Urban Metabolism


Study of the social-economic-political development, through experimentations on the urban system in relationship with the space consumption -quality space issues-linked to the growth phenomena towards the definition of the Net City. It is analyzed and acted: at the scale of urban region territory (geography, ground morphology, infrastructure systems); of urban system (morphology, urban frame and its history); of architecture (layer machine, "morphotype", landmark) through a metabolic approach (operations of: maintenance, substitution, transformation) which analyzes, interprets and expresses the urban biography to the various dimensional "sizes" (small > medium>large>big) between tension to the global and local identity acknowledgment. The research evidences the necessity of a terminological review, the concept of city "scale", which cannot be used as number of inhabitants, but its character is traceable in the potential of space uses related with people's time: space/time measures of the body actions; movements and city fields involved in the man acting, following a multiscale vision. The obsolescence of the urban system and the exponential growth of the action density, determine its saturation and the consequent loss of attraction, which is a structural problem also in terms of accessibility, attainability and definition of potential aggregation, towards a sustainability of the metabolic growth. Some instruments for a measuring of this saturation are: _analyses of the time planning; _ analysis of the city grain; _ analysis of the ground consumption because the city increase. Therefore is necessary a relationship between the scenes introduced by the several international best practices, differentiated but correlated, within the continuous evolution of the city size and biography, and about the infrastructural operations towards the Net scale, to avoid its decline. These thematic are framed, verified and corresponded through a real city case study objects in different cities and to the different scales : London, Madrid, Valencia, Milano, Palermo, Bari, Istambul. Methodologies of search and/or of design experimentation, is a reading, interpretation and planning of the ways of city growth related with the landscape, at the various city scales and towards an integrated and multidisciplinary comparison. It has like output the planning of new maps, through the definition of pointers of metabolic sustainability, which are the new "characters of the design plan", oriented in a space dimension, represented in signs, intended like potential meanings of a territory development hypothesis: the problem of the attraction.