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Acta Mechanica, 2019
Gymnasium, 1989
Kenneth Mayer, "Cicero, Cat. I 5", Gymnasium 96 (1989) 110-112.
In this manuscript we propose a fractional differential equation to describe the vertical motion of a body through the air. The order of the derivative was considered to be 0 1 γ < ≤ . To keep the dimensionality of the physical parameter in the system, an auxiliary parameter σ is introduced. This parameter characterizes the existence of fractional components in the given system. We prove that there is a relation between γ and σ through the physical parameter of the system and that, due to this relation the analytical solutions are given in terms of the Mittag-Leffler function depending on the order of the fractional differential equation.
Book of 497 pages [ISBN: 979-12-200-0644-6] ---- Abstracts in English and in Italian -- Riassunti in inglese e in italiano: ABSTRACT in English – The existence of this book is due to an initiative of the Rector (Vice-Chancellor) of the Bergamo state University, Stefano PALEARI, with the help of the local Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and a final contribution from INFN - Sezione di Milano. The first part of this volume contains popularization or semi-popularization articles. More scientific, and necessarily more specialized or technical, papers follow. For the tyranny of space, very many publications appear represented by their first page, of by their Abstract and Contents only. This always happened, of course, for the mentioned books: we would have liked to be able to insert at least extended presentations of them; as well as and the integral version of several articles, listed in part in the Preface [even if much material can be downloaded from the site and/or from ResearchGate or from Academia. The author himself remains at your disposal, [email protected] ]. The Contents of this volume appear at its beginning, and in the supplementary attached file. RIASSUNTO in italiano -- L'esistenza di questo volume, di 497 pagine, è interamente dovuta al M.Rettore della Università degli studi di Bergamo, Stefano PALEARI, che ne ebbe la generosa idea e si è adoperato per realizzarla, seguendola fino alla pubblicazione del presente volume con l’ausilio del suo ufficio di Rettorato. L’iniziativa fu assecondata dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze Applicate e, nella fase finale, dalla Sezione di Milano dell'INFN. La prima parte del volume è divulgativa o semi-divulgativa. Seguono poi scritti o articoli o libri più scientifici e necessariamente più "specializzati" o tecnici. Di moltissime pubblicazioni, per la tirannia dello spazio, abbiamo potuto inserire solo la prima pagina, o le pagine con riassunto e indice. Ciò è sempre avvenuto, di necessità, per i libri menzionati. Ci sarebbe piaciuto potere includere presentazioni estese dei volumi ai quali nel libro si accenna, e la versione integrale di svariati articoli, in parte elencati nella Prefazione del libro [benché quasi tutto ciò sia 'scaricabile' dal sito , e/o da ResearchGate e/o da Academia. Lo stesso autore resta volentieri a disposizione, [email protected] ]. L’Indice del libro appare all’inizio dello stesso, e nel file supplementare pure allegato. [ISBN: 979-12-200-0644-6]
Classical Philology, 2004
1. I cite the recently revised text of , no. 94[E].7-9 [Laum 1914: apev steile taÅ i pov lei e√Í me; n ta; n tΩn paÇdwn didask[a]|lÇan argurÇou dracma; Í alexandreÇouÍ murÇaÍ kaµ oj kta-kiscilÇaÍ, | e√Í de; ta; Í tima; Í kaµ qusÇaÍ dracma; Í triscilÇaÍ . Attaleia: 36, 56-57, 64-65. Date: SEG 48.583. 2. Bringmann et al. 1995, no. 94[E].2-5.
This paper deals with the analytic-theoretical derivation of the relationships between the entropic quantity ΦðMÞ, representing the ratio between the mean and maximum flow velocities, and the relative submergence and aspect ratios, using classical open-channel flow equations. ΦðMÞ is found to be highly dependent on the relative submergence when large or intermediate roughness scales occur, whereas it might be assumed to be almost constant for a small roughness scale. Furthermore, considering the hydraulic geometry relationships, an attempt is made to relate the relative submergence to the aspect ratio of flow through a log relationship whose coefficients depend on the local bed slope, with an important implication for hydrological practices. Then a practical relation between ΦðMÞ and the aspect ratio is proposed and validated in an operative chain for discharge assessment that shows high robustness and stability. The proposed model has been applied to a set of experimental velocity data collected at gauged river sites with different geometric and hydraulic characteristics as well as low, medium, and high flows.dividual papers. This technical note is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/06015015 /$25.00. © ASCE 06015015-1 J. Hydraul. Eng. J. Hydraul. Eng. Downloaded from by Bruno Brunone on 08/24/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. © ASCE 06015015-6 J. Hydraul. Eng. J. Hydraul. Eng. Downloaded from by Bruno Brunone on 08/24/15.
Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB), 2008
We discuss the asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of the quasilinear elliptic problem -∆ p u = au p-1b(x)u q , u| ∂Ω = 0 as q → p -1 + 0 and as q → ∞ via a scale argument. Here ∆ p is the p-Laplacian with 1 < p < ∞ and q > p -1. If p = 2, such problems arise in population dynamics. Our main results generalize the results for p = 2, but some technical difficulties arising from the nonlinear degenerate operator -∆ p are successfully overcome. As a by-product, we can solve a free boundary problem for a nonlinear p-Laplacian equation.
Scientia Magna is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles in all areas of mathematics and mathematical sciences. However, papers related to Smarandache’s problems are highly preferred. The papers may be in the format of remarks, conjectures, solved/unsolved or open new proposed problems, notes, articles, miscellaneous, etc.
beschränkte einfache Recht ein, das ausgewählte Werk im Rahmen der unter
Rezension zu: Theo Bergenthal, Joachim Stracke (Eds.): Emil Cimiotti; Heidelberg: Kehrer Verlag 2005; 300 p.; ca. 200 ill.; ISBN 978-3-936-636-54-3
«Storiografia. Supplemento critico e bibliografico», 2014
Contains fulltext : 45004.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access
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