Mawazin Atok ctk OK

Logging has a potential impact towards microclimate changes in the primary forest and further influence to forest regeneration in the residual stand, particularly at seedling and sapling stage. Study was conducted in 1-yr logged and unlogged forest to determine the dominant seedling species and the stability level of species diversity. Result showed that total number of seedling and plant species in 1-yr logged forest was higher than the unlogged forest by 12% and 17%, respectively. New species emerged in 1-yr logged forest were Durio carinatus Benth., Eugenia spp., Palaquium spp., Parartocarpus triandus J.J.S., and Parastemon urophyllum A.DC. Sapling stages dominated the logged forest were Urandra scorpioides Pulle. (INP 52.20%), Alseodaphne spp. (27.15%), Eugenia spp. (26.44%), Parastemon urophyllum A.DC. (16.47%), Myristica viliosa Warb. (15.55%), Diospyros malam Bakh. (12.76%), and Palaquium microphyllum (12.76%). This result suggested that species composition in unlogged forest corresponds to that of after logging forest while index of eveness and diversity of the regeneration in logged forest at seedling and sapling stage showed stability. Similarity index in both forest communities, 82.35% for seedling and 93.75% at sapling was considered high. In the absence of ecophysiological disturbance during natural regeneration, succesion may recove runtil the next cutting rotation.