. *kur(u) *kuru₁. 'call chickens'. *kurut *kuru₂. 'wrinkly'. *kutu *kutu. 'head louse'. L -l **lakateRu *teu. 'pigeon'. *lakaw *lako. 'go'. *laki *laʔi. 'king'. *laluŋ *lalu. 'rooster'. *lamut *lamu. 'seaweed'. *laŋit *lani. 'heaven'. *laŋu *lanu. 'uncomfortable'. *lapaR *laha. 'hungry'. *laqia *laia. 'ginger'. 434 *laRiw ROTE-METO COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY *laRiw *lai. 'run'. *lasəR *lasə. 'scrotum'. *-lat *laa₅. 'open the eyes'. *latuq *latu₂. 'seaweed'. *lawaq *ɓo/lau. 'spider'; # k|naba|ʔ. 'spider'. *layap *laa₄. 'fly (v.)'. *layaR *laa₃. 'sail'. *lemba *lemba. 'carry'. **lemur *lemuk. 'dolphin'. *lesu *lesu₂. 'come out'. *letay₁ *lete₁. 'mountain'. *letay₂ *lete₂. 'bridge'. *ləkən *leke. 'coil'. *ləkuʔ *leku. 'winding'. *ləŋah *lena. 'sesame'. *ləpaw *lopo. 'shelter'. *ləsuŋ *nesu. 'mortar'. *liaŋ *lea. 'cave'. *liaR *lii₃. 'shy'. **libun *lifu. 'billabong'. *libut *liɓu. 'surround'; *rimbu. 'surround'. *likud *liku₂. 'back'. *lilin *lili. 'wax'. *lima *lima₁. 'five'. *liŋ *lii₁. 'sound'. *liqəR *lii₂. 'neck'. *luab *lua₁. 'boil'. *luaŋ *lua|t. 'cave'. *luhəq *luu₂. 'tears (crying)'. *lukut *luku₂. 'bent'. *lulun *lulun. 'roll up'. *lumbu *lombu. 'moss'. *luqaR *lua₂. 'outside (adj.)'. **lutuR *lutu₂. 'pile up'. M -m *ma-buhək *mafu. 'drunk'. *ma-əsa *mesa. 'alone'. *mah *ma. 'and'. *ma-hataq *mata₂. 'raw'. *ma-həmis *mamis. 'sweet'. *ma-həyaq *mae₂. 'shy'. *ma-hipi *mehi. 'dream'. *ma-iRaq *mea. 'red'. *maja *maɗa. 'dry up'. *malip *mali₂. 'laugh'. *mamaq *mama. 'chew'. *mansər *ʔ|mauka|ʔ. 'cuscus'. *manuk *manu. 'chicken'. **ma-ŋeta *neta. 'choke'. *ma-putiq *muti. 'white'. *ma-qasin *masi. 'salty'. *ma-qasu *masu. 'smoke'. *ma-qəti *meti. 'low tide up'. *ma-qitəm *metam. 'black'. *ma-quban *mofa. 'grey hair'. *ma-qudip *mori. 'live'. *ma-Raŋu *maŋɡu₂. 'dry'. *ma(R)i *mai. 'come'. *maRuqanay *mane. 'male'; *mone. 'male'. *maRus *maus. 'tame'. *mata *mata₁. 'eye'. *matay *mate. 'die'. *ma-udəhi *mone|ʔ. 'outside'; *muri. 'last'. *maya *maa. 'tongue'. **maya *mae₁. 'itchy tuber'. **mbasaR *mbasa. 'slap'. **mbio *pio. 'garlic'. **meoŋ *meo₁. 'cat'. **məŋi(R) *meni₁. 'fragrant'. *miñak *mina. 'delicious'. **mozo *moɗo. 'yellow'. *mukən *mukə. 'dove'. *mulmul *mumu₁. 'suck'. *muntay *munde. 'citrus (fruit)'. *muRmuR *mumu₂. 'gargle'. **musa *muse₁. 'seed'. *musaŋ *muse₂. 