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102 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
Shortening has emerged as a prominent aspect of language evolution, particularly in specialized texts. This paper investigates the complexities surrounding the formation and usage of abbreviations in modern European languages, highlighting their relevance in contemporary communication. Various theories on abbreviations are discussed, along with their distinctive functions across different genres languages, thus underscoring the practical implications of linguistic economy in our increasingly information-driven society.
The paper focuses on the integrated approach to investigation of abbreviations that are referred to the units of secondary nomination. Abbreviations facilitate the communication process due to the principle of economy in language. Abbreviation that goes back to ancient times is one of the most actively performed and intensive processes in the English language. The use of abbreviations is connected with both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that to a great extent determine a variety of discourse under consideration and ways of decoding certain linguistic units of abbreviated form, where context plays the most important role. There exists a number of structural types or models, according to which abbreviations are created in order to function as separate linguistic units used in the communicative process, where in the course of time they tend to acquire new independent and sometimes unique semantic properties. In socially determined professional registers certain regularities o...
Term Defi nition & c. Archaic English abbreviation for et cetera. Achiote Red paste from Bixa orellana , commonly added to chocolate (see annato, rocoa). Acompting-house Archaic English term for bookkeeping; an accounting offi ce. ADCM Archives d é partementales de la Charente-Maritime (Canadian Archive). Adulteration Addition of impure substances for the purpose of defrauding customers (e.g., adulterated chocolate). Aduna Royal Port authority; head of the Royal Customs Department. Aga Turkish civil leader. AGI Archivo General de las Indias (Archive of the Indies, Seville, Spain). AGN Archivo General de la Naci ó n (General Archive of the Nation), Mexico City, Mexico. Aguardiente Commonly translated as brandy.
The first part of the article deals with general information about the project of compiling a dictionary of abbreviations in linguistics. It also contains a short overview of past research together with their main results. So far, some specific theoretical and practical solutions were proposed. Theoretical solu-tions refer to the Multi-level approach in collecting data for submorphemic word-formations, which consists of three aspects: 1) Structure and Modes of Production, 2) Cognitive Aspects, and 3) Functional Aspects. Practical solutions for the structure and modes of production have already been recommended with the results properly substantiated by the examples of abbreviations. The second part presents re-sults of the analysis for the cognitive aspect of the multi-level approach. The semantic part reveals the relationship between an abbreviation type and the semantic (sub-)field it might be assigned to. Semiotic part is achieved by designating a specific interpretation of a sig...
Białostockie Archiwum Językowe, 2021
The paper focuses on acronym-based noun phrases, i.e. noun phrases consisting of an abbreviation and a non-abbreviated lexeme. The author works with the theory of lexical motivation which presumes the existence of several types of motivation, including abbreviation and syntactic motivation. While abbreviations are formed by means of abbreviation motivation, syntactic constructions such as noun phrases are formed by means of syntactic motivation. Both types of motivation are dominant in the forming of abbreviation noun phrases. The author distinguishes and explains the differences between tautological (PIN number), semi-tautological (SIM card) and explicative noun phrases (GPRS platforms) as well as abbreviation multi-word units (USB port). The paper points out manifold functionality of each type of abbreviation noun phrase/multiword unit and presents abbreviations as productive means of forming new constructions and lexemes. Their versatile character makes abbreviations universal fo...
Filologičeski forum [The Philological Forum Journal], 2015
Abbreviation, considered by many non-prototypical, is one of the liveliest word-formative processes nowadays. This paper examines part of its cognitive background, the lexical items it results in, and – from a more narrow perspective – some features of Bulgarian abbreviations. A definition of abbreviation is arrived at that avoids most of the clashes between schools of thought. As regards Bulgarian abbreviations, the text looks into constraints of orthographic and phonological nature (mainly phonotactics and stress). It also examines the regularities of gender assignment with noun abbreviations. For this purpose, the results of a survey carried out in 2013 are discussed.
Most new concepts both in the Russian and English languages are expressed using phrases or compound words, because such complex words make it possible to represent a particular concept with completeness and accuracy. But multicomponent terms—complex words and phrases—are cumbersome; therefore, there is a need to abbreviate them in one way or another. In some cases this leads to the use of short versions of the term in the form of only one main component, while in others, various types of abbreviations are used, which can save time. However, their imprecise or incorrect translation can change or confuse the intended meaning. The paper discusses the differences in using abbreviations and acronyms in British and American scientific texts, as well as difficulties of their translation and optimal strategies of interlanguage adaptation. The investigation is performed using various research techniques, including a comparative method, a continuous sampling method, semantic structure analysi...
Several studies on English and Italian specialized discourse have demonstrated that in scientific, legal and technical language there is a general tendency towards complex noun phrases (Altieri Biagi 1974; Cortelazzo 1990; Gotti 1991, 2003, 2005; Williams 2004; Garzone 2008; Mattiello 2010). However, due to the increasing popularization of some forms of scientific discourse (Mattiello forthcoming b), there seems to be also an opposite tendency to use abbreviations such as initialisms (e.g. MRI ← Magnetic Resonance Imaging, SSI ← Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ‘International Space Station’), acronyms (e.g. CAT ← Computerized Axial/Computer-Assisted Tomography, GAVI ← Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, TAC ← Tomografia Assiale Computerizzata), clippings (e.g. chimp ← chimpanzee, psi ← parapsicologia ‘parapsychology’), and related items to condense information into smaller units, especially when they are highly accessible to the whole community, or even lexicalized (AIDS,...
Theme: Abbreviations in word forming system of the English language Done by: Taalaibek K Aizirek (group: A09-4)
This paper examines the segmental and suprasegmental structure of acronyms from present-day English. ;, ,ooks in brief at the history of such items; and it suggests that while a~o.yms do not unaergo Cua,~o~itt Exii.~icLAi~,aiit~ ~iiayes (19~2D -b~,ata~ il~v aic graphemically-based -they do undergo the English Stress Rule (ESR) in a very regular fashion. It also proposes that bisyllabic items (in particular) are instances of word-creation whose structure is to some extent conditioned by the notion of "canonical pressure" i fl Ll l qk. l dl O ~1~' 5 (1977)). Acronyms thus provide new evidence for the working and ordering of phonological rules in English.
In this paper, we discuss the phases through which Greek initialisms / acronyms are created. More specifically, we show that these abbreviated configurations take the forms of: (A) "initialisms": objects of the written language; (B) "acronyms": legitimate pronounceable objects; (C) "meaningful" objects: legitimate elements of the lexicon. In parallel, we touch on the graphetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic processes which stimulate the development of these abbreviated forms. Finally, we cast light on other morphosyntactic and semantic phenomena involved in the creation of Greek initialisms/acronyms.
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