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The study aims to investigate the conceptions held by English language teaching instructors in a public university in Turkey and to specify the level of research engagement of teachers by either reading or conducting research. The data were collected form 52 English instructors through questionnaires and a subgroup of teachers were invited to interviews in order to shed light to the responses given in the questionnaire. The results showed that teachers evaluated the instances that are compatible with scientific research paradigm as research and the level of engagement in research was low.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
The study aims to investigate the conceptions held by English language teaching instructors in a public university in Turkey and to specify the level of research engagement of teachers by either reading or conducting research. The data were collected form 52 English instructors through questionnaires and a subgroup of teachers were invited to interviews in order to shed light to the responses given in the questionnaire. The results showed that teachers evaluated the instances that are compatible with scientific research paradigm as research and the level of engagement in research was low.
Educational Action Research, 2016
While it is generally recognised that teacher research can be a very beneficial form of continuing professional development (CPD), there is still relatively limited research available on the impact this activity has on teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs, which are of interest to educational psychologists since, while being open to constant change, these beliefs influence the way that knowledge is transformed into action. There is also a relative lack of available research into how teachers develop as researchers; the processes whereby they gain practical knowledge and more positive self-efficacy beliefs in planning, conducting, analysing, presenting and writing up research require further exploration. This qualitative multi-case study addresses these issues, exploring the development of three in-service teachers of English on a foundation programme at a Turkish university. Findings reveal that engaging in CPD that directly benefited their learners helped all three teachers develop positive teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and deeper practical knowledge in relation to the specific tasks that concerned them. Furthermore, from a starting point of having low self-efficacy beliefs in conducting practical research, which reflected their lack of prior knowledge in this area, they all became more efficacious as they gained research experience and developed practical knowledge of research. This study highlights the benefits, then, of helping teachers become more efficacious through CPD that engages them as knowledge-generators. Enthusiastic mentoring, autonomy support and the opportunity to present their research more widely all helped the teachers in this Turkish context develop.
TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 2021
This article reports on a study investigating the perceptions of EFL teachers in schools and language courses (henceforth, teachers) and EFL lecturers in tertiary educational institutions (academic staff) from Indonesia regarding their definitions of and their engagements in teacher research. An online questionnaire was used to gather quantitative data from almost 400 EFL teachers and academic staff from Indonesia. The questionnaire was followed by in-depth interviews with some respondents who met the criteria set and agreed to be interviewed. Results from the study show that both teachers and academic staff align research with evidence-based practice, survey, literature-driven practice and professional communication, and observation-based popular article. In terms of engagements, most of the teachers and academic staff read research papers occasionally, and more academic staff did research compared to teachers. Research done by both teachers and academic staff is largely associated...
Applied Linguistics, 2009
This article examines the conceptions of research held by 505 teachers of English from 13 countries around the world. Questionnaire responses supplemented by follow-up written and interview data were analyzed to understand teachers' views on what research is and how often they read and do it (and why or why not in each case). An understanding of these issues is central to the development of informed policies for promoting teacher research engagement, but relevant systematic evidence is lacking in the field of English language teaching (ELT). The study shows that the teachers held conceptions of research aligned with conventional scientific notions of inquiry. The teachers also reported moderate to low levels of reading and doing research, with a lack of time, knowledge, and access to material emerging as key factors which teachers felt limited their ability to be research-engaged. Teachers engaged in research reported being driven largely by practical and professional concerns rather than external drivers such as employers or promotion. Overall, the findings of this study point to a number of attitudinal, conceptual, procedural, and institutional barriers to teacher research engagement. Understanding these, it is argued here, is an essential part of the broader process of trying to address them and hence to make teacher research engagement a more feasible activity in ELT.
Systematic research on English language teachers' perceptions of research has not yet shown whether or not 'teacher research' is acceptably understood and carried out in institutions of higher education worldwide. Moreover, understanding cross-cultural (mis)conceptions of and barriers to research is an important initial step in promoting teacher research engagement. This article explores perceptions of teacher research held by 68 university lecturers (38 Iranians and 30 Malaysians) teaching English at graduate and undergraduate levels. Data was collected using questionnaire surveys followed by focus group and electronic interviews. The participating lecturers reported their views on the nature of research, their levels of reading and doing research, and their reasons for research engagement. Comparative analyses of their response frequencies indicated that common perceptions of research were more in line with traditional views of research in both subgroups. Low research engagement by doing and moderate engagement by reading was reported by teachers from both countries. Time limitations and lack of skills were reported as the most frequent barriers to teacher research. A series of Chi-Square analyses comparing the two contexts indicated significant differences in how lecturers saw good teacher research and how they were affected by different de-motivating elements of their institutional research culture. The findings indicate that socio-cultural contexts affect research perception and have valuable implications for the curricular promotion of teacher research in English Language Teaching in institutions of higher education in the targeted institutions.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2008
This paper examines the attitudes of student teachers in social studies towards an educational research assignment, undertaken in an educational research methods course given at the Fatih Faculty of Education at Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey.
English language and English language teaching (ELT) have been receiving considerable attention from the respective world governments due to their increasing importance for globalization. As a result, ELT research has taken huge strides over the past few decades, which has had its positive implications for improving teaching this very important international language in many parts of the world. However, this has not been the case with and ended up sharing significant common problems pertinent to ELT, which have serious negative implications for these countries’ national development, but which also constitute a platform for collaborative research. The establishment of a Research council (RC) in each of the forty five public universities is thus discussed as a possible solution to overcome this problem. The discussion outlines certain challenging and demanding responsibilities for the instructors to help advance ELT research amongst the respective public universities cooperatively and...
Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 2016
This review examines the doctoral research in Turkey completed between 2010 and 2014 in the area of English language teaching and learning. All of the dissertations (N = 137) indexed in the National Theses Database have been included in order to analyze dissertations' subject areas, research paradigms/ techniques, and research contexts as well as scopes, validity/reliability concerns, and piloting. The subject area categorization is based on a cyclical reading process resulting in three major categories: Teaching English as a foreign language, foreign language teacher education, and second language acquisition. Grant/ funding opportunities, the rate of international students, and certain demographic characteristics of PhD students are also addressed in order to clarify the contextual factors. In addition, detailed sub-subject areas were identified so as to be able to categorize all of the dissertations, and 57 dissertations representing the major subject areas are reviewed briefly to offer a closer look. The examination of the doctoral research reveals, in general, 12 potential problems, divided into two levels-6 macro levels (systemic) and 6 micro (departmental). Macro level problems include the heavy pressure of rapid graduation and international publishing. The present study is expected to provide a holistic portrait of the doctoral dissertations for the programs, supervisors, and students concerned.
in volumes of approximately 250 pages. The journal aims to provide a forum for debate and an outlet for research involving all aspects of English Studies. NATURE AND FORMAT OF THE ARTICLES: The Revista would welcome ar ticles of the following kinds: (1) Articles on linguistics and ELT, literature, literary theory and criticism, history and other aspects of the culture of the English-speaking nations. Articles should not exceed nine thous and words in length. (2) Bibliogra phies of studies on very specifi c topics, providing a brief in troduction and a list of basic publications. A concise index of contents may optionally be included. (3) Reviews and review ar ticles on recently published books in the fi eld of English Stu dies. (4) Poetry translations (English-Spanish and Spanish-Eng lish). All articles submitted should follow the guidelines which can be obtained from the
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2020
Given the paucity of studies regarding research practices of teachers, particularly English language teaching (ELT) practitioners in the ASEAN region and in the Philippines, this study explores the research practices of English language teachers in the Philippines. Using purposive-convenience sampling, a total of 49 teachers of English from a Philippine university were asked to answer a survey. To validate the data, pertinent public university documents were examined, and interviews with the university research heads were conducted. Findings suggest that the teachers were cognizant of the link between teaching and their own and their schools' research practices. This research also reports the teachers' positive perception towards research, and high receptivity to and interest in it. However, such research engagement was somehow constrained by factors such as crowded teaching timetables or heavy workload, lack of funding or financial support, difficulty in understanding (e.g., the language) published research, and the challenge of contextualising research findings for classroom use. This paper concludes with a note on how a conducive research climate in a school is a requisite in cultivating teachers' interest in research.
