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Autonomous navigation of mobile robots is an area that has witnessed a lot of research activity in the recent years due to its increasing applications. Several approaches have been proposed for the navigation of mobile robots. This review paper describes the various developments and techniques that have been applied for navigation of robots in dynamic environments with special focus on the soft computing approaches.
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
Mobile robots have been making a significant contribution to the advancement of many sectors including automation of mining, space, surveillance, military, health, agriculture and many more. Safe and efficient navigation is a fundamental requirement of mobile robots, thus, the demand for advanced algorithms rapidly increased. Mobile robot navigation encompasses the following four requirements: perception, localization, path-planning and motion control. Among those, path-planning is a vital part of a fast, secure operation. During the last couple of decades, many path-planning algorithms were developed. Despite most of the mobile robot applications being in dynamic environments, the number of algorithms capable of navigating robots in dynamic environments is limited. This paper presents a qualitative comparative study of the up-to-date mobile robot path-planning methods capable of navigating robots in dynamic environments. The paper discusses both classical and heuristic methods including artificial potential field, genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic, neural networks, artificial bee colony, particle swarm optimization, bacterial foraging optimization, ant-colony and Agoraphilic algorithm. The general advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed. Furthermore, the commonly used state-of-the-art methods are critically analyzed based on six performance criteria: algorithm's ability to navigate in dynamically cluttered areas, moving goal hunting ability, object tracking ability, object path prediction ability, incorporating the obstacle velocity in the decision, validation by simulation and experimentation. This investigation benefits researchers in choosing suitable path-planning methods for different applications as well as identifying gaps in this field.
Engineering and Technology Journal
Mobile robots use is rising every day. Path planning algorithms are needed to make a traveler of robots with the least cost and without collisions. Many techniques have been developed in path planning for mobile robot worldwide, however, the most commonly used techniques are presented here for further study. This essay aims to review various path planning strategies for mobile robots using different optimization methods taken recent publisher's paper in last five year.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2008
Collision-free, time-optimal navigation of a real wheeled robot in the presence of some static obstacles is undertaken in the present study. Two soft computing-based approaches, namely genetic-fuzzy system and genetic-neural system and a conventional potential field approach have been developed for this purpose. Training is given to the soft computing-based navigation schemes off-line and the performance of the optimal motion planner is tested on a real robot. A CCD camera is used to collect information of the environment. After processing the collected data, the communication between the robot and the host computer is obtained with the help of a radio-frequency module. Both the soft computing-based approaches are found to perform better than the potential field method in terms of the traveling time taken by the robot. Moreover, the performance of fuzzy logic-based motion planner is found to be comparable with that of neural network-based motion planner, although the training of the former is seen to be computationally less expensive than the latter. Sometimes the potential field method is unable to yield any feasible solution, specifically when the obstacle is found to be just ahead of the robot, whereas soft computing-based approaches have tackled such a situation well.
Mobile robots are vital for automation industries, surveillance and mapping, hazardous operation like nuclear plants, landmine detection etc. The path of such robots is controlled by a navigational algorithm. Several algorithm have been proposed and tried out for navigation of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) around the globe .Some of these determine the path which is feasible to reach the destination without collision, while other also tries to optimize .Key parameters of the navigation are distance and time (either or both) to reach the destination or cost of reaching the destination. The prevalent algorithm have used various technique like fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, artificial neural network, dynamic programming, potential field method, bug algorithm, ant colony optimization etc. Many others have developed the specific algorithms in evolutionary manner stage by stage through various trials. This also includes a number of heuristic based algorithms. This article describes the...
