2010, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Wide band-gap, high refractive index, good mechanical and high optical damage threshold are in particular the properties rendering zirconium oxide (ZrO 2 ) rather interesting material for various applications such as laser cavities, optical coatings, gas sensors or insulating layers in semiconductor devices. Low phonon energies (<400 cm -1 ) and wide band-gap (5.85 eV) simultaneously make ZrO 2 especially promising host for optically active dopants. Doping of ZrO 2 with various rare earth (RE) ions and creation of intrinsic defects in the pure crystal has been reported by several authors ]. In many cases, though, the nature of the excitation mechanisms leading to the emission of RE ions and intrinsic excitations is still a topic of ongoing debates ]. This is mainly because of the rather complicated electronic and phase structure caused by the dopants, ability to stabilize zirconia in tetragonal and cubic phases in addition to the only naturally stable monoclinic phase at RT. Stabilization of many of the dopants in the crystal lattice needs charge compensation, which can modify the density of states of ZrO 2 . In our work we aimed on identification of the various defect levels involved in energy-transfer processes in ZrO 2 and on revealing of different sites of optical centers by using combined excitation-emission spectroscopic studies (CEES).The investigated Sm doped bulk ZrO 2 sample was prepared by using the directional solidification of melt[ 7 ]. Phase content of the sample was determined via micro-Raman and XRD spectra. The photoluminescence (PL) measurements in the range from 3 eV to 20 eV cover both direct excitation energy range of the dopants as well as the intrinsic host absorption. Synchrotron radiation in VUV, a tuneable OPO laser and a xenon lamp were applied as excitation sources. Low temperature measurements were carried out to determine the activation energies of defect-related electronic processes. The results show that PL spectra of ZrO 2 :Sm 3+ are narrow-lined, which is typical for the f-f transitions of Sm ion in trivalent charge state. No intrinsic self-trapped exciton emission, found in high quality crystalline and thin crystalline zirconia films[ 5 ] nor various F-centre related broad band emissions, usually present in yttria-stabilized pure zirconia[ 6,8 ], were revealed in the samples even under band-to-band excitation. High dopant concentration (4 mol%), effective energy transfer to the Sm 3+ ions and rather defective structure of the mixed phase material causing appearance of efficient nonradiative decay channels are considered as main reasons of absence of intrinsic photoluminescence. Dopant-related PL was found to be many orders of magnitude more effective via band-to-band excitation of the host than through the direct intra-centre excitation of Sm 3+ ions . The presence of at least two different PL sites for the dopant ions were determined and characterized from temperature dependent CEES. Further studies using time-resolved PL spectra and decay measurements confirmed our hypotheses. Taking into account relatively good emission properties of the material, its application potential in various fields as light generation, scintillation, and gas sensing will be discussed.