Grafting in Alveolar Clefts With Implant Placement

2009, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

AI-generated Abstract

Objective: The utilization of implant supported prosthesis or single tooth replacement has provided functional, psychological and esthetic advantages to difficult restorative patients for many years. Cleft lip and palate patients present unusual challenges due to the significant inadequacies of bone in the cleft alveolar site. This study evaluates bone grafted unilateral cleft alveolar sites and subsequent utilization of single tooth endosseous implants in these grafted sites. Method: Forty-two cleft lip and palate patients (ages 6-35 years) had cleft alveolar bone grafts completed over a 14-year period. All patients had bone harvested from the anterior iliac crest. Single tooth endosseous implants where placed following a bone graft healing phase of 4 months to 12 years. Results: All patients recovered without complications from both the iliac crest harvesting and subsequent implant placement. No postoperative infection or inflammation of the graft or harvest site occurred. Thirty-eight patients have been completed to the final restorative phase and are functionally very well. This study has a follow-up period of 1 to 12 years from implant placement. Adequate bone for ideal implant placement was noted at Stage I surgery in 32 patients. Ten patients required additional bone grafting, with harvesting from intraoral sites, to augment the bone architecture in the cleft site prior to or at the time of implant placement. Three implants placed in the grafted sites have failed. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the utilization of endosseous implant supported single tooth restorations is a successful approach to restoring unilateral cleft alveolar sites following bone grafting. Occasionally, additional bone grafting is required to augment the initial bone graft. Further follow-up is required to evaluate long term success of endosseous implants in grafted alveolar cleft sites.