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2009, Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
Proximity searching consists in retrieving from a database those elements that are similar to a query object. The usual model for proximity searching is a metric space where the distance, which models the proximity, is expensive to compute. An index uses precomputed distances to speed up query processing. Among all the known indices, the baseline for performance for about twenty years has been AESA. This index uses an iterative procedure, where at each iteration it first chooses the next promising element ("pivot") to compare to the query, and then it discards database elements that can be proved not relevant to the query using the pivot. The next pivot in AESA is chosen as the one minimizing the sum of lower bounds to the distance to the query proved by previous pivots. In this paper we introduce the new index iAESA, which establishes a new performance baseline for metric space searching. The difference with AESA is the method to select the next pivot. In iAESA, each candidate sorts previous pivots by closeness to it, and chooses the next pivot as the candidate whose order is most similar to that of the query. We also propose a modification to AESA-like algorithms to turn them into probabilistic algorithms.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
Proximity searching consists in retrieving from a database those elements that are similar to a query. As the distance is usually expensive to compute, the goal is to use as few distance computations as possible to satisfy queries. Indexes use precomputed distances among database elements to speed up queries. As such, a baseline is AESA, which stores all the distances among database objects, but has been unbeaten in query performance for 20 years. In this paper we show that it is possible to improve upon AESA by using a radically different method to select promising database elements to compare against the query. Our experiments show improvements of up to 75% in document databases. We also explore the usage of our method as a probabilistic algorithm that may lose relevant answers. On a database of faces where any exact algorithm must examine virtually all elements, our probabilistic version obtains 85% of the correct answers by scanning only 10% of the database.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
A number of problems in computer science can be solved efficiently with the so called memory based or kernel methods. Among this problems (relevant to the AI community) are multimedia indexing, clustering, non supervised learning and recommendation systems. The common ground to this problems is satisfying proximity queries with an abstract metric database. In this paper we introduce a new technique for making practical indexes for metric range queries. This technique improves existing algorithms based on pivots and signatures, and introduces a new data structure, the Fixed Queries Trie to speedup metric range queries. The result is an O(n) construction time index, with query complexity O(n α), α ≤ 1. The indexing algorithm uses only a few bits of storage for each database element.
ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 2002
Metric access methods (MAMs), such as the M-tree, are powerful index structures for supporting similarity queries on metric spaces, which represent a common abstraction for those searching problems that arise in many modern application areas, such as multimedia, data mining, decision support, pattern recognition, and genomic databases. As compared to multi-dimensional (spatial) access methods (SAMs), MAMs are more general, yet they are reputed to lose in flexibility, since it is commonly deemed that they can only answer queries using the same distance function used to build the index. In this paper we show that this limitation is only apparent -thus MAMs are far more flexible than believed -and extend the M-tree so as to be able to support user-defined distance criteria, approximate distance functions to speed up query evaluation, as well as dissimilarity functions which are not metrics. The so-extended M-tree, also called QIC-M-tree, can deal with three distinct distances at a time: 1) a query (user-defined) distance, 2) an index distance (used to build the tree), and 3) a comparison (approximate) distance (used to quickly discard from the search uninteresting parts of the tree). We develop an analytical cost model that accurately characterizes the performance of QIC-M-tree and validate such model through extensive experimentation on real metric data sets. In particular, our analysis is able to predict the best evaluation strategy (i.e. which distances to use) under a variety of configurations, by properly taking into account relevant factors such as the distribution of distances, the cost of computing distances, and the actual index structure. We also prove that the overall saving in CPU search costs when using an approximate distance can be estimated by using information on the data set only -thus such measure is independent of the underlying access method -and show that performance results are closely related to a novel "indexing" error measure. Finally, we show how our results apply to other MAMs and query types.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Proximity searching consists in retrieving from a database, objects that are close to a query. For this type of searching problem, the most general model is the metric space, where proximity is defined in terms of a distance function. A solution for this problem consists in building an offline index to quickly satisfy online queries. The ultimate goal is to use as few distance computations as possible to satisfy queries, since the distance is considered expensive to compute. Proximity searching is central to several applications, ranging from multimedia indexing and querying to data compression and clustering. In this paper we present a new approach to solve the proximity searching problem. Our solution is based on indexing the database with the knearest neighbor graph (knng), which is a directed graph connecting each element to its k closest neighbors. We present two search algorithms for both range and nearest neighbor queries which use navigational and metrical features of the knng graph. We show that our approach is competitive against current ones. For instance, in the document metric space our nearest neighbor search algorithms perform 30% more distance evaluations than AESA using only a 0.25% of its space requirement. In the same space, the pivot-based technique is completely useless.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2003
With few exceptions, proximity search algorithms in metric spaces based on the use of pivots select them at random among the objects of the metric space. However, it is well known that the way in which the pivots are selected can drastically affect the performance of the algorithm. Between two sets of pivots of the same size, better chosen pivots can largely reduce the search time. Alternatively, a better chosen small set of pivots (requiring much less space) can yield the same efficiency as a larger, randomly chosen, set. We propose an efficiency measure to compare two pivot sets, combined with an optimization technique that allows us to select good sets of pivots. We obtain abundant empirical evidence showing that our technique is effective, and it is the first that we are aware of in producing consistently good results in a wide variety of cases and in being based on a formal theory. We also show that good pivots are outliers, but that selecting outliers does not ensure that good pivots are selected.
Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP, 2009
Many pattern recognition tasks can be modeled as proximity searching. Here the common task is to quickly find all the elements close to a given query without sequentially scanning a very large database. A recent shift in the searching paradigm has been established by using permutations instead of distances to predict proximity. Every object in the database record how the set of reference objects (the permutants) is seen, i.e. only the relative positions are used. When a query arrives the relative displacements in the permutants between the query and a particular object is measured. This approach turned out to be the most efficient and scalable, at the expense of loosing recall in the answers. The permutation of every object is represented with κ short integers in practice, producing bulky indexes of 16 κn bits. In this paper we show how to represent the permutation as a binary vector, using just one bit for each permutant (instead of logκ in the plain representation). The Hamming distance in the binary signature is used then to predict proximity between objects in the database. We tested this approach with many real life metric databases obtaining faster queries with a recall close to the Spearman ρ using 16 times less space.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
Kernel based methods (such as k-nearest neighbors classifiers) for AI tasks translate the classification problem into a proximity search problem, in a space that is usually very high dimensional. Unfortunately, no proximity search algorithm does well in high dimensions. An alternative to overcome this problem is the use of approximate and probabilistic algorithms, which trade time for accuracy. In this paper we present a new probabilistic proximity search algorithm. Its main idea is to order a set of samples based on their distance to each element. It turns out that the closeness between the order produced by an element and that produced by the query is an excellent predictor of the relevance of the element to answer the query. The performance of our method is unparalleled. For example, for a full 128-dimensional dataset, it is enough to review 10% of the database to obtain 90% of the answers, and to review less than 1% to get 80% of the correct answers. The result is more impressive if we realize that a full 128dimensional dataset may span thousands of dimensions of clustered data. Furthermore, the concept of proximity preserving order opens a totally new approach for both exact and approximated proximity searching.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2001
Pivot-based algorithms are effective tools for proximity searching in metric spaces. They allow trading space overhead for number of distance evaluations performed at query time. With additional search structures (that pose extra space overhead) they can also reduce the amount of side computations. We introduce a new data structure, the Fixed Queries Array (FQA), whose novelties are (1) it permits sublinear extra CPU time without any extra data structure;(2) it permits trading number of pivots for their precision so as to make better use ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Proximity searching consists in retrieving the most similar objects to a given query. This kind of searching is a basic tool in many fields of artificial intelligence, because it can be used as a search engine to solve problems like kNN searching. A common technique to solve proximity queries is to use an index. In this paper, we show a variant of the permutation based index, which, in his original version, has a great predicting power about which are the objects worth to compare with the query (avoiding the exhaustive comparison). We have noted that when two permutants are close, they can produce small differences in the order in which objects are revised, which could be responsible of finding the true answer or missing it. In this paper we pretend to mitigate this effect. As a matter of fact, our technique allows us both to reduce the index size and to improve the query cost up to 30%.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Proximity searching consists in retrieving objects out of a database similar to a given query. Nowadays, when multimedia databases are growing up, this is an elementary task. The permutation based index (PBI) and its variants are excellent techniques to solve proximity searching in high dimensional spaces, however they have been surmountable in low dimensional ones. Another PBI's drawback is that the distance between permutations cannot allow to discard elements safely when solving similarity queries. In the following, we introduce an improvement on the PBI that allows to produce a better promissory order using less space than the basic permutation technique and also gives us information to discard some elements. To do so, besides the permutations, we quantize distance information by defining distance rings around each permutant, and we also keep this data. The experimental evaluation shows we can dramatically improve upon specialized techniques in low dimensional spaces. For instance, in the real world dataset of NASA images, our boosted PBI uses up to 90% less distances evaluations than AESA, the state-of-the-art searching algorithm with the best performance in this particular space.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2003
Similarity search structures for metric data typically bound object partitions by ball regions. Since regions can overlap, a relevant issue is to estimate the proximity of regions in order to predict the number of objects in the regions' intersection. This paper analyzes the problem using a probabilistic approach and provides a solution that effectively computes the proximity through realistic heuristics that only require small amounts of auxiliary data. An extensive simulation to validate the technique is provided. An application is developed to demonstrate how the proximity measure can be successfully applied to the approximate similarity search. Search speedup is achieved by ignoring data regions whose proximity to the query region is smaller than a user-defined threshold. This idea is implemented in a metric tree environment for the similarity range and "nearest neighbors" queries. Several measures of efficiency and effectiveness are applied to evaluate proposed approximate search algorithms on real-life data sets. An analytical model is developed to relate proximity parameters and the quality of search. Improvements of two orders of magnitude are achieved for moderately approximated search results. We demonstrate that the precision of proximity measures can significantly influence the quality of approximated algorithms.
