Dwi dharma b.s, 2015, the correlation between shots packaging funereal on cigarettes in the level of consciousness smokers active and rates cigarette consumption among the students and uns.pictures funereal around cigarette packaging will bring the impact of them were found and effects for everyone to messages from funereal the picture.The student was people have the level of consciousness , the level of education as well as the awareness higher .The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between the packaging funereal on cigarettes in the level of consciousness smoking and to know the relationship between the packaging funereal on cigarettes in and the cigarette consumption among the students and uns. Methods used explanatory reseacrh , because this study trying to highlight and analyst the relationship between several variables and tested is hypothesized before with samples from 100 respondents. This research using instrunen of the questionnaire. The research results show that the level of consciousness than 100 respondents there are 27 ( 27 % ) respondents at high level, levels and as many as 40 ( 40 % ) of respondents and on level low as many as 33 ( 33 % ) of respondents. Based on analysis of data obtained that there is no significant relationship between the influence of lurid pictures on cigarette packaging with the level of awareness of smoking , with value 2.01 t worth and the level of significance 0.05 thus ho was rejected because t count larger than t table namely 2.01 &; 1,661 gt.And there are a significant relation between lurid pictures on cigarette packaging with the level of cigarette consumption , with value 1,573 t worth and the level of significance 0.05 thus ho accepted t count because smaller than t table namely 1,573 &; 1,661 it .For images funereal useful reduce the rate smokers can begin of the attitude of self-awareness to cherish and implement smoking a warning of danger, namely by supporting health messages stamped on label hence the impulse to reduce as well as stop smoking will be larger .