InTech eBooks, 2011
International Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical and Computer Technology, 2019
his research aimed at development of a dynamic path planning technique for autonomous mobile robot using a modified bat algorithm. Autonomous mobile robots are programmable and mechanical device with the ability of moving from one location (called the source location) to another position (known as the target location) in an environment containing obstacles without human intervention. Thus, for a mobile robot to be autonomous, it has to be intelligent enough in perceiving the environment so as to acquire information in the environment and make decision based on it. Therefore, path planning becomes essential for the autonomous mobile robot to reach its target location. To achieve this, an objective function was modelled in form of distance function using the coordinates of the source and target locations. A path planning technique was then developed using modified bat algorithm that optimized the objective function to generate an optimal collision free motion path for the autonomous mobile robot. The performance of the developed algorithm was determined by implementing in an unknown static environment under different complexities of obstacles. The simulation result obtained showed that the path planning algorithm was effective for the control of autonomous mobile robot as it generated an optimal path without colliding with obstacles in different environment under different complexities as compared to results obtained using bat algorithm and ant colony optimization algorithm.
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal
The emerging trend of modern industry automation requires intelligence to be embedded into mobile robot for ensuring optimal or near-optimal solutions to execute certain task. This yield to a lot of improvement and suggestions in many areas related to mobile robot such as path planning. The purpose of this paper is to review the mobile robots path planning problem, optimization criteria and various methodologies reported in the literature for global and local mobile robot path planning. In this paper, commonly use classical approaches such as cell decomposition (CD), roadmap approach (RA), artificial potential field (AFP), and heuristics approaches such as genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach and ant colony optimization (ACO) method are considered. It is observed that when it comes to dynamic environment where most of the information are unknown to the mobile robots before starting, heuristics approaches are more popular and widely used compared to classical approaches since it can handle uncertainty, interact with objects and making quick decision. Finally, few suggestions for future research work in this field are addressed at the end of this paper.
The ability to acquire a representation of the spatial environment and the ability to localize within it are essential for successful navigation in a-priori unknown environments. This document presents a computer vision method and related algorithms for the navigation of a robot in a static environment. Our environment is a simple white colored area with black obstacles and robot (with some identification mark-a circle and a rectangle of orange color which helps in giving it a direction) present over it .This environment is grabbed in a camera which sends image to the desktop using data cable. The image is then converted to the binary format from jpeg format using software which is then proces
Control and Intelligent Systems, 2011
Path planning is considered as one of the core problems of autonomous mobile robots. Different approaches have been proposed with different levels of complexity, accuracy, and applicability. This paper presents a hybrid approach to the problem of path planning that can be used to find global optimal collision-free paths. This approach relies on combining potential field (PF) method and genetic algorithm (GA) which takes the strengths of both and overcomes their inherent limitations. In this integrated frame, the PF method is designed as a gradient-based searching strategy to exploit local optimal, and the GA is used to explore over the whole problem space. In this work, different implementing strategies are examined in different complexity scenarios. The conducted experiments show that global optimal paths can be achieved effectively using the proposed approach with a strategy of high diversity and memorization.
In Robotics, path planning has been an area gaining a major thrust and is being intensively researched nowadays. This planning depends on the environmental conditions they have to operate on. Unlike industrial robots, service robots have to operate in unpredictable and unstructured environments. Such robots are constantly faced with new situations for which there are no pre programmed motions. Thus, these robots have to plan their own motions. Path planning for service robots are much more difficult due to several reasons. First, the planning has to be sensor-based, implying incomplete and inaccurate world models. Second, the real time constraints, provides only limited resources for planning. Third, due to incomplete models of the environment, planning could involve secondary objectives, with the goal to reduce the uncertainty about the environment. Navigation for mobile robots is closely related to sensor-based path planning in 2D, and can be considered as a mature area of researc...
Robots are currently replacing humans in different tasks in various sectors. Among the vital features desirable in autonomous robots is the capability of navigating safely through a given environment. Robot navigation is a process designed with the ability of avoiding any hitches or obstacles while aiming at a specific predefined position. Many studies have been proposed to find solutions to robot path-planning problems. This paper presents a survey of the heuristic and classical path-planning approaches. Focal strengths, together with the weaknesses of these approaches, were also identified to provide deep insight for future studies. As several literature studies have recommended, classical methods might not be effective in real-time applications as a result of their failure to confront the unpredictable nature of the real-world. They require a considerable amount of computation and space, while heuristic-based methods can overcome real-world problems with some modifications. To su...