'civet'. PROTO-ROTE-METO -ENGLISH *papaq N -n *-na *naa₁. 'that'. *nabuq *nafu. 'anchor (v.)'. *nakaw *nako. 'steal'. *namaw *namo₂. 'coast'. *nanaq *nana. 'pus'. *naŋuy *naŋe. 'swim'. **napi *hani₂. 'shell'. *naRa *naa₃. 'Pterocarpus indica'. *nasu *nasu. 'cook'. *natuq *natu. 'ovary'. **nepi *nehi. 'mat on'. *nipay *nihe. 'ant'. *nipis *nihis. 'thin'. *niuR *noh. 'coconut'. *nuəs *nuus. 'squid'. *nuka *nuʔa. 'scabies'. *nunuk *nunuh. 'banyan'. **nuŋan *nuŋa. 'Cordia species'. *nusa *nusa. 'island'. Ñ -ñ *ñaRa *naa₂. 'brother (of woman)'. *ñikñik *nini. 'mosquito'. Ŋ -ŋ *ŋadaq *naɗo. 'look up'. *ŋadas *nada. 'gums'; *ŋɡadas. 'palate'. *ŋajan *naʤa. 'name'. *ŋaŋa *m|kaka. 'open the mouth'. **ŋəli *ŋoli. 'canine tooth'. *ŋilu *ŋilu. 'tamarind, sour'. *ŋis(ŋ)i(s) *nisi. 'tooth'. *ŋodok *ŋɡoro. 'snout, snore'. *ŋuda *ŋura. 'young'. *ŋusuq *nuɗu. 'lip'. O -o **oRo *oo₁. 'with'. P -p *pagut *heŋɡu. 'eat'. **pai *hai₁. 'bucket'. *pajay *hade. 'paddy rice'. *panahik *hene. 'climb'. *panas *hanas. 'hot'. *panaw *hano. 'spots'. *pandak *mbada. 'short'; *pande. 'short'. *paniŋ *hani₁. 'bait (v.)'. **panti *fandi. 'cut'. **paŋɡa *haŋɡa. 'span span'. *paŋdan *hendam. 'wild pandanus'. **pao *hao. 'feed'. *papaq *ɓeɓa. 'palm leaf stem'. 436 *paRih ROTE-METO COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY *paRih *hai₂. 'stingray'. *parud *paru. 'grate'. *pasaqan *saha₂. 'carry on the shoulders'. **penuk *henuh. 'beads'. *pəluk *holu₁. 'hug'. *pənuq *henu. 'full'. *pəRəq *hee₂. 'press'. **pəsu *hesu. 'fart'. *pian *hia. 'want'. *pija *hida. 'how much?'; *hiɗa. 'few'. *piliq *hiri. 'choose'. *pitu *hitu. 'seven'. **pue *huʔe. 'eucalyptus'. *puləs *ule. 'wring'. *punti...
In Kiranti languages, the presence of rich alternations in verbal paradigms make internal reconstruction possible, and allow a better understanding of the vowels and codas of the proto-language than is possible for other parts of speech. This paper, using data from four representative languages (Wambule, Khaling, Bantawa, Limbu), proposes a new approach to Proto-Kiranti historical linguistics combining the comparative method and internal reconstruction, and taking morphological alternations and analogy into account. It presents a comprehensive account of the sound correspondences between the four target languages and reconstructs more than 280 proto-Kiranti verb roots.