Research skills are considered to be an integral part of teacher education. However, how to teach research and how teaching practices influence attitudes towards research are underresearched areas within the field of teacher education. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of a compulsory research methods course given in the second year of an English Language Teaching (ELT) department at a public university in Turkey. An embedded mixed methods design was used to find out how the course influenced research attitudes and how it was perceived by 46 2nd year undergraduate students of ELT. A psychometric scale was used to measure attitudes towards research before and after the course. An open-ended questionnaire was also utilized for the evaluation of the course by the participants. The results indicated a decreasing trend in the attitudes towards research. The findings imply that increasing the course hours and decreasing the number of take-home tasks are needed for more positive attitudes towards research among the participants.
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 2021
Engaging in research helps teachers improve their own classroom practices, thereby increasing the chance to foster an engaging classroom environment where fresh materials and strategies are used. However, there remains to be some form of the dichotomy between teaching and research, even in the context of universities. What little research is available in the ASEAN and Philippine contexts regarding teachers' research engagement reports perennial problems such as lack of time, heavy workload, and lack of research skills. This study aimed to add to the literature in the Philippine English language teaching (ELT) context by uncovering university teachers' perceptions on the benefits of and challenges in doing research, as well as their own research practices and the academic environment they are in. A group of 22 English language teachers participated in semi-structured online interviews. The thematic analysis of interview data revealed that both personal and professional considerations permeated the issues on benefits, challenges, and practices, corroborating or contradicting previous studies. The participants likewise highlighted enabling and hindering factors concerning research engagements in their own university context and even proffered points for improvement. The study concludes that many teachers have engaged and want to engage in research, but variations can be seen in their level of engagement, exposure to research, and reasons for engaging in such endeavor.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 2019
Given the paucity of studies regarding research practices of teachers, particularly English language teaching (ELT) practitioners in the ASEAN region and in the Philippines, this study explores the research practices of English language teachers in the Philippines. Using purposive-convenience sampling, a total of 49 teachers of English from a Philippine university were asked to answer a survey. To validate the data, pertinent public university documents were examined, and interviews with the university research heads were conducted. Findings suggest that the teachers were cognizant of the link between teaching and their own and their schools' research practices. This research also reports the teachers' positive perception towards research, and high receptivity to and interest in it. However, such research engagement was somehow constrained by factors such as crowded teaching timetables or heavy workload, lack of funding or financial support, difficulty in understanding (e.g., the language) published research, and the challenge of contextualising research findings for classroom use. This paper concludes with a note on how a conducive research climate in a school is a requisite in cultivating teachers' interest in research.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2018
The changing needs of learners drive teachers to improve themselves in terms of professional development (PD). To achieve that, teachers apply to programs such as in-service training (INSET) programs. However, these programs may sometimes fail to respond to the needs of teachers; therefore, “teacher research” (TR) gains importance. A researcher teacher is expected to both engage IN (doing) TR as well as engage WITH (reading) it. Although TR contributes to teachers’ PD, only few studies are available in the Turkish context. Therefore, the current study aimed to reveal English language teachers’ views and practices on TR in the PD process. Twenty-seven English language teachers (19 females, 8 males) working in state schools were interviewed. Data collected through semi-structured interviews were analyzed via content analysis. From Richards and Farrell’s (2009) list of eleven tools for PD, only workshop was mentioned to be applied for their PD, meaning that teachers adopted input trans...
