Greek Mythin WBYeats

William Butler Yeats is a name in the Irish tradition, folklore and literature that is impossible to be ignored and natural to be adored. What has been very duly noticed is his invaluable role in the Celtic cultural and literary revolution. However, one aspect of his prolific work, that requires more exploration, is also an adoption, adaptation and reincarnation of the Greek mythology. And this paper sets out to scrutinize this inseparable feature that often figures in his bountiful work. Introduction Originality is a very evasive term. In spite of the claims of writers and the scrutiny of the critics, it is very difficult to ascertain the originality of ideas. We have been created by not only our environment but also by what we read and listen to. We knowingly and unknowingly absorb ideas from people around us and also from the authors whose works we read. Yeats remarks: