Secure Information Transferring System Using Color Cryptography


— Cryptography is basically concerned with keeping communications privately and secretly. Indeed, the protection of important and highly sensitive communications has been the prime motto of cryptography throughout much of its history. Encryption is the conversion of data into some spidery form. Its motto is to ensure privacy by hiding information from anyone for whom it is not intended, even those who can see the encrypted data. Decryption is the reverse of encryption. Data encryption technique converts data into a spidery format so as to protect it from external fraud entity. It is thus useful in ensuring the privacy and security of the information transferred or shared between the systems. Here, we propose a color coding RGB scheme that can be used for data encryption which represents text in the form of colored patches by grouping together binary bits and assigning them colors.

Key takeaways

  • Wavelet technique is used to convert the Color Image to Gray Image.
  • On the sender side, the sender provides the text that is to be sent and select the algorithm of their choice and accordingly encrypt the message and the key is generated and the text message is converted into a color image using RGB color format.
  • The Encryption system is on the Sender side can be understood as: Given a stored text file which is to be encrypted , the system first converts the file into its binary representation , which in turn is given to the vector is then next given as input to the encryption process, which then takes in the numeric vector data and transforms it into a color coded JPEG image.
  • The receiver uses the shared key to generate the original text message.
  • Each time the image created and the key generated is unique.