Common Albanian had nasal vowels, which are preserved in Gheg, but are lost in Tosk dialects (and in the standard language). They developed in syllables closed by nasals (which were sometimes lost afterwards, especially in Auslaut), e.g. Old Gheg za͂ , za͂ ni 'voice' (Tosk zë, zëri, with *-n-> r by Tosk rhotacism) < *g' h wonos (OCS zvonъ 'sound, ringing', Arm. jayn 'voice'), or L līnum 'linen' >> Old Gheg li͂ (Tosk. lī, liri), Old Gheg dru͂ 'wood' < *drunV-(OCS drъva), PIE *penk w e '5' (L quinque) > Old Gheg pe͂ së (Tosk. pesë). Albanian *a, *h2e, *H (in the environment *CHC) a (e by Umlaut) *e, *h 1 e je, e (i by Umlaut, ja before -CC-) *o, *h3e a *eh2 *ɔ > o pasë 'had' (suppletive participle of kam 'have') < *pot-to-(from the root of L possum, posse, potuī 'can' and Skr. páti-'master'). Clusters involving resonants are also simplified: *kl > q (kl' is preserved in some dialects and in Buzuku), cf. quhem 'I am called' < *k'lusk'-(Skr. śru-'hear'), L ecclesia 'church' > Alb. dial. qishë (Arbëresh). 7 Alb. q is also the result of Latin c before front vowels, e.g. in qytet 'town' < civitātem, faqe 'face' < L faciēs. may be that th (from PIE *k') yielded f before a consonant, if Alb. ënfle 'sleep' is from *nthle < *n-k'loye-(cf. G klínō 'recline'). *gl > gj, cf. gju 'knee' < *g'nu-(Skr. jā ̍ nu, G gónu), L glandula 'gland' > Alb. gjëndër, also gjuhë if it is a loanword from G glōssa. Early documents (Buzuku) and some dialects still have gl. In njomë 'wet' we can assume a nasal assimilation with -m-and development from *gjomë if this word is from the same root as OE clám 'clay', OCS glina 'clay' < PIE *gley-, cf. also G glía 'clay'. *dl > gj, perhaps in gjatë 'long', if it is from something like *dḷHgho-(-të is a suffix), cf. Skr. dīrghá-. *dy > z, cf. L Diāna >> Alb. Zanë (a fairy), L gaudium >> Alb. gaz 'joy'. *ty > s, cf. PIE *d h eh1-tyeh2 'sucking one' (L fēmina, OCS dojiti) > Alb. dosë 'sow'; Alb. pësoj 'suffer' << L patior; Alb. pus 'well, source' << L puteus (via VL *putyu-). *b(h)n and *pn > *mn > m, cf. gjumë 'sleep' < *supno-(G hýpnos), amë 'river-bed' < *abno-(L amnis 'river', OIr. aub < PIE *h2eph3ōn / Gen. sg. *h2eph3nes). The same treatment is found in the original cluster -mn-(also in Latin loanwords), e. g. dëm (Gheg dam) 'damage' << L damnum. In later, Slavic loanwords, one also finds -mn-> -n-(e. g. Alb. pomnis 'honour' << *pomniti, Bulg. pomn'a, OCS pomьniti 'remember'). *rd > rdh, cf. pjerdh 'break wind' < *perdoh2 (Skr. párdate, G pérdomai). Also in loanwords from Latin, cf. Alb. verdh 'yellow' << L viride-. *lk > jk, cf. Alb. ujk 'wolf' < *wulko-< *wlk w o-(Lith. vilkas, G lýkos); also in Latin loanwords, e.g. fajkua 'falcon' << L falcōnem, bujk 'peasant' << L bubulcus. The development in shelg 'willow' is unclear if this is borrowed from L salix (probably the cluster -lk-> -lg-arose at a later stage, after syncope). *tn > nd, perhaps in pend 'feather' if from *pet-no-(OIr. én 'bird', Skt. patra-'wing'), rather than borrowed from L pinna 'feather'; another derivative from the same root is presumably shpend 'bird' (with prefixal sh-). *lw > ll, cf. Alb. gjallë 'living' < *solwo-'whole, safe' (Skr. sarva-, G hólos 'whole'). *ly > j, cf. Alb. popuj < *populi (Nom./Acc. pl. of popull 'people' << L populus).
Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 22: 27-48., 1990
Verbs in Kiranti languages are not segmentable in the same straightforward way as in agglutinating languages such as Turkish. The presence of fused or portemanteau morphemes and allomorphy, often conditioned by co-occurrence with other morphemes in the same affixal string and often involving zero allomorphs, renders a thorough morphemic analysis of the verb in any given language a desideratum in the study of the affixal morphology of the proto-language. On the basis of a morphemic analysis of the verbal affixes of five Kiranti languages, I shall explore the flectional morphology of Proto-Kiranti.