Cogent Education, 2019
As part of a large-scale project, the present study explores research conception, research engagement (both reading and doing research), the impact of research on professional development, the setbacks for research engagement, and the suggestions for improving the dominant research practice in English language teaching (ELT) higher education. The required data were collected through an instrument developed by the present researchers. To this end, the instrument was distributed among 50 MA students (MSs), 50 PhD candidates (PCs), and 50 university professors (UPs) in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) in higher education. Descriptive statistics used to analyse the data, indicated the participants' agreement on almost all categories underlying research conception, research engagement, research impact, research setbacks, and research suggestions of the instrument. However, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that, out of 19 research categories, there were significant differences among the three groups ABOUT THE AUTHORS The present study shows the research practice of MA students (MSs), PhD candidates (PCs), and university professors (UPs) in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) in higher education. This study is currently the largest analysis available of English language teaching (ELT) research-ers' research practice in higher education. It addresses all aspects of research practice among different stakeholders of research in ELT higher education. The study indicates how MSs, PCs, and UPs perceive research in ELT higher education, how they are engaged both in reading and doing research, the way their research engagement influences their professional development, the setbacks for their research engagement, and the suggestions for improving the dominant research practice in higher education. The findings help the MSs, PCs, and UPs to appropriately read and do research in TEFL and produce reliable, valid, trustworthy, and applicable findings for educational context in general and ELT higher education in particular. Rahimi et al., Cogent Education (2019), 5: 1560859
Floris, F. D., Widiati, U., Renandya, W. A., & Basthomi, Y. (2024). Engagement with research: A qualitative study of English department teachers' experiences and insights. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 9, 100846., 2024
This study delves into the engagement with research among university-level English department teachers. It examines their reading habits, literature preferences, and the influence of these activities on their professional practices. Through in-depth interviews with teachers from four reputable universities, this research offers insights into the frequency, format, and resources of engagement with research, as well as the challenges and reasons behind their varying levels of engagement. The findings drawn from this study contribute to the current body of research on teachers' engagement with research. They offer insights that may help improve educational programs or policies aimed at enhancing engagement with research in the academic community. The study, while offering valuable insights, acknowledges its limitations and suggests future research to broaden the scope and understanding of research engagement across different academic fields and settings.
Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
This paper reports on the preliminary findings of a larger qualitative and quantitative research study which attempted to unearth pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of educational research and their own research experiences in their research methodology courses. The participants were 85 fourth-year pre-service EFL teachers who had already completed their compulsory ‘Research Methodology’ and ‘ELT Methodology’ courses in a large state university in Turkey. Data presented in this paper were collected by means of a questionnaire which was developed on the basis of a detailed literature review and the iterative discussions of the questionnaire items by the authors. For each survey item, frequency distributions and means were calculated. The findings revealed that EFL pre-service teachers held positive views about the concept of research and their own research experiences in general. Notwithstanding these positive views, they reported rather lower level...
While research is abundant on academics’ research engagement in higher education, very little has been done to study the setbacks for research practices in English language teaching (ELT) in higher education. Adopting a qualitative research design, the present study explored the research setbacks for ELT in higher education. To this end, 10 masters students, 10 doctoral students, and 10 university instructors of ELT in different state universities in Iran took part in the study. A narrative frame was applied to collect initial data, followed by conducting individual semi-structured interviews to gain more in-depth knowledge about the participants’ research practices. Thematic analysis, used to analyse the data, uncovered a number of themes and categories addressing the masters and doctoral students’ and university instructors’ research setbacks in higher education. A number of themes were generated for the following categories of research setbacks: issues with research projects, ins...
Qvadrata Estudios sobre educación, artes y humanidades, 2022
Today, the development of research skills in teacher education programs is highly valued. In line with this, this mixed-method case study aimed to examine teachers’ engagement with and attitudes towards educational research in an EFL teacher education program in Mexico. A sample of the population of educators answered the Teacher Attitude Scale towards Educational Research (Ilhan et al.), whereas qualitative data emanated from interviews with 6 teachers. Findings suggest that teacher educators perceive the value of educational research; however, its necessity and applicability cannot be ascertained. Barriers that impede teacher educators’ engagement with research, resulting in a lack of research culture in this context, were also identied.
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