Respuesta inmunológica con el ejercicio


The immunological state induced by exercise is intensity- and duration-dependent. The number of circulating lymphocytes, cytotoxic activity, monocyte antiviral activity, cytokine levels and antibody production have an altered response during and after a strenuous exercise period. These changes may induce a higher susceptibility to viral infection. On the other hand, physical training and sedentary induce different effects in cortisol plasmatic levels, plasmatic and splenic cathecolamines, in addition to neuroendocrin reactions, and cellular and humoral activity of different intensity. It seems that programmed cell death is modified by regular physical exercise. This concept is supported by decreased aerobic capacity associated with apoptosis in skeletal and heart muscle, modification of physical training on plasmatic levels of proapoptotic cytokines in humans, and reduction in the number of apoptotic skeletal myocytes in mice. Exercise requires an appropriated dosage according to in...