The relational noun marker in Tobelo (Northeast Halmaheran

2006, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics

In the Northeast Halmaheran languages (Tobelo, Galela, Sahu, Modole, Pagu, and Tabaru) all nouns are immediately preceded by an article o or ma. These articles co-occur freely with other nominal morphology, with the exceptions of first and second person possessive pronouns. Since they occur on all nouns, both articles can function as ligatures within the noun phrases, particularly within possessive constructions and possessive-like attributive constructions. On simple nouns the function of the articles is less clear. This paper draws on a quantitative analysis of Tobelo narrative texts to argue that the articles function as markers of dependency relations in discourse. The article o is the default article used new or unimportant referents, while the article ma signals a dependency relationship between the following noun and another discourse entity, which may or may not be explicitly mentioned. This notion of discourse dependency not only confirms the intuition of early twentieth century observers but also helps to explain apparent head shift phenomena in complex noun phrases. This paper concludes with a discussion of relationship between Northeast ma and Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *ma, suggesting a possible additional path of contact between North Halmaheran languages and neighboring Austronesian languages.