Computers in Human Behavior, 2015
An autonomous mobile robot operating in an unstructured environment must be able to deal with dynamic changes of the environment. Navigation and control of a mobile robot in an unstructured environment are one of the most challenging problems. Fuzzy logic control is a useful tool in the field of navigation of mobile robot. In this research, fuzzy logic controller is optimized by integrating fuzzy logic with other soft computing techniques like genetic algorithm, neural networks, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Soft computing techniques are used in this work to tune the membership function parameters of fuzzy logic controller to improve the navigation performance. Four methods have been designed and implemented: manually constructed fuzzy logic (M-Fuzzy), fuzzy logic with genetic algorithm (GA-Fuzzy), fuzzy logic with neural network (Neuro-Fuzzy), and fuzzy logic with PSO (PSO-Fuzzy). The performances of these approaches are compared through computer simulations and experiment number of scenarios using Khepera III mobile robot platform. Hybrid fuzzy logic controls with soft computing techniques are found to be most efficient for mobile robot navigation. The GA-Fuzzy technique is found to perform better than the other techniques in most of the test scenarios in terms of travelling time and average speed. The performances of both PSO-Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy are found to be better than the other methods in terms of distance travelled. In terms of bending energy, the PSO-Fuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy are found to be better in simulation results. Although, the M-Fuzzy is found to be better using real experimental results. Hence, the most important system parameter will dictate which of the four methods to use.
Journal of Robotics, 2022
Mobile robots have been widely used in various sectors in the last decade. A mobile robot could autonomously navigate in any environment, both static and dynamic. As a result, researchers in the robotics feld have ofered a variety of techniques. Tis paper reviews the mobile robot navigation approaches and obstacle avoidance used so far in various environmental conditions to recognize the improvement of path planning strategists. Taking into consideration commonly used classical approaches such as Dijkstra algorithm (DA), artifcial potential feld (APF), probabilistic road map (PRM), cell decomposition (CD), and meta-heuristic techniques such as fuzzy logic (FL), neutral network (NN), particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), cuckoo search algorithm (CSO), and artifcial bee colony (ABC). Classical approaches have limitations of trapping in local minima, failure to handle uncertainty, and many more. On the other hand, it is observed that heuristic approaches can solve most real-world problems and perform well after some modifcation and hybridization with classical techniques. As a result, many methods have been established worldwide for the path planning strategy for mobile robots. Te most often utilized approaches, on the other hand, are ofered below for further study.
Neural Computing and Applications, 2014
Online navigation with known target and unknown obstacles is an interesting problem in mobile robotics. This article presents a technique based on utilization of neural networks and reinforcement learning to enable a mobile robot to learn constructed environments on its own. The robot learns to generate efficient navigation rules automatically without initial settings of rules by experts. This is regarded as the main contribution of this work compared to traditional fuzzy models based on notion of artificial potential fields. The ability for generalization of rules has also been examined. The initial results qualitatively confirmed the efficiency of the model. More experiments showed at least 32 % of improvement in path planning from the first till the third path planning trial in a sample environment. Analysis of the results, limitations, and recommendations is included for future work.
Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing, 2009
A comparative study of various robot motion planning schemes has been made in the present study. Two soft computing (SC)-based approaches, namely genetic-fuzzy and genetic-neural systems and a conventional potential field method (PFM) have been developed for this purpose. Training to the SC-based approaches is given off-line and the performance of the optimal motion planner has been tested on a real robot. Results of the SC-based motion planners have been compared between themselves and with those of the conventional PFM. Both the SC-based approaches are found to perform better than the PFM in terms of traveling time taken by the robot. Moreover, the performance of fuzzy logic-based motion planner is seen to be comparable with that of neural network-based motion planner. Comparisons among all these three motion planning schemes have been made in terms of robustness, adaptability, goal reaching capability and repeatability. Both the SC-based approaches are found to be more adaptive and robust compared to the PFM. It may be due to the fact that there is no in-built learning module in the PFM and consequently, it is unable to plan the velocity of the robot properly.