International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL) Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2018, PP 41-52 ISSN 2347-3126 (Print) & ISSN 2347-3134 (Online), 2018
This draft was released on the 31 st of March 2021 primarily for use by the Kam community. àcàgbàn n younger sister (cf. àcì 'child', ágbàn 'female') àcárî n wisdom, wise person (cf. càr 'to tell (a story)') àcɔ́ m n hoe àcɔ́ r n bee (cf. cɔr 'to throw a spear (tone uncertain). Also used for bee-flies.) àcɔ́ r n a propeller used to throw spears (cf. cɔr 'to throw a spear (tone uncertain). Also used for bee-flies.) àcɔ́ r ə gáng n beehive (cf. àcɔ́r 'bee', àgàng 'up') àcẽ́ n war, fighting (cf. ǹcẽ́ 'war') àcɛ́ r n fear àcí n poverty àcì 2 Particle diminutive marker (cf. àcì 'child') àcì 1 n child, boy àcì ígbàn 2 n girl (cf. àcì 'child', ágbàn 'female') àcì ígbàn 1 n daughter (cf. àcì 'child', ágbàn 'female') àcì ígbàn 3 n girlfriend (cf. àcì 'child', ágbàn 'female') àcì ígbàn ə ncwẽ́ n baby girl (cf. àcì ígbàn 'girl', cwẽ̄ 'newborn child') àcì íntē n baby, child (cf. àcì 'child', ántē 'small') àcì ívān 2 n boy (cf. àcì 'child', ávān 'male') àcì ívān 3 n son (cf. àcì 'child', ávān 'male') àcì ívān 1 n bachelor (cf. àcì 'child', ávān 'male') àcì ívān ə ncwẽ́ n baby boy (cf. àcì ívān 'boy', cwẽ̄ 'newborn child') àcì kpírág n spoon (cf. àcì 'diminutive') àcì kùrìkî n Jesus (cf. àcì 'child', kùrìkî 'God') àcì shɔ́ b n stubborn boy (cf. àcì 'child', àshɔ̀b 'possessed person') àcǐ wàngkú Proper Noun human name (cf. àcì 'child', wàngkú 'traditional king') àcírɔ́ g n bitterleaf àcìsɛ́ gé 2 n child (cf. àcì 'child') àcìsɛ́ gé 1 n boy (cf. àcì 'child') àcìsɛ́ gé ꜜgún n younger brother (cf. àcìsɛ́gé 'boy', àgún 'behind') ádā 2 Adjective well (cf. ádā 'cold') ádā 1 Adjective cold (cf. dág 'to be cold') àdágrî 1 n coldness (cf. dág 'to be cold') àdágrî 2 n wetness (cf. dág 'to be cold') àdàm n menstruation àdɔ́ m n beard ádɔ́ mrî & Adjective red (cf. dìndɔ̀m 'red') àdɔ́ ng n south àdɛ́ bɔ́ g n sole of foot (cf. àdɛ̀r 'outside of the belly', àbɔ̀g 'leg, foot') àdɛ́ g 2 n pain àdɛ́ g 1 n disease àdɛ́ g ə ꜜshẽ́ n cancer (cf. àdɛ́g 'disease') àdɛ́ gàng n sky (cf. àdɛ̀r 'outside of the belly', àgàng 'up(side)') àdɛ́ grî n pain (cf. àdɛ́g 'pain') àdɛ́ nyé n palm of hand (cf. àdɛ̀r 'outside of the belly', ànyé 'hand, arm') àdɛ́ r n outside of belly àdɛ́ rî n snore (cf. dɛ̄rī 'to snore') àdíkə̀ rí n sweat (cf. àjíkə́rí 'armpit') àdìm n deep water (cf. lìm 'dive') àdú n angle àfàm 1 n animal (cf. àfàm 'meat'; generally refers to mammals and not to insects, fish, birds and reptiles) àfàm 2 n meat (cf. àfàm 'animal'; food from an animal) àfàm ə nggwɔ́ g n farm animal, domestic animal (cf. àfàm 'animal', ànggwɔ́g 'house') àfàm ə shẽ́ n bush animal, wild animal (cf. àfàm 'animal', àshẽ́ 'bush') àfár n sugar àfàr n lung àfárə̀ mkpã̀ n sugar cane (cf. àfár 'sugar'; tone is uncertain.) àfí n mat àfíb n calf àfíb ə bɔ́ g n calf (cf. àfíb 'calf') àfír 2 n needle àfír 1 n foam àfìyè n a water fetching place, such as a river or a lake áfō Adjective dry (cf. fɔ́g 'to be dry') àfú n shirt àfù 1 n pregnancy (cf. àfù 'womb') àfù 2 n womb (cf. àfù 'pregnancy')
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International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature