On the Unit Graph of a Noncommutative Ring

2011, arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.2863

Let R be a ring (not necessary commutative) with non-zero identity. The unit graph of R, denoted by G(R), is a graph with elements of R as its vertices and two distinct vertices a and b are adjacent if and only if a + b is a unit element of R. It was proved that if R is a commutative ring and m is a maximal ideal of R such that |R/m| = 2, then G(R) is a complete bipartite graph if and only if (R, m) is a local ring. In this paper we generalize this result by showing that if R is a ring (not necessary commutative), then G(R) is a complete r-partite graph if and only if (R, m) is a local ring and r = |R/m| = 2 n , for some n ∈ N or R is a finite field. Among other results we show that if R is a left Artinian ring, 2 ∈ U (R) and the clique number of G(R) is finite, then R is a finite ring.