International Journal of Automation and Control, 2009
Present research and development in the area of mobile robots mainly aims at study of various techniques, methods and sensors being used for navigation of mobile robots. Different techniques have been discussed for the navigation of mobile robots in the first part. These techniques can be subdivided as (1) fuzzy logic technique, (2) neural network technique and (3) genetic algorithm technique. In the second part, five methods are being discussed for navigation of mobile robots. These methods are (1) potential field method, (2) grid-type method, (3) heuristic method, (4) adaptive navigation method and (v) Virtual Impedance method. The last segment focuses on different sensors being used for navigation of mobile robots. The sensors discussed are (1) ultrasonic sensor, (2) laser sensor, (3) magnetic compass disk sensor, (4) infrared sensor and (5) vision (camera) sensor. Keeping the above strategies in forefront, a comprehensive discussion has been made and is described methodologically in the current paper.
Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2007
This paper introduces a genetic algorithm (GA) planner that is able to rapidly determine optimal or nearoptimal solutions for mobile robot path planning problems in environments containing moving obstacles. The method restricts the search space to the vertices of the obstacles, obviating the need to search the entire environment as in earlier GA-based approaches. The new approach is able to produce an off-line plan through an environment containing dynamic obstacles, and can also recalculate the plan on-line to deal with any motion changes encountered. A particularly novel aspect of the work is the incorporation of the selection of robot speed into the GA genes. The results from a number of realistic environments demonstrate that planning changes in robot speed significantly improves the efficiency of movement through the static and moving obstacles.
Mobile robots often find themselves in a situation where they must find a trajectory to another position in their environment, subject to constraints posed by obstacles and the capabilities of the robot itself. This is the problem of planning a path through a continuous domain, for which several approaches have been developed. A method for autonomous mobile robot path planning is presented. Initially, the environment model, given as a closed chain of polygonal obstacles, is transformed into a visibility graph of obstacle vertices with a minimum number of links. An additional visibility graph of obstacle is formed simultaneously. The given initial point and destination point are presented as obstacles with a single vertex and are added to the determined graphs as vertices and as obstacles correspondingly. The extended graphs are updated and in the first step a shortest path from initial point to destination point through the obstacles is searching for. By this method a subset of obst...
Navigation is one of the most challenging competences required of a mobile robot. Success in navigation requires success in perception, localization, cognition, and motion control. Path planning for mobile robot is not only guarantees a collision free path with minimum travelling distance but also requires smoothness and clearances. In this project, mathematical modeling for the robot was done; path planning was done using an algorithm, than using this mathematical model it was simulated in the MOBOTSIM software in the dynamic environment. Experimental results and real environment working model show that the proposed algorithm has effective and efficient in achieving the goal position in dynamic environment.
The Many industries, including ports, space, surveillance, military, medicine and agriculture have benefited greatly from mobile robot technology. An autonomous mobile robot navigates in situations that are both static and dynamic. As a result, robotics experts have proposed a range of strategies. Perception, localization, path planning, and motion control are all required for mobile robot navigation. However, Path planning is a critical component of a quick and secure navigation. Over the previous few decades, many path-planning algorithms have been developed. Despite the fact that the majority of mobile robot applications take place in static environments, there is a scarcity of algorithms capable of guiding robots in dynamic contexts. This review compares qualitatively mobile robot path-planning systems capable of navigating robots in static and dynamic situations. Artificial potential fields, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colonies, bacterial foraging optimization, and ant-colony are all discussed in the paper. Each method's application domain, navigation technique and validation context are discussed and commonly utilized cutting-edge methods are analyzed. This research will help researchers choose appropriate path-planning approaches for various applications including robotic cranes at the sea ports as well as discover gaps for optimization.
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