In this paper we introduce a new paradigm for similarity search, called PAC-NN (probably approximately correct nearest neighbor) queries, aiming to break the "dimensionality curse" which inhibits current approaches to be applied in high-dimensional spaces. PAC-NN queries return, with probability at least 1 − δ, a (1 +)-approximate NN-an object whose distance from the query q is less than (1 +) times the distance between q and its NN. We describe how the distance distribution of the query object can be used to determine a suitable stopping condition with probabilistic guarantees on the quality of the result, and then analyze performance of both sequential and index-based PAC-NN algorithms. This shows that PAC-NN queries can be efficiently processed even on very high-dimensional spaces and that control can be exerted in order to tradeoff between the accuracy of the result and the cost.
We investigate the problem of approximate similarity (nearest neighbor) search in high-dimensional metric spaces, and describe how the distance distribution of the query object can be exploited so as to provide probabilistic guarantees on the quality of the result. This leads to a new paradigm for similarity search, called PAC-NN (probably approximately correct nearest neighbor) queries, aiming to break the "dimensionality curse". PAC-NN queries return, with probability at least 1 ; , a (1 + )-approximate NN -an object whose distance from the query q is less than (1 + ) times the distance between q and its NN. Analytical and experimental results obtained for sequential and index-based algorithms show that PAC-NN queries can be efficiently processed even on very high-dimensional spaces and that control can be exerted in order to tradeoff the accuracy of the result and the cost.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
The permutation based index has shown to be very effective in medium and high dimensional metric spaces, even in difficult problems such as solving reverse k-nearest neighbor queries. Nevertheless, currently there is no study about which are the desirable features one can ask to a permutant set, or how to select good permutants. Similar to the case of pivots, our experimental results show that, compared with a randomly chosen set, a good permutant set yields to fast query response or to reduce the amount of space used by the index. In this paper, we start by characterizing permutants and studying their predictive power; then we propose an effective heuristic to select a good set of permutant candidates. We also show empirical evidence that supports our technique.
—We introduce a new probabilistic proximity search algorithm for range and K-nearest neighbor (K-NN) searching in both coordinate and metric spaces. Although there exist solutions for these problems, they boil down to a linear scan when the space is intrinsically high dimensional, as is the case in many pattern recognition tasks. This, for example, renders the K-NN approach to classification rather slow in large databases. Our novel idea is to predict closeness between elements according to how they order their distances toward a distinguished set of anchor objects. Each element in the space sorts the anchor objects from closest to farthest to it and the similarity between orders turns out to be an excellent predictor of the closeness between the corresponding elements. We present extensive experiments comparing our method against state-of-the-art exact and approximate techniques, both in synthetic and real, metric and nonmetric databases, measuring both CPU time and distance computations. The experiments demonstrate that our technique almost always improves upon the performance of alternative techniques, in some cases by a wide margin.
The permutation index has shown to be very effective in medium and high dimensional metric spaces, even in difficult problems, for instance, when solving reverse knearest neighbor queries. Nevertheless, currently there is no study about which are the desirable features one can ask to a permutant set, or how to select good permutants. Similar to the case of pivots, our experimental results show that, compared with a randomly chosen set, a good permutant set yields to fast query response or to reduce the amount of space used by the index. In this paper we start by characterizing permutants and studying their discrimination power, and then we propose an effective heuristic to select a good permutant candidate set. We also show empirical evidence that supports our technique.
Proximity queries (the searching problem generalized beyond exact match) is mostly modeled as metric space. A metric space consists of a collection of objects and a distance function defined among them. The goal is to preprocess the data set (a slow procedure) to quickly answer proximity queries. This problem have received a lot of attention recently, specially in the pattern recognition community. The Excluded Middle Vantage Point Forest (VP–forest) is a data structure designed to search in high dimensional vector spaces. A VP ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Some metric indexes, like the pivot based family, can natively trade space for query time. Other indexes may have a small memory footprint and still outperform the pivot based approach; but are unable to increase the memory usage to boost the query time. In this paper we propose a new metric indexing technique with an algorithmic mechanism to lift the performance of otherwise rigid metric indexes. We selected the well known List of Clusters (LC) as the base data structure, obtaining an index which is orders of magnitude faster to build, with memory usage adaptable to the intrinsic dimension of the data, and faster at query time than the original LC. We also present a nearest neighbor algorithm, of independent interest, which is optimal in the sense that requires the same number of distance computations as a range query with the radius of the nearest neighbor. We present exhaustive experimental evidence supporting our claims, for both synthetic and real world datasets.
Modeling proximity searching problems in a metric space allows one to approach many problems in different areas, e.g. pattern recognition, multimedia search, or clustering. Recently there was proposed the permutation based approach, a novel technique that is unbeatable in practice but difficult to compress. In this article we introduce an improvement on that metric space search data structure. Our technique shows that we can compress the permutation based algorithm without loosing precision. We show experimentally that our technique is competitive with the original idea and improves it up to 46% in real